KDE SC 4.9.3 available

Written for KDE SC by yurikoles on 2012-11-07

KDE ships November Updates to Applications, Workspaces and Development Platform

                                                 KDE SC 4.9.3 available

Today KDE released updates for its Workspaces, Applications, and Development
These updates are the third in a series of monthly stabilization updates to
the 4.9 series. 4.9.3 updates bring many bugfixes and translation updates on
top of the latest edition in the 4.9 series and are recommended updates for
everyone running 4.9.2 or earlier versions. As the release only contains
bugfixes and translation updates, it will be a safe and pleasant update for

The list of 86 recorded bugfixes include improvements in the Kate editor and
Kontact email and groupware client, resulting from recent coding sprints the
respective teams had. KDE's development platform has received a number of
updates which affect multiple applications.
The changes are listed on KDE's issue tracker. For a detailed list of changes
that went into 4.9.3, you can browse the Subversion and Git logs. 4.9.3 also
ships a more complete set of translations for many of the 55+ supported
To download source code or packages to install go to the 4.9.3 Info Page. If
you would like to find out more about the KDE Workspaces and Applications 4.9,
please refer to the 4.9 release notes and its earlier versions.

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