KeePassXC 2.4.0

Warning: There is a known data-loss bug on MacOS if safe saves are disabled and you are saving to a different file system (eg, VeraCrypt container, google-drive mount, etc). Please enable safe saves to workaround this issue.

Milestone information

Peter J. Mello
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon keepassxc-2.4.0-src.tar.xz (md5, sig) Version 2.4.0 Stable Release Source Code Tarball 5
last downloaded 21 weeks ago
Total downloads: 5

Release notes 

* New Database Wizard
* Advanced Search
* Automatic update checker
* KeeShare database synchronization
* Improve favicon fetching; transition to Duck-Duck-Go
* Remove KeePassHttp support
* Change Auto-Type keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+V to prevent accidental usage
* CLI: output info to stderr for easier scripting
* CLI: Add --quiet option
* CLI: Add create command
* CLI: Add recursive listing of entries
* Linux: Prevent Klipper from storing secrets in clipboard
* Linux: Use polling based file watching for NFS
* Linux: Enable use of browser plugin in Snap build
* TOTP QR Code Generator
* High-DPI Scaling for 4k screens
* Make keyboard shortcuts more consistent
* Warn user if deleting referenced entries
* Allow toolbar to be hidden and repositioned
* Increase max allowed database timeout to 12 hours
* Password generator uses existing password length by default
* Improve alert message box button labels
* Show message when a database merge makes no changes
* Browser Integration Enhancements
* Overall Code Improvements


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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