Comment 1 for bug 835045

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Dolph Mathews (dolph) wrote :

My understanding is that the WSGI spec (PEP-333) says that the "environ parameter is a dictionary object, containing CGI-style environment variables." In turn, the CGI spec (RFC-3875) explicitly defines the grammar for environment meta-variables (section 4.1), based on the HTTP spec (section 4.2 & 2.2, RFC-2616), but also narrows the grammar for implementation-defined HTTP variables as "HTTP_X_*", which I'm guessing establishes the convention for normalizing to all underscores (HTTP_X_AUTH_TOKEN in the CGI env. Our own spec defines our HTTP headers Using-Hyphens (X-Auth-Token).

Looking through the keystone codebase, we appear to always read/write to/from the dictionary of CGI-style environment variables using underscores, and always read/write raw HTTP headers using hyphens, which appears to follow both the convention and our defined spec concerning headers.

If there's a specific usage I missed which is causing issues, please point it out, otherwise I think we can close this for e3.
