lancelot 1.0rc2 "1.0rc2 python2.5"

Provides Python classes and functions to allow BDD-style "given, when, then..." specifications to be made about the behaviour of an object instance, standalone-function or group of collaborating objects (e.g. should_be, should_contain, should_raise, should_collaborate_with); plus the ability to verify that the specifications are met by the underlying code. Branches for both python3 and python2 are maintained.

Milestone information

Code name:
1.0rc2 python2.5
tim b
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Release notes 

This release is intended to be the last before the final 1.0 release. It includes:
- a Spec class to allow BDD-style specifications (given, when, then...) to be made about the behaviour of an object instance or standalone-function (e.g. should_be, should_contain, should_raise, should_collaborate_with)
- a MockSpec class to allow collaborations with other object instances to be specified
- an @verifiable function decorator to allow specifications to be verified
- an @grouping class decorator to allow specifications to be logically grouped together
- a verify() function to use when verifying one or all verifiable specifications
- a number of Comparable classes to use in specifications
- example code to illustrate the various features
- package, class and method docstrings
- a comprehensive set of specifications for the specification classes themselves


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Since rc1:
- added MockResult class to clarify will_return() behaviour and allow will_raise() statements
- added @grouping class decorator to allow @verifiable specifications to be logically grouped together
- added fail_fast option to verify() function
- added it() method to Spec class
- general code and spec tidying-up
- pylint score above 9.0
- pycoverage at 99%

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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