Comment 11 for bug 106452

Revision history for this message
Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote :

I'm going to mark this bug as invalid *because* there is nothing code related in this bug : its all in separate more targeted bugs.

This search:

will return all of our most critical performance bugs. Pages that timeout *sometimes* will often be slow even when they don't timeout.

We have some capacity issues in the data centre - these don't require code changes and thus aren't appropriate as bugs. Additional hardware to resolve those capacity issues *has* been ordered and will come online in the next couple of weeks. Those capacity issues lead to in-datacentre queuing of requests : so something that renders in 0.5s may still take 2 seconds to get to you. Right now (as I write this) we have no such queuing, but sunday has considerably less traffic than monday.

Our 99th percentile render time has dropped was 2.5 seconds late last week - across all pages and services, but some pages are slower - we're tracking fixing that as we fix the aforementioned critical performance bugs.

@andreas if your bug filing issue is not covered by the timeouts - (and I think it is: the '+filebug' timeouts are all about bug filing issues) - please file a *new* bug describing the experience you had, so we can analyse what caused the problem and fix it for you.