Comment 1 for bug 516922

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Muharem Hrnjadovic (al-maisan) wrote :

<spm> al-maisan: hey there! we have a funky one for you unf:
<ubottu> Ubuntu bug 516922 in soyuz "process-pending-packagediffs breaking" [Undecided,New]
<al-maisan> Good morning spm
<al-maisan> let me look
<al-maisan> spm: does it always fail for the same source (freedcpp from to 0.0.1~svn79-1) ?
<spm> al-maisan: yeah, looks like it from a quick scroll thru
<spm> yeah same library alias each time
<al-maisan> spm: in that case the script needs to be more resilient to carry on with the other diffs as opposed to aborting IMHO
<spm> yes please :-)
<al-maisan> s/needs to be more/needs to be made more/
<wgrant> Yeah, it needs to not try to diff against expired sources.
<wgrant> This is going to start happening a lot.
<al-maisan> ah, the source is expired
<spm> heh, it probably already is; in that it's failing on the first one over and over... wheee.
<spm> yo stub
<al-maisan> expired as in expired in the librarian, gotcha
<wgrant> Right.