Comment 3 for bug 587306

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Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

I know that having to register in the upstream tracker is a major annoyance, however it's not something that should be worked around in launchpad. It would make life a bit harder for upstream folks - they couldn't query bugzilla to get a listing of all bugs you've reported for example. I suspect were we to add this, upstreams would invariably choose to block the account.

The OpenID approach is the only realistic solution. Honestly, they ought to be moving to OpenID just as a matter of course, regardless of launchpad. The underlying issue here is not launchpad making things harder, but rather bug trackers each requiring their own login authentication. I also suspect it's inevitable that bugzilla will gain OpenID support eventually.

So, I don't think we should waste any energies working around it at the launchpad level.