libdc1394 2.0.0-series-2.0

libdc1394 is a library that provides a complete high level application programming interface (API) for developers who wish to control IEEE 1394 based cameras that conform to the 1394-based Digital Camera Specifications (also known as the IIDC or DCAM Specifications). The library currently works on Linux, Mac OSX and (soon) Windows. The new Version 2.0 API released January 2008 has been a workout for the older version 1.0 and includes better usability, clearer code, more adaptable ABI for the foreseen kernel modules like juju.

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Peter Antoniac
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Release notes 

The API includes camera detection (hotplug coming soon), broadcast commands, bus resource management (basic), full feature controls (including absolute values), memory channels, external and software trigger, support for all video modes (including 16bit modes and 1394B modes at 800Mb/s), video capture using DMA and full Format_7 control. Moreover, libdc1394 also includes a number extras such as the support of vendor specific features for Allied Vision Technologies (AVT), Basler and PixelInk. The library also includes video conversion tools such as color space conversion (YUV, RGB, MONO, etc...) and the demosaicing of Bayer color pattern images (with 8 different algorithms and including 16bit modes). All these features in combination with the multi-platform compatibility makes libdc1394 the most versatile and performant SDK for IIDC cameras. Moreover, it's open source (license: LGPL) and it's free! Several examples are also provided to put you quickly on the right tracks.


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