News and announcements

MCT 1.6.2

Written for MCT by Paul Pogonyshev on 2013-07-27

Another bug-fix release in 1.6 branch fixes several bugs with compilation in the main code (mostly C++11) and the test suite (certain POSIX systems).

MCT 1.6.1

Written for MCT by Paul Pogonyshev on 2012-12-22

The new release in 1.6 branch fixes several bugs with compilation (both on some POSIX systems and Visual C++ 2008), as well as custom pointer support that caused crashes with certain versions of Boost.Interprocess.

MCT 1.6

Written for MCT by Paul Pogonyshev on 2012-06-09

New stable release is out, this time mostly targeted at better integration with Boost. However, neither Boost.Inteprocess nor Boost.Serialization is required and MCT 1.6 will work fine without them too. As a significant improvement in the building infrastructure, GNU Make can now be used instead of SCons for most of the tasks. Finally, this release has been tested with the latest compilers and is known to work fine on GCC 4.7 and Clang 3.1.

MCT 1.4.1

Written for MCT by Paul Pogonyshev on 2011-07-30

Just released MCT 1.4.1 fixes a C++0x-only bug with move semantics, which resulted in crashes in certain cases. Users of MCT in C++0x mode should upgrade to avoid possible problems.

MCT 1.4

Written for MCT by Paul Pogonyshev on 2011-07-14

Stable MCT 1.4.0 is released. There are no major new features, but rather a large set of memory footprint and performance optimizations and several minor additions, like quick_erase() method. Empty hash tables now don't use any dynamic memory, which makes them more suitable for "many tables, many of them empty" use case. Documentation now lists complexity for all functions and test collection grew by a half.

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