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The project has moved on

Written for libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault on 2010-09-30

If you want the latest version, downloads, documentation, news, go on
The source code is now managed with git on github.

Updated . Read more

libmodbus 2.0.3

Written for libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault on 2009-03-22

libmodbus 2.0.3 (2009-03-22)
- Fix CRC error when a slave RTU send a response.
  Thanks to Justin Carroll to have reported and tested my patch.
- Remove an assignment in compute_response_length()
- Remove duplicate counter in read_io_status()
- Fix #274511 reported by 'Kylesch'
  Invalid error check in modbus_init_listen_tcp

libmodbus 2.0.2

Written for libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault on 2008-08-10

libmodbus 2.0.2 (2008-08-10)
- Fix a bug reported by email by Davide Pippa
  The function modbus_receive must check the number of values
  indicated in the response accordingly to the query.
- Fix #241006 reported by Jesus Hernandez Tapia
  modbus_check_response() crashes on an invalid exception code
- Reduce the number of function calls (read_reg_response and
  preset_response have been removed)
- Add a new unit test for bad response
- Catch the timeout even if the length is equal to a exception trame
- Test only msg_length_computed on change
- Many comments and cleanups

PPA for libmodbus

Written for libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault on 2008-08-10

libmodbus packages are available on my PPA. It's certainly the easier solution to use this Modbus library.

libmodbus 2.0.1

Written for libmodbus by Stéphane Raimbault on 2008-07-03

- Include libmodbus.spec in the tarball
- Fix #241006 reported by Jesus Hernandez Tapia
  modbus_check_response() crashes on an invalid exception code

Updated .

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