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0.2.2 release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

2 Critical bug fixes and some minor changes


Fix: #407243 New lines are not properly parsed by http module.
Fix: #438583 Data corruption on binary_data::operator+=
Fix: StringConverter working with zero size str.
Add extra tests that expose previously fixed bugs.
Bump to version 0.2.2

File Description Downloads
download icon liboonet-0.2.2.tar.gz (md5) 0.2.2 stable cross-platform sources 25
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 25

0.2 release from the 0.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

So... speed! Speed comes from the new "copy on write" transparent support of binary_data. binary_data objects are performing all their actions with shared pointer in the background and real copy is done only when you need to alter your local copy. From the external view binary_data is acting the same way as previously and you can just forget that it is CoW enabled, you just see some speed improvements. But all this comes with an extra overhead, so the class may perform slightly slower if you are using it to store little data like 10-20 bytes, but this depends too on the hardware.

Less error-prone! Firstly we say bye bye to the crappy MultiReference<> and the well tested and approved boost::shared_ptr<> takes it place. Sockets have been redesigned to use shared_ptr<> and close() having ...


* New: Transparent CoW (copy on write) support at binary_data class.
* New: oonet::mt::scoped_lock.
* Changed: oonet::multireference has been removed and we now use boost::shared_ptr
* Dropped: InetClient, InetPeer, InetServer
* New: netstream for synchronous network streams
* New: netsteram_threaded for automatic data gathering
* New: netserver<> for implementing "listen and dispatch" server
* Improved: http parse/render performance
* Improved: http rfc compatibility.

File Description Downloads
download icon liboonet-0.2.1.tar.gz (md5) 0.2.1 stable cross-platform sources 19
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
download icon liboonet-0.2-beta2.tar.gz (md5) 0.2 - Beta 2 cross-platform sources 17
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
download icon liboonet-0.2-beta1.tar.gz (md5) 0.2 - Beta 1 cross-platform sources 15
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 51

0.1-series-0.x release from the 0.x series released

Release information

* 1st public release of liboonet

File Description Downloads
download icon liboonet-0.1.tar.gz (md5) Source-package for linux variants 14
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
Total downloads: 14