Comment 2 for bug 1606435

Revision history for this message
Aaron Wells (u-aaronw) wrote :

To replicate (case 1):

1. Log in as admin
2. Go to "Contents -> Files" and upload a 1 MB file.
3. Go to "Administration -> Institutions" and click "Add institution" to create a new institution.
4. Give the new institution the name "Institution A" and save it.
5. Go to "Administration -> Institutions -> Members" and add the admin user to Institution A.
6. Go to "Administration -> Institutions" and click the edit link for Institution A, to go to the edit config page.
7. Set "Default quota" to 500 Kilobytes, and "Update user quotas" to "Yes".
8. Click "Submit"

Expected result: You see a notification telling you that you are now over the quota.
Actual result: You see the "Too few parameters" warning message in the error logs, and you see an empty pink session message area on the page.