Mahara 1.8.4

Milestone information

Robert Lyon
Release registered:
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7 Robert Lyon
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
11 Fix Released

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Release notes 

 * Bug #1009262: User passwords logged when LDAP misconfigured
 * Bug #1296472: The reset password link should expire
 * Bug #1314440: Deleting an institution which has user's registrations causes error
 * Bug #1320027: Editing a group home page can cause warnings
 * Bug #1326174: Creating a new group causes warnings using MySQL
 * Bug #1350254: upgrade complains of duplicate cron row
 * Bug #1350595: bug in error lib file
 * Bug #1268746: Squelch PHP 5.4+ strict standards errors
 * Bug #1321972: When placing multiple feedbacks, previous feedback text shows up in text field
 * Bug #1328705: Other active sessions should be destroyed after changing password
 * Bug #1337626: Generate page content before initialising smarty
 * Bug #1323495: Google Maps URLs not working in Google Apps block


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Checking for $bt['class'] before trying to access it (Bug #1350595)
Delete leftover data not associated to any institution (Bug 1314440)
Fix issues when deleting an institution. Bug 1314440
Fix the bug when the Mysql database collation is not set to ci
Add dbprefix to the table name in SQL statement (Bug #1326174)
Bug1323495: Make new/modified Google Maps work
Fixing upgrade script (Bug #1350254)
Destroy user's sessions when (Bug 1328705)
Checking and removing of expired password requests (Bug #1296472)
Catch the exception in LDAP auth (Bug #1009262)
Generate page content before initialising smarty (Bug #1337626)
Silence most E_STRICT errors
Clear feedback text on second comment, even if TinyMCE is disabled
Only render the submission form in the viewing mode (Bug 1320027)
Exclude Makefile and phpunit.xml from export zip
Fix the target 'link=Edit title and description' in the Create_New_View_1 test case

0 blueprints and 11 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1009262 #1009262 User passwords logged when LDAP misconfigured 2 Critical   10 Fix Released
1296472 #1296472 The reset password link should expire 3 High Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1314440 #1314440 Deleting an institution which has user's registrations causes error 3 High Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1320027 #1320027 Editing a group home page can cause warnings 3 High   10 Fix Released
1323495 #1323495 Google Maps URLs not working in Google Apps block 3 High Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1326174 #1326174 Creating a new group causes warnings using MySQL 3 High Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1350254 #1350254 upgrade complains of duplicate cron row 3 High Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1350595 #1350595 bug in error lib file 3 High   10 Fix Released
1321972 #1321972 When placing multiple feedbacks, previous feedback text shows up in text field 4 Medium Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
1328705 #1328705 Other active sessions should be destroyed after changing password 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1337626 #1337626 Generate page content before initialising smarty 4 Medium Robert Lyon  10 Fix Released
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