MadGraph5_aMC@NLO 2.8.x "VBF and muon"

      OM: For LO process, you can now set lpp1 and lpp2 to "4" for process with initial photon in order to get the
          effective photon approximation. This mode behaves like the "3" one: The cut-off scale of the approximation
          is taken from the fixed renormalization factorisation scale: "dsqrt_q2fact1/dsqrt_q2fact2"
      OM: The width ao T-channel propagator are now set to zero automatically.
          To return to the previous behaviour , you can use the options "set zerowidth_tchannel False"
          (to set before the output command)
      OM: Change in madevent phase-space integrator for T-channel:
            - The integration of photon/Z/Higgs are now done together rather than separatly and follow importance
               sampling of the photon channel
            - A new option "set max_t_for_channel X" allows to veto some channel of integration with more than X
               t-channel propagator. This options can speed-up significantly the computation in VBF process.
               (We advise to set X to 2 in those cases)
            - Fix a numerical issue occuring for low invariant mass in T-channel creating spurious configuration.
      OM: In madspin_card you can now replace the line "launch"
          by "launch -n NAME", this will allow to specify the name of the
          directory in EVENTS where that run is stored.
      OM: Change in the python interface of the standalone output. In top of the pdg of the particles,
          you can now use the process_id (the one specified with @X) to distinguish process with the same particle
          content. This parameter can be set to -1 and the function then ignore that parameter.
      OM: Adding new option in reweighting to allow the user to use the process_id in presence of ambiguous
          initial/final state.
      OM: Update the makefile of standalone interface to python to be able to compile in multicore.
           (thanks Matthias Komm)
      OM: Update of the auto-width code to support UFO form-factors
      OM: Fixing numerical issue with the boost in EPA mode.

Milestone information

Code name:
VBF and muon
Olivier Mattelaer
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Release notes 

      OM: pass to python3 by default
      OM: For LO process, you can now set lpp1 and lpp2 to "4" for process with initial photon in order to get the
          effective photon approximation. This mode behaves like the "3" one: The cut-off scale of the approximation
          is taken from the fixed renormalization factorisation scale: "dsqrt_q2fact1/dsqrt_q2fact2"
      OM: The width ao T-channel propagator are now set to zero automatically.
          To return to the previous behaviour , you can use the options "set zerowidth_tchannel False"
          (to set before the output command)
      OM: Change in madevent phase-space integrator for T-channel:
            - The integration of photon/Z/Higgs are now done together rather than separatly and follow importance
               sampling of the photon channel
            - A new option "set max_t_for_channel X" allows to veto some channel of integration with more than X
               t-channel propagator. This options can speed-up significantly the computation in VBF process.
               (We advise to set X to 2 in those cases)
            - Fix a numerical issue occuring for low invariant mass in T-channel creating spurious configuration.
      OM: In madspin_card you can now replace the line "launch"
          by "launch -n NAME", this will allow to specify the name of the
          directory in EVENTS where that run is stored.
      OM: Change in the python interface of the standalone output. In top of the pdg of the particles,
          you can now use the process_id (the one specified with @X) to distinguish process with the same particle
          content. This parameter can be set to -1 and the function then ignore that parameter.
      OM: Adding new option in reweighting to allow the user to use the process_id in presence of ambiguous
          initial/final state.
      OM: Update the makefile of standalone interface to python to be able to compile in multicore.
           (thanks Matthias Komm)
      OM: Update of the auto-width code to support UFO form-factors
      OM: Fixing numerical issue with the boost in EPA mode.


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