
Comment 3 for bug 1570353

Revision history for this message
Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

04:41:17 [ RUN ] ServerSignal.terminate_handler_is_called_for_SIGTERM
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:44.534151] mirserver: Starting
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:44.800901] mirserver: Selected driver: dummy (version 0.23.0)
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:46.285211] mirserver: Using software cursor
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:54.459913] mirserver: Initial display configuration:
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:54.500420] mirserver: 1.1: VGA 0.0" 0x0mm
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:54.517614] mirserver: Current mode 1600x1600 60.00Hz
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:54.520636] mirserver: Preferred mode 1600x1600 60.00Hz
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:54.523432] mirserver: Logical position +0+0
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:56.291868] mirserver: Selected input driver: mir:stub-input (version: 0.23.0)
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:27:56.495878] mirserver: Mir version 0.23.0
04:41:17 unknown file: Failure
04:41:17 C++ exception with description "Poll on readfd for pipe timed out" thrown in the test body.
04:41:17 unknown file: Failure
04:41:17 C++ exception with description "Timeout while waiting for child to change state" thrown in TearDown().
04:41:17 Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly.
04:41:17 Function call: terminate_handler(15)
04:41:17 Stack trace:
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:30:44.868762] mirserver: Stopping
04:41:17 unknown file: Failure
04:41:17 C++ exception with description "Failed to start server thread" thrown in the test body.
04:41:17 [2016-05-25 04:30:46.160810] mirserver: Stopping
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== FILE DESCRIPTORS: 4 open at exit.
04:41:17 ==14198== Open file descriptor 4: /��BUILDDIR��/mir-0.23.0+xenial1168bzr3516/obj-i686-linux-gnu/Testing/Temporary/LastTest.log.tmp
04:41:17 ==14198== <inherited from parent>
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== Open file descriptor 2:
04:41:17 ==14198== <inherited from parent>
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== Open file descriptor 1:
04:41:17 ==14198== <inherited from parent>
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== Open file descriptor 0: /dev/null
04:41:17 ==14198== <inherited from parent>
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== HEAP SUMMARY:
04:41:17 ==14198== in use at exit: 32,950 bytes in 36 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== total heap usage: 34,209 allocs, 34,173 frees, 1,758,363 bytes allocated
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== LEAK SUMMARY:
04:41:17 ==14198== definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== possibly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== still reachable: 32,950 bytes in 36 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
04:41:17 ==14198== Reachable blocks (those to which a pointer was found) are not shown.
04:41:17 ==14198== To see them, rerun with: --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all
04:41:17 ==14198==
04:41:17 ==14198== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
04:41:17 ==14198== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
04:41:17 [ FAILED ] ServerSignal.terminate_handler_is_called_for_SIGTERM (183252 ms)