ModSecurity 2.7.3

Milestone information

Tim Perkins
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download icon modsecurity-2.7.3.tar.gz (md5) revno:1048 113
last downloaded 50 weeks ago
Total downloads: 113

Release notes 



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28 Mar 2013 - 2.7.3

  * Fixed IIS version race condition when module is initialized.

  * Fixed IIS version failing config commands in libapr.

  * Nginx version is now RC quality. The rule engine should works for all phases.
    We fixed many issues and missing features (for more information please check jira).
    Code is running well with latest Nginx 1.2.7 stable.
    Thanks chaizhenhua for your help.

  * Added MULTIPART_NAME and MULTIPART_FILENAME. Should be used soon by CRS
    and will help prevent attacks using multipart data.

  * Added --enable-htaccess-config configure option. It will allow the follow directives
    to be used into .htaccess files when AllowOverride Options is set:

        - SecAction
        - SecRule

        - SecRuleRemoveByMsg
        - SecRuleRemoveByTag
        - SecRuleRemoveById

        - SecRuleUpdateActionById
        - SecRuleUpdateTargetById
        - SecRuleUpdateTargetByTag
        - SecRuleUpdateTargetByMsg

  * Improvements in the ID duplicate code checking. Should be faster now.

  * SECURITY: Added SecXmlExternalEntity (On|Off - default it Off) that will disable
    by default the external entity load task executed by LibXml2. This is a security issue
    reported by Timur Yunusov, Alexey Osipov (Positive Technologies).

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