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1112 of 12 releases

0.2 release from the 0.2 series released

Release information
Release notes:

- General:
  . Mugshot is now designed for use with only Python 3.
  . Dependency on yelp/ghelp has been removed.
  . Packaging has been simplified.

File Description Downloads
download icon mugshot-0.2.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source tarball 37
last downloaded 27 weeks ago
Total downloads: 37

0.1.0 release from the 0.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Initial release. Current supported functionality:
- Choose a profile pic from the stock browser, your files, or a webcam.
- Update Pidgin buddy icon.
- Update user details in /etc/passwd and LibreOffice.


Initial release 0.1.0

File Description Downloads
download icon mugshot-0.1.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Mugshot 0.1.0 source 60
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 60

1112 of 12 releases