Netrek Client BRMH brmh-2.6.0-pre20090729

First import of BRMH 2.6.0 dev tree into launchpad.

Milestone information

Netrek Client BRMH
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Release notes 

Update BRMH trunk in preparation for a 2.6.0 release. First public snapshot release of 2.6.0.

Removed RSA, added spacebar-to-enter-from-motd, some display/formatting changes, and code cleanup.


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General changes:
- Removed RSA and added extended version string support, as RSA is deprecated
- Added support to re-enter from the MOTD after death by hitting the space bar
  with the same ship/race as the previous ship
- "lag (st. dev.)" in the ping stats window is now "stdev (rtt)", as "lag" is
  a very poor and incorrect definition of round trip time variation
- The "new" playerlist introduced in 2.5 is now default; the old behavior can
  be restored from the options screen or in the rc file (specifically,
  "sortPlayers" and "sortPlayersObs" now default to "on" instead of "off")
- Added IPv6 support (note: temporarily removed from the 20090729 release)
- Default cloaked ship characters on galactic changed to '><'
- Sample xtrekrc with appropriate 2.6 settings included (plus a DDuddy macro!)

Code changes:
- Handle unknown feature packets more gracefully
- Removed mp/gmp support as these are no longer needed after stripping RSA
- Deprecated specific Ultrix build support, as it was RSA-specific
- Removed various miscellaneous RSA-related code that is no longer needed

TODO for final release of BRMH 2.6:
- Finish IPv6 support (testing requires finishing IPv6 support in the server)
- Fix bug where nearby ships might not show on the tactical upon entry until
  a ship action packet is sent to the server
- Auto-close tactical/galactic info and other dialogs after a user-specific
  period of time, defaulting to leaving them open until closed as before
- Fix TTS (may be pushed to a future release depending on complexity)
- Display slot # along with ship speed with none, either, or both configurable
- Respond to pig call
- Clean up included xtrekrc and include 1280x1024+ version

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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