Comment 3 for bug 1045617

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dan wendlandt (danwent) wrote :

This patch looks like a good fix for the issue described above, but I'm concerned we have a more general issue around the implementation not being consistent with what we at least originally envisioned for the spec (see host_routes attribute of a subnet:

At issue are scenarios where a subnet has a gateway, but this gateway is not the default gateway. This about a scenario where all VMs have two NICs. The first NIC is plugged into network public, which has a gateway IP of, and acts as the default gateway for VM traffic. The second VM NIC is plugging into network private, which is specific to the tenant. This network has a gateway IP as well of This gateway IP is not the default gateway for VMs (otherwise the VMs would get two default gateways), it is simply a gateway that provides access to the a particular IP prefix (e.g., For example, this might be a remote network in the customer premises.

The original design for host_routes handled this by saying that a subnet's host_routes would default to [ { 'destination':, nexthop: <gateway-ip>}], but someone who wanted a gateway that was not a default gateway could specify host routes that did include a default route, and instead just had a more specific route, for example: [ {'destination': '', 'nexthop': <gateway-ip>}]

It seems like the current logic in doesn't create any route by default, and so as a result, dnsmasq generates one every time, putting us in the situation we see here.

Thinking a bit more, I think there's even a single VIF case where this applies. What if you wanted a private network that was just uplinked to a remote subnet in another data center, but was not supposed to have a default gateway at all. Even with the current change, I think its impossible to have a gateway-ip and not have it be the default gateway.

Does this issue make sense to people? Are there other suggestions on how we should handle it?