Comment 1 for bug 1080846

Revision history for this message
Robert Collins (lifeless) wrote :

emilien suggested using 'sudo' as the root_helper in the quantum-dhcp.ini file.

That permits the command to work :

2012-11-19 20:50:53 14448 DEBUG quantum.agent.linux.utils [-] Running command: sudo ip netns exec qdhcp-a10792e8-3787-471b-b55b-dbe1ba4e95a3 ip -o link show tap8181df00-d9 execute /opt/stack/quantum/quantum/agent/linux/
2012-11-19 20:50:53 14448 DEBUG quantum.agent.linux.utils [-]
Command: ['sudo', 'ip', 'netns', 'exec', 'qdhcp-a10792e8-3787-471b-b55b-dbe1ba4e95a3', 'ip', '-o', 'link', 'show', 'tap8181df00-d9']
Exit code: 0