Comment 7 for bug 1369386

Revision history for this message
Armando Migliaccio (armando-migliaccio) wrote :

I agree with all these points, but similar decisions were made in the past, so I am not sure why this one should be treated any differently.

For instance, at the end of the Icehouse cycle, Neutron got a new dependency on novaclient and yet we enabled notification by default. This led to a similar unfriendly upgrade path the reason where Neutron needed novaclient installed when previously it didn't.

As far this is concerned, I think this issue raised enough awareness that we can fix the actual problem where it belongs, like TripleO, package specs, puppet/chef cookbooks, rather than churning more changes than are strictly required. Even deploying from source does not prevent you from incurring from issues like these from time to time. Another example is DVR: that requires L3 and Firewall agents to run on the compute boxes now. This may lead to new dependencies that need to be solved. We chose to keep DVR disabled by default, and that clearly gives more time to people to catch up, but that's not why we did it.