Comment 1 for bug 885348

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Salvatore Orlando (salvatore-orlando) wrote :

This bug report appears to contradict this one:, which instead proposes to remove plugins.ini to avoid having multiple configuration files.

As we have a patch unde review for the above mentioned bug it is the case of deciding for a course of action.

I'm struggling a bit to understand what we are trying to fix/improve with this bug.

Do we want to allow the Quantum administrator to change the plugin at runtime? In this case, assuming we have a concrete use case for it, the problem would be much bigger than just having multiple plugins.ini files.

If instead we want Quantum to manage several plugins at the same time, one way of addressing it is to have multiple plugins declared in quantum.conf. I'm not very keen on multiplying the number of configuration files. Still, the problem is maybe bigger, as we will need to have appropriate routing on the plugin interface. Also, we need to understand the consequences of running several plugins (which I guess will not talk each other) on the same infrastructure.

Just my 2p on the subject.