NicNames r151

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download icon nicnames r151.tar.gz (md5) NicNames software - complete 15
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
Total downloads: 15

Release notes 

Attached is a new version of the NicNames software (r151), to update version r142 which is the previous one I sent around.

Installation instructions, including upgrading, are in the enclosed README file.

Notable updates include:

- This is the first revision in which all the tabs of the interface are now implemented and working, therefore the product no longer looks "unfinished". In particular, the "Records needing attention" tab is now implemented, and the "Import" tab has been re-organised so that only import formats that are actually installed are shown.

- When a set of search results is more than 20, the results span more than one page. It is now possible to get to subsequent result pages using the page links at the bottom of the results. Interface for this has been improved.

- Auto-matching has been improved, fixing some bugs during import and merging.

- Institution-specific importers, such as the "Swinburne Staff extract" importer and the "UNSW staff extract" importer are no longer included in the distributed software package. These will be maintained separately. If you have installed previous versions of NicNames you may have earlier versions of these already.

Known issues:

- It is not yet possible to mark a large number of records as "verified" at once within the web interface, only one at a time is supported currently.

Please report problems as you see them,



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