Comment 2 for bug 1793569

Revision history for this message
Mohammed Naser (mnaser) wrote :

Updated iteration that deletes allocations from RPs that has been deleted.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import argparse
import sys

from openstack import connection
import openstack.config

config = openstack.config.OpenStackConfig()
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
config.register_argparse_arguments(parser, sys.argv)

options = parser.parse_args()

cloud_region = config.get_one(argparse=options)
conn = connection.Connection(config=cloud_region)

# Grab list of all hypervisors and their servers
hypervisors = conn.compute.get('/os-hypervisors?with_servers=true', microversion='2.53').json().get('hypervisors')

# Generate a dictionary mapping of hypervisor => [instances]
hypervisor_mapping = {h['id']: [s['uuid'] for s in h.get('servers', [])] for h in hypervisors}
hypervisor_names = {h['id']: h['hypervisor_hostname'] for h in hypervisors}

# Grab list of all resource providers
resource_providers = conn.placement.get('/resource_providers').json().get('resource_providers')
for rp in resource_providers:
  # Check if RP has VCPU in inventory (i.e. compute node)
  inventories = conn.placement.get('/resource_providers/%s/inventories' % rp['uuid']).json().get('inventories')

  # Skip those without VCPU and MEMORY_MB (non computes)
  if 'MEMORY_MB' not in inventories and 'VCPU' not in inventories:

  # Get all allocations for RP
  allocations = conn.placement.get('/resource_providers/%s/allocations' % rp['uuid']).json().get('allocations')

  for allocation_id, info in allocations.iteritems():
    # No compute node for this rp, delete allocation
    if rp['uuid'] not in hypervisor_mapping:
      print "openstack resource provider allocation delete %s # resource provider does not have matching provider" % allocation_id

    # The instance does not exist where placement says it should be.
    if allocation_id not in hypervisor_mapping[rp['uuid']]:
      hypervisor = None

      # Try to find where it's hiding.
      for hyp, instances in hypervisor_mapping.iteritems():
        if allocation_id in instances:
          hypervisor = hyp

      # We found it.
      if hypervisor:
        classes = ','.join(["%s=%s" % (key, value) for key, value in info.get('resources').iteritems()])
        print "openstack resource provider allocation set --allocation rp=%s,%s %s # instance allocated on wrong rp" % (hypervisor, classes, allocation_id)

      # We don't know where this is. Let's see if it exists in Nova.
      server = conn.placement.get('/servers/%s' % allocation_id)
      if server.status_code == 404:
        print "openstack resource provider allocation delete %s # instance deleted" % allocation_id

      # TODO: idk? edge cases?

  if rp['uuid'] not in hypervisor_mapping:
    print "openstack resource provider delete %s # resource provider does not have matching provider" % rp['uuid']