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ntrack 001 - a library to track network online status changes

Written for ntrack by Alexander Sack on 2009-10-10


I finished a first release cycle for my current pet and spare-time project "ntrack".

ntrack is ment to improve the linux desktop experience by making it easy for application developers to track network online status changes and make their applications react accordingly.

This is a "get-out-in-the-wild" proof-of-concept release and as that far from complete; besides a working monitor test application that echoes network state changes to stdout there is not much to see. However, there is already enough work to hack on don't hesitate to contact me or submit patches directly!

Here some quick facts on ntrack and this release:

Project: ntrack - Network Online Status Tracking library for Desktop Applications
Project-Summary: ntrack aims to be a lightweight and easy to use library for application developers that want to get events on network online status changes such as online, offline or route changes.
Release notes:
  * desktop/architecture independent common lib/API
  * track network CONNECT, DISCONNECT and REROUTE events
  * build time backend API provides hooks for OS-specific code
  * working libnl backend implementation for Linux
  * working mtest_monitor that echos net state changes on stdout

  Known Issues:
  * API/ABI cannot be considered stable yet
  * glib and qt bindings are only stubbed out - not working yet
  * mtest_monitor needs manual changes to network topology

Stay tuned,
 - Alexander

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