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110 of 13 releases

1.0 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the first production release of the adapter. Release notes may be found at

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapterAndFramework-1.0.nupkg (md5) NuGet Package with Framework 315
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapter-1.0.nupkg (md5) Nuget Package 146
last downloaded 4 weeks ago
download icon (md5) zip of binaries (use with TFS) 229
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapter-1.0.vsix (md5) vsix file 354
last downloaded 8 days ago
Total downloads: 1,044

0.97 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the release candidate for version 1.0 of the test adapter.

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapterAndFramework-0.97.nupkg (md5) NuGet Package with Framework 54
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapter-0.97.nupkg (md5) NuGet Package 21
last downloaded 7 days ago
download icon (md5) zip of binaries (use with TFS) 40
last downloaded 8 days ago
download icon NUnitVisualStudioTestAdapter-0.97.vsix (md5) vsix file 61
last downloaded 8 days ago
Total downloads: 176

0.96 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.0.96.0.nupkg (md5) Nuget 206
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework.0.96.0.nupkg (md5) Nuget with framework 61
last downloaded 3 days ago
download icon (md5) Zip for TFS 105
last downloaded 4 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) VSIX 192
last downloaded 2 days ago
Total downloads: 564

0.95.2 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Fix of bug 1188000, will not run in solutons with projects targeting only .net 2.0/3.5 projects.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Zip file to ease TFS build installation 74
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.0.95.2.nupkg (md5) Nuget adapter without framework 32
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework.0.95.2.nupkg (md5) Nuget adapter with framework for 0.95.2 26
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) VSIX for 0.95.2 53
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 185

0.95.1 release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Fix of bug regarding selected tests, which where not run, neither able to debug.

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5) Zip archieve for use on TFS build if you dont use Nuget 57
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.0.95.1.nupkg (md5) Nuget package with only adapter 37
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework.0.95.1.nupkg (md5) Nuget package with framework 29
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) VSIX 73
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 196

0.95 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.WithFramework.0.95.0.nupkg (md5) Nuget package for adapter with framework 2.6.2 55
last downloaded 5 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.0.95.0.nupkg (md5) Nuget package for Adapter without framework 27
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon (md5) Zip archieve for use on TFS (when not using Nuget packages) 33
last downloaded 6 days ago
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) VSIX 162
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 277

0.94 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) Visual Studio Extension 271
last downloaded 7 days ago
Total downloads: 271

0.93.2 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) Visual Studio Extension 105
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 105

0.93.1 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) Visual Studio Extension 26
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 26

0.93 release from the trunk series released

File Description Downloads
download icon NUnitTestAdapter.vsix (md5) v 27
last downloaded 5 days ago
Total downloads: 27

110 of 13 releases