News and announcements

Nutty 1.0.0 Released

Written for Nutty by Siddhartha Das on 2018-04-29

*Ability to edit device name and manufacturer name
*Ability to remove a device on right click context menu
*A new icon and header branding
*Standardized code for XML parsing (libxml)
*Optimized resource loading (gresource)
*Better handling of discovered device data (sqlite3)
*Shortcuts and bug fixes
*Standardized naming of resources (RDNN)

Nutty Information Export

Written for Nutty by Siddhartha Das on 2016-07-26

Functionality to export the information from Nutty into a CSV file format. The data from all tabs on Nutty will be exported into one consolidated spreadsheet format when the user chooses the export function.

Check Internet Speed on Nutty

Written for Nutty by Siddhartha Das on 2016-03-28

Find the Upload and Download speeds for your Internet connection using the "Speed" tab on Nutty

New Device Notification

Written for Nutty by Siddhartha Das on 2016-02-13

If Device monitoring is enabled in the preferences, any new device found on the network will be notified to the user with a on screen notification.

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Background Device Discovery

Written for Nutty by Siddhartha Das on 2016-01-24

The user can enable background device discovery at a desired frequency to monitor for new devices on the local network without opening the Nutty application. All devices discovered will be recorded and displayed in the Nutty "Device" tab

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