Comment 2 for bug 901027

Revision history for this message
James E. Blair (corvus) wrote :

It's a result of the virtualenv caching and relocation we do on Jenkins. The script does:
    # Tell the virtual env how to "import nova"
    pthfile = os.path.join(venv, "lib", PY_VERSION, "site-packages",
    f = open(pthfile, 'w')
    f.write("%s\n" % ROOT)

Which isn't corrected by making the venv relocatable. I've added the following command to the jenkins venv copy job:

  perl -MCwd -ple '$CWD=Cwd::abs_path();s,^/.*/workspace/.*,$CWD,' -i .nova-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/*.pth

Which should take care of that. We'll want to get this in all of the venv copy jobs; ideally by combining them.