News and announcements

Tatu added to Gerrit!

Written for Tatu by Pino de Candia on 2018-02-09

A few days ago the Infra Team enabled Tatu in Gerrit: Thanks to the Infra Team!

We still have patches pending to get tatu-dashboard and python-tatuclient added, but they have Zuul and CR approval (waiting on workflow).

Octavia project is migrating to Storyboard

Written for octavia by Michael Johnson on 2017-09-06

As part of an OpenStack initiative, Octavia has migrated bugs/blueprints to Storyboard.!/project_group/70

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Tricircle 3.0.0 released(Ocata)

Written for Tricircle by Chaoyi Huang on 2017-02-22

Tricircle is a project dedicated for networking automation across Neutron in OpenStack multi-region deployments.
release notes:

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Release Downloads move to

Written for OpenStack Searchlight by Travis Tripp on 2016-12-15

Searchlight Release downloads will no longer be available from launchpad. Please see

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