
110 of 10 results
trunk series Focus of Development
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

The "trunk" series represents the primary line of development rather than a stable release branch. This is sometimes also called MAIN or HEAD.

4.9 series Active Development
Latest milestones: 4.9.0     Latest releases: 4.9.3, 4.9.2, 4.9.1, 4.9.0
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

OXID eShop versions 4.9 (PE, CE) and 5.2 (EE) are released. Besides the capability of more than 1,000 sub shops in EE there were made a lot of changes under the hood. Please read more about it in this blog post:

As you're likely more in development and interested in more details, we recommend to take your time to consume the release notes

4.8 series Supported
Latest releases: 4.8.9, 4.8.8, 4.8.7, 4.8.6, 4.8.5, 4.8.4, 4.8.3, 4.8.2, 4.8.1
Bugs targeted: None
Blueprints targeted: None

With this new minor series we addressed the following main changes:
- new features like the PayPal standalone module and the Mobile Theme were added as encapsulated modules into the standard package of OXID eShop
- addressed some legal issues as well as SEPA integration
- streamlined language files as well as code
- focussed on changes that might be helpful for developers for better implementation, * debugging and development
- raised the granularity of caching capabilities with the introduction of new widgets
- dropped the support for PHP 5.2

For more detailed information about these changes and a link to the update packages, please visit the release notes page on OXIDforge: http://wiki.oxidforge.org/Downloads/4.8.0_5.1.0

4.7 series Obsolete
Latest releases: 4.7.14
Blueprints targeted: None

Basically, we decided to focus feature-wise on Enterprise Edition especially to serve clients with high load scenarios, as well as with the need for enhanced scalability. Of course both, Professional and Community Editions benefit from the essential software changes, for example in the framework and core, as well. Read the blog post with a summary of improvements and changes:

4.6 series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

OXID eShop version 4.6.0 is released and provides downloadable products, RDFa + GoodRelations support and a bunch of other cool features. Also, we have revamped the module handling and have been working on performance improvements. Please read more about version 4.6.0 in this blog post:

4.5 series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

Last week, we proudly published the final release of OXID eShop version 4.5.0 providing a completely revamped pathbreaking store front design. We also introduced a theme engine to make it even easier for you to adapt the default design to the shop owner's business case, to make future updates easier and to develop your own templates from scratch.

4.4 series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

"It is the first and only eCommerce software that includes advanced Private Sales and Live Shopping features in its Open Source package. Additionally, the new version integrates Facebook Connect, Share, Like, Comment, Invite, Chat, and more." Ralf states in his blog post.

You will find a detailed description of the new features and further links (e.g. to the release notes and updates) on this page in OXID forge:

4.3 series Obsolete
Latest milestones: 4.1.3-19918     Latest releases: 4.1.3-19918
Blueprints targeted: None

The 4.3 series of OXID eShop

4.2 series Obsolete
Blueprints targeted: None

The 4.2 series of OXID eShop

4.1 series Obsolete
Latest releases: 4.1.2-18998, 4.1.1-18442, 4.1.0-17976
Blueprints targeted: None

OXID eShop Community Edition, release 4.1.x

110 of 10 results