
Milestone information

Jonathan Coustick
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    [PAYARA-820] - jms destinations can be edited to contain a / in the physical destination name.
    [PAYARA-1072] - Startup, Deployment and Shutdown errors on distributed Cache with Custom POJO as Key or Value
    [PAYARA-1077] - JBatch table creation fails on MySQL with strict mode enabled
    [PAYARA-1375] - Flashlight Listener configuration failures in EJBs
    [PAYARA-1555] - The asadmin recorder should handle passwords
    [PAYARA-1590] - Malformed SQL Query caused by EclipseLink with Table per class inheritance and secondary tables
    [PAYARA-1619] - Upon start some healthchecks do not run when enabled
    [PAYARA-1640] - Oauth Token Problems
    [PAYARA-1652] - Reentrant calls to Stateful EJB beans throw exception
    [PAYARA-1681] - Corruption of HTTPS post request bodies since v164
    [PAYARA-1690] - asadmin get-log-notifier-configuration fails
    [PAYARA-1691] - useSeparateLogFile is not optional in notification-log-configure command
    [PAYARA-1694] - Healthcheck still prints out error in log
    [PAYARA-1695] - JACC not correct after request.authenticate
    [PAYARA-1696] - Reconfiguing a notifer starts an additional thread
    [PAYARA-1701] - payara-embedded-all no longer standalone in
    [PAYARA-1702] - Datadog notifer should return error with invalid response code
    [PAYARA-1704] - stop-all-domains erroneously accepts an operand
    [PAYARA-1708] - Incorporate the fix for JAVASERVERFACES-4240 in Mojarra
    [PAYARA-1715] - @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition ignores transactional false attribute
    [PAYARA-1722] - --kill is ignored for stop-all-domains
    [PAYARA-1723] - JMX Connector doesn't listen on all configured IPs when hostname is or *
    [PAYARA-1730] - When lazy-init is set to true, Payara can hang if the ORB is accessed too early
    [PAYARA-1732] - Unexpected error when retrieving JDBC connections on remote applications
    [PAYARA-1738] - Some minor refactoring to the MDB container
    [PAYARA-1739] - Pre and Post-boot commands parsing problems
    [PAYARA-1742] - List Rest Endpoints throws NPE when no package
    [PAYARA-1753] - ORBServerHost system property is ignored
    [PAYARA-1759] - The Admin Console log levels page loads incorrect values which disables logging
    [PAYARA-1762] - Race condition in Payara Micro boot when many instances started quickly
    [PAYARA-1763] - Adding a jar to MICRO-INF/runtime prevents creation of Uber Jar
    [PAYARA-1764] - NPE when listing REST endpoints in Payara Micro
    [PAYARA-1770] - Editing a HTTP listener with monitoring enabled should show "Requires Restart"
    [PAYARA-1780] - healthcheck-configure gives errors if deprecated option --notifierEnabled is missing
    [PAYARA-1787] - 'Redirect Port' won't allow resetting in http listener config
    [PAYARA-1792] - Env replacement does not work in glassfish-resources.xml
    [PAYARA-1800] - Notifiers should not start on boot if not enabled
    [PAYARA-1802] - "Description" is not displayed in "JMS Connection Factories"
    [PAYARA-1809] - Payara Micro EventBus sends same for Instance and ServerName
    [PAYARA-1810] - Restart of EJB Timers fails when Hazelcast is enabled on a clustered instance.
    [PAYARA-1839] - Update the documentation links and text in the Admin Console
    [PAYARA-1841] - --deployFromGAV won't accept RAR files
    [PAYARA-1842] - "Restart Required" Warning not appearing when changing Logger settings
    [PAYARA-1861] - Corba lookup failures
    [PAYARA-1868] - list-historic-requesttraces fails
    [PAYARA-1870] - Upgrade commons-fileupload reference in sun-web.xml to 1.3.3
    [PAYARA-1873] - j-interop-repackaged.jar is missing in Payara Server 172
    [PAYARA-1874] - ZenDesk integration keeps you signed in
    [PAYARA-1876] - JCache api is packaged twice into the payara distribution
    [PAYARA-1878] - System.out.println need converting log
    [PAYARA-1884] - Enable multi-homed processing only if listening on all interfaces
    [PAYARA-1886] - NPE when starting server with hazelcast enabled

New Feature

    [PAYARA-161] - Healthcheck Service Stuck Thread Checker
    [PAYARA-571] - Create asadmin command to purge the JBatch repository
    [PAYARA-812] - Create Jolokia type functionality
    [PAYARA-1133] - Slow SQL Logger should keep Top SQL and Slowest SQL traces
    [PAYARA-1154] - Integrate Weld dev mode and Probe dev tool into Admin console
    [PAYARA-1361] - Zendesk integration
    [PAYARA-1362] - Add ability to login in to the Payara support portal
    [PAYARA-1393] - Deploy without checking the database
    [PAYARA-1531] - Support Microprofile Config 1.0
    [PAYARA-1560] - Add support for third party library classloading on Payara Micro
    [PAYARA-1580] - CDI Eventbus Notifier
    [PAYARA-1724] - Create Payara version of Arquillian container


    [PAYARA-248] - Change GroupId of payara-jbatch Artefact
    [PAYARA-1317] - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Request Tracing
    [PAYARA-1494] - Update installation requirements in readme
    [PAYARA-1875] - Devise proces to support both JDK 8 and JDK 7 builds
    [PAYARA-1877] - Admin Console Integration for Stuck Thread Checker


    [PAYARA-1132] - Make Enabling Slow SQL Logging Dynamic
    [PAYARA-1153] - Enable to turn on Weld development mode and the Probe tool in a web app
    [PAYARA-1183] - Default Login configuration in glassfish-ejb-jar
    [PAYARA-1322] - Store deployment time of an application to be displayed in Admin console
    [PAYARA-1411] - More helpful healthcheck-list-services
    [PAYARA-1415] - Add a test-notification button into admin console for all notifiers
    [PAYARA-1561] - Payara Micro should die if it can't bind to the HTTP/SSL ports given
    [PAYARA-1616] - Don't restart service when multiple notifiers are configured
    [PAYARA-1618] - Payara Micro's --outputUberJar should package up applications already deployed to a rootDir
    [PAYARA-1642] - Payara Micro does not support JMS deployment annotations
    [PAYARA-1663] - Provide capability to disable support view from the console.
    [PAYARA-1683] - Make the parameters of the set-environment-warning-configuration asadmin command optional
    [PAYARA-1698] - POM clean-up on versions
    [PAYARA-1699] - Add ability to limit historic trace store size by time
    [PAYARA-1700] - Add threshold configuration to the GC health check
    [PAYARA-1705] - Add plural lifecycle commands
    [PAYARA-1707] - Add password and auth fields to new javamail page
    [PAYARA-1713] - Admin Console could show all the context roots currently "occupied" for each virtual server
    [PAYARA-1718] - Change text of Warning message for no deployed Jersey applications
    [PAYARA-1727] - Make the Frequent SQL Trace store record over the whole life time of the server.
    [PAYARA-1729] - lazy-init property of ORB gets reset to "true"
    [PAYARA-1733] - Package Payara Public API dependency into Embedded editions
    [PAYARA-1767] - Add option to send configured hostname even for the local node
    [PAYARA-1782] - add-library command should load the library dynamically
    [PAYARA-1796] - Add options to prepend other Asadmin Utility parameters
    [PAYARA-1807] - Ship payara full also as tar gz
    [PAYARA-1816] - Add explicit javax.faces.SEPARATOR_CHAR in the Admin GUI app
    [PAYARA-1832] - Add link to Notification service configuration page from other services in Admin Console
    [PAYARA-1845] - Move configuration of asadmin recorder to domain
    [PAYARA-1859] - Changed Healthcheck to HealthCheck in Admin Console


    [PAYARA-1338] - Evaluate CVE-2017-3250 Remote Security Vulnerability
    [PAYARA-1790] - Backport GlassFIsh 5 branch security fixes
    [PAYARA-1863] - Fix CVE-2016-1000031 by upgrading Apache Commons fileupload to >= 1.3.3

Upstream Bug

    [PAYARA-1564] - Display the list of virtual servers a webapp has been deployed to
    [PAYARA-1613] - SOAPHandlers not working correctly with Dependency Injection on EJBs
    [PAYARA-1637] - Batch checkpoint writing dead locks Derby
    [PAYARA-1685] - InitialContext can not do lookup against separate endpoints
    [PAYARA-1693] - Persistent Timer Info Bug when Using a custom class
    [PAYARA-1765] - Distributable session handling broken when WEB-INF/lib contains jars

Component Upgrade

    [PAYARA-1402] - Upgrade HK2 to 2.5.0
    [PAYARA-1450] - Upgrade Jersey version to 2.25.1
    [PAYARA-1728] - Update Jackson to 2.8.8
    [PAYARA-1731] - Upgrade Grizzly to 2.3.31
    [PAYARA-1757] - Upgrade Weld to 2.4.2.SP1
    [PAYARA-1812] - Upgrade HK2 to 2.5.0.b38
    [PAYARA-1860] - Upgrade HK2 to 2.5.0.b42
    [PAYARA-1883] - Upgrade HK2 to 2.5.0.b44

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