Tracking MOTU Work

At the Feburary 15th MOTU meeting there was some discussion about the options MOTUs and wannabes have to coordinate their work. It is helpful to aviod duplication of work if others can see what packages are currently being worked on. Also, it is useful for wannabes to have a way of getting MOTU attention when they have a bug fix, merge, etc. ready. Please vote on which method you would like to see used.

Simple Voting
Secret Votes (It's impossible to track a person's vote)

Voting options

Name Title Active
wiki+bug reports /MOTU/WorkInPro<wbr />gress wiki page should be used along with Malone bugs to coordinate MOTU effort. Yes
no coordination No attempt to coordinate work more than presently done on IRC and individual wiki pages. Yes
bugs+list on The code used for the merge list will be modified to list bugs with a specific subject tag. Yes

Voting has closed

Voting closed .


The winner(s) of this poll is(are) The code used for the merge list will be modified to list bugs with a specific subject tag.

Here are the number of votes each option received.

Option Votes
/MOTU/WorkInProgress wiki page should be used along with Malone bugs to coordinate MOTU effort. 0
No attempt to coordinate work more than presently done on IRC and individual wiki pages. 2
The code used for the merge list will be modified to list bugs with a specific subject tag. 5