Nick: T-Bone

During the day, I am a Java Developer mostly web applications.

Specializations: UI & Usability, Web development and Meta Programming, Scripting Languages.

I would like to improve the various Hard and Software configuration managars. Things like switch monitor without the need to manual edit xorg.conf or obscure (for the end-user) dpkg commands.

Python and Qt are natural fit to me since I am expierenced in OO and user-interface development.
But I'm still learning the small edges of both.

I also can help out with java specific issues.

Personal quotes:

A user-interface has nothing to do with choice or preference but is a pure analogic and psychologic beast.

There will always be bugs, known or unknown.

Favorite Quote From Einstein:
Anybody can take something simple and turn it into something complex, but it takes a genuis to move it the other direction.

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Europe/Brussels (UTC+0200)
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