Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0-alpha1 released!

Written for Percona XtraBackup moved to by Stewart Smith on 2013-04-16

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.1.0 for MySQL alpha on April 2, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here. For this ALPHA release, we will not be making APT and YUM repositories available, just base deb and RPM packages

This is an ALPHA quality release and is not intended for production. If you want a high quality, generally available release, the current stable version should be used (currently 2.0.6 in the 2.0 series at the time of writing).

This release contains all of the features and bug fixes in Percona XtraBackup for MySQL 2.0.6, plus the following:

New Features

    Percona XtraBackup for MySQL now has support for Compact Backups. This feature can be used for taking the backups that will take less amount of disk space.
    Percona XtraBackup for MySQL has implemented Encrypted Backups. This feature can be used to encrypt/decrypt both local and streamed backups in order to add another layer of protection to the backups.
    innobackupex now uses Perl's DBD::MySQL package for server communication instead of spawning the MySQL command line client.
    Support for InnoDB 5.0 and InnoDB 5.1-builtin has been removed from Percona XtraBackup for MySQL.
    After being deprecated in previous version, option –remote-host has been completely removed in Percona XtraBackup for MySQL 2.1.

Bugs Fixed:

    innobackupex now supports empty arguments in the --password option. Bug fixed #1032667 (Andrew Gaul).

Release notes with all the bugfixes for Percona XtraBackup for MySQL 2.1.0-alpha1are available in our online documentation. Bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug tracker.

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