News and announcements

Developer out of time

Written for Pidgin-WebKit by Simo Mattila on 2009-04-15

Unfortunately I haven't had enough time lately to do any development. Unfortunately this is not going to change in near future. Hopefully someone else can take over the development and finish my work.

Little pause

Written for Pidgin-WebKit by Simo Mattila on 2008-09-28

There will be a little pause in development because of a sudden laptop breakdown. Development will continue when I have something to write code with :)

Development snapshot

Written for Pidgin-WebKit by Simo Mattila on 2008-09-12

Plugin is shaping up, and now there is also development snapshots available for those who want to try it but don't want to mess with Bazaar. You can download them from It works nicely under Linux, but I haven't yet checked out how much it needs fine tuning for Windows.

Updated .

Status of the code

Written for Pidgin-WebKit by Simo Mattila on 2008-08-29

Code in trunk is currently very experimental and not suitable for everyday use. It has only basic functionality for showing messages, derived from Sean Egan's experimental plugin. And most propably a truckload of yet unknown bugs ;) But feel free to experiment and participate in development.

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