Plone 4.1b1

Milestone information

Eric Steele
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon Plone-4.1b1.exe (md5, sig) Plone 4.1b1 installer for Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7 159
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon Plone-4.1b1.dmg (md5, sig) OS X 10.5/6-Intel Installer for Plone 4.1b1 60
last downloaded 54 weeks ago
download icon Plone-4.1b1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz (md5, sig) Unified Installer (full source kit for Linux, BSD ...) for Plone 4.1b1 161
last downloaded 22 weeks ago
Total downloads: 380

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

Zope (2.13.5)

Products.CMFPlone (4.1b1)
- Remove useless trailing slash in 404. This fixes [gotcha]
- Remove invocation of do_search_collapse from advanced search form. It caused
  the function to run twice, making collapsibles wink rather than open. Fixes [smcmahon]
- Use correct argument order in script. This fixes [fRiSi]
- Add missing security declarations on PropertiesTool. [davisagli]

Products.Archetypes (1.7.3)
- Fixed i18n of new keywords widget. [vincentfretin]
- Remove method docstrings in Referenceable and ReferenceEngine to prevent
  making them publishable. [davisagli]
- Fixed handling of Anonymous ownership in ExtensibleMetadata, where the
  ownership tuple is None. Also triggered for views on FactoryTool-wrapped
  objects. [mj]

Products.CMFEditions (2.1.1)
- Fix bug when loading GenericSetup profile with <policymap purge="true">.
- Generic Setup export/import support. [elro]
- Workaround some potential issues with event handlers and transaction.savepoint
  which can cause exceptions when, for example, zope.sendmail is used to send
  mail in the same transaction as saving an edition. [rossp]

Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool (3.0.4)
- Protect isProductInstalled so it is only callable by Managers. [davisagli]
- Remove utility mapping in site manager's dictionary to enable a complete
  uninstall. This fixes an issue where a cascade-based uninstall would not
  entirely remove utilities, but merely unregister them from the component

Products.PlonePAS (4.0.6)
- Fix missing and broken security declarations. [davisagli]

Products.PortalTransforms (2.0.5)
- Fix regression due to the security declarations added in 2.0.4: convertTo
  should still be public, but not publishable. [davisagli]
- Fix missing security declarations. [davisagli]

Products.ResourceRegistries (2.0.3)
- Support merging of resources that return IStreamIterators [optilude]

Products.TinyMCE (1.2.3)
- Suppress the WYSIWYG editor for fields whose text format is not HTML, and
  provide a "Edit without visual editor" link like kupu did so that the format
  can be switched from HTML to something else. [davisagli]
- Fix wysiwyg_support to correctly respect a user's preference to use no wysiwyg
  editor. [davisagli]
- Correctly load image dialog for existing images using the @@images view for
  image scales. [davisagli]
- Updated Norwegian translations. [mj]

Products.ZCatalog (2.13.7)
- Fixed the DateIndex._unindex to be of type IIBTree instead of OIBTree. It
  stores document ids as keys, which can only be ints.
- Remove docstrings from various methods, as they shouldn't be web-publishable. (2.0a3)
- Fixed test failure for the default user portrait, which changed from
  defaultUser.gif to defaultUser.png in Products.PlonePAS 4.0.5 [maurits] (2.1.3)
- Fixed i18n of the "Log in to add comments" button. It was a regression since
  2.0. This fixes [vincentfretin] (4.0.5)
- This release includes 10 new messages for Plone 4.1.
- Updated translations. [Plone translators] (1.1.1)
- Gracefully handle errors parsing the SearchableText query on the 404 view.
  [davisagli] (4.0a5)
- Use the new ```` module to ensure isolation of security
  checkers when setting up and tearing down layers based on the
  ``PloneSandboxLayer`` helper base class. This would cause problems when
  running multiple test suites in the same test run, in particular if one of
  those suites were setting up ZCML that used ``five.grok``. [optilude] (1.1b2)
- Fix handling of BTrees sets when converting the UUIDIndex. [rossp]
- Optimize `DateIndex._unindex` internals. [hannosch] - (1.1b2)
- Fixed test of the default user portrait, which changed from defaultUser.gif to
  defaultUser.png in Products.PlonePAS 4.0.5. [maurits] (2.1.1)
- Exclude 'text/x-plone-outputfilters-html' from the allowable content types
  vocabulary. [davisagli]

plone.outputfilters (1.0b3)
- Resolve image paths beginning with a slash relative to the Plone site root.
- Support image captioning for new-style image scales using the @@images view.

plone.session (3.4)
- Added metadata.xml to the default profile. [vincentfretin]
- Update login.asp to match Plone 4.1 SSO login form functionality. [elro]
- Fix remove. [elro]

plone.supermodel (1.0b7)
- Support serialization of nested dicts/lists. [elro]

plone.testing (4.0a5)
- Handle test failures due to userFolderAddUser returning the user object in
  newer versions of Zope. [esteele]
- Add ``setUpZcmlFiles`` and ``tearDownZcmlFiles`` helpers to enable loading of
  ZCML files without too much boilerplate. [gotcha]
- Add some logging. [gotcha]
- Add the ``[security]`` extra, to provide tear-down of security checkers.
- Let the ``IntegrationTesting`` and ``FunctionalTesting`` lifecycle layers set
  up request ``PARENTS`` and, if present, wire up ``zope.globalrequest``.
- Make the test browser support IStreamIterators [optilue]

plone.z3cform (0.7.3)
- Handle wrong fieldnames more cleanly in the ++widget++ traverser. [elro]
- Make sure the CRUD add form doesn't use a standalone template. [davisagli]

plone.recipe.zope2instance (4.1.5)
- Respect new include-site-packages buildout option introduced in buildout 1.5.
  Closes [yuppie, hannosch]
- Added option import-directory to point to custom import folder. [garbas]

plonetheme.sunburst (1.1.2)
- Make text input fields have a default width of 20em when no size is set.
- Hide comment viewlet from print. [timo]

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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