Plone 4.3.3

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Eric Steele
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plone.recipe.alltests: 1.2 → 1.4
- Flush stdout after printing status before and after running tests.

- Added ``exclude-groups`` and ``include-groups`` so entire package groups
  can be easily included or excluded from the test run.

- Added the ``default-policy`` setting which makes it possible to exclude
  packages by default, unless explicitly listed in ``include``.

- Make it possible to run a single test group by specifying the --group= option.
  This can aid with debugging test isolation problems.

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.13 → 4.2.14
- Link to zope.conf is now relativitize if option relative-paths is true.
- Added ability to set ``initialization`` to configure Python
  code to run on instance start up.
- added support for http-header-max-length

robotframework-ride: 1.1 → 1.3

robotframework-selenium2library: 1.2 → 1.4

selenium: 2.34 → 2.37.2

Pillow: 1.7.8 → 2.3

Plone: 4.3.2 → 4.3.3
- Release Plone 4.3.3

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.1.13 → 2.1.14
- Update ICONMAP (.gif to .png).

Products.Archetypes: 1.9.4 → 1.9.7
- Set logging level to DEBUG for warnings regarding new fields initialized on
  an existing object. INFO level can seriously spam the logs of a busy portal.

- Fix issue #13833 ( by logging a warning
  instead of throwing an un catched error when calling reindexObjectSecurity
  on an object that has cataloged other objects which are deleted

- Internationalized file size and content type on file and image widgets.

- Make sure @@at_utils.translate method always returns a string (empty or
  not) even when the passed value is an empty tuple (before, the returned
  value was an empty tuple or a non empty string).

- Do not add warning about new field initialized on an existing object in
  the transaction description, show this as a Zope log info message.

- ``Vocabulary`` method was not working with ``vocabulary_factory``
  and int values (IntDisplayList is required)

- Return original error during validation when a field already has an
  error. This avoids ``TypeError: 'bool' object has no attribute
  '__getitem__'`` in ``Products.CMFFormController.ControllerState.``

- Various vocabulary fixes, mostly for translations and

Products.CMFCalendar: 2.2.2 → 2.2.3

Products.CMFDefault: 2.2.3 → 2.2.4

Products.CMFEditions: 2.2.8 → 2.2.9
- Use search_icon.png instead of search_icon.gif in
  The page crashed because search_icon.gif couldn't be found.

- Do not depend on the ``jq`` variable in the history view.

Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1.5.9 → 1.5.10
- Move dependency on Products.PloneTestCase to test extra and thus removing
  implicit hard dependency on Products.ATContentTypes.

- Fix policy_form test failures for Plone 5.

Products.CMFPlone: 4.3.2 → 4.3.3
- Fix incorrect use of dict get method in, introduced by
  PloneHotfix20131210 (issue 195)

- Change default permission for sendto_form to Authenticated instead of

- merge hotfixes from

- handle RichTextValue objects in syndication. Should
  fix syndication with

- FolderFeed adapter now takes into account the limit property when displaying
  the RSS feed just like the other adapters do

- Fix handling of URL fragments in form_tabbing.js.

- Password reset emails will now be sent from the navigation root instead
  the portal, enabling support for multilingual sites and other subsites
  to keep the correct language, title, menus and designs.

- Fix issue where a user could delete unintended object through
  acquisition magic. See

- Added a method toLocalizedSize to @@plone view,
  on the model of toLocalizedTime,
  to get a localized string rendering a size from an integer.
  Use it on image view.

- Remove plone_deprecated/ to avoid sitemap traceback because we
  don't have a @@sitemap_view view anymore when you enable back
  the plone_deprecated skin layer.

- Inline validation JavaScript for z3c.form only sends request when
  field name can be obtained from DOM for a widget (#13741).

- Fix problem generating feeds including Dexterity items with no primary field.

- recently_modified and recently_published respects allow anonymous to view
  about setting

- Return a 404 instead of "AttributeError: (dynamic view)" if a user attempts to
  view a still-temporary PortalFactory item.

- Ensure that initial_login is set to True when a user first logs in.

- No longer set news, events and member folder to be unordered

- Fix calendar ajax next and prev buttons

- Ensure ``object_rename`` script has ``_`` message factory available
  to prevent error when unauthorized.

- Fix issue with the search js in sharing page where the user needed to check
  twice a checkbox to assign a role after a search.

- Catch missing userid on mail_password form, and treat is as
  an empty userid. That way the user gets a helpful message.

Products.contentmigration: 2.1.5 → 2.1.7
- Nothing changed yet.

- Unlock items with webdav.

Products.PasswordResetTool: 2.0.15 → 2.0.16
- Password reset emails will now be sent from the navigation root instead
  the portal, enabling support for multilingual sites and other subsites
  to keep the correct language, title, menus and designs.

Products.PlonePAS: 4.1.1 → 4.1.3
- Remove backwards-incompatible changes meant for Plone 5.

- Don't try to migrate the root user folder if the portal has no parent.

- Use correct method to get user from id at gruf_support.

Products.PloneTestCase: 0.9.17 → 0.9.18
- Adjust conditionals for Plone 5 instead of 4.4.

Products.PortalTransforms: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3

Products.ResourceRegistries: 2.2.9 → 2.2.10

Products.TinyMCE: 1.3.5 → 1.3.6
- Reapplied fix for missing popups when zoom is applied in Chrome from pull
  request 29. Credits go to bosim, raekjaer and jaroel for fix
  (close `#13013`__)

- Pay attention to safe html filter being disabled for tinymce configuration

- Fix selector used for finding anchors

- Fixed uploading dexterity file via TinyMCE file uploader.

- Updated media plugin; added styling to placeholder generated by media

- French translations.

- Do not load styles with conditional comments if the user agent doesn't
  contain Trident when computin getStyle, otherwise we load IE styles on non
  IE browsers

- Require ```` which includes bodyClass fix.

- Valid HTML 5 attribute ``start`` for ``ol`` no more removed
  (close `#13566`__)

archetypes.querywidget: 1.0.9 → 1.0.10
- ``QueryBuilder`` instance is now obtained using ZCA, so other add-ons
  will be able to customize it
  [keul, cekk]

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.4.19 → 2.4.20
- Filter out references that are None. This may happen when the
  reference_catalog has links from a source to a no longer existing

archetypes.schemaextender: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3
- Fix tests [kiorky]

collective.z3cform.datetimewidget: 1.2.5 → 1.2.6
- Determine whether to show am/pm based on the current locale's time format.

diazo: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5
- Escape curly brackets on theme attributes.
  [TracyWebTech] 1.5.8 → 1.5.9
- Make sure mimetype is not None and use use filename for detection if available.
  [tschanzt] 1.1.6 → 1.1.8
- #13848 Update installation instructions to reflect fact it has shipped with
  Plone since version 4.1

- Make it possible to set a maxage of zero in strong caching. This is
  an edge case since this would ordinarily be handled by moderate caching.

- Add some testing for weak caching operations.

- Fix handling of anon-only flag for cases where maxage is not zero. It
  was effectively ignored. Added operation test for strong caching.
  [smcmahon] 2.1.3 → 2.1.4
- Fix constrainttypes form.

- Protect the folder constraintypes form with the 'Modify constrain types'

- Fix tests for Plone 5 where the PLONE_FIXTURE layer does not provide
  content types any longer.
  [timo] 2.0.8 → 2.0.10
- Nothing changed yet.

- Don't break if there's no portal_actionicons tool.

- Ported tests to
  [tomgross] 3.0.4 → 3.0.6
- Make sure CHANGES.rst is included in distributions.

- Fixed 3.0.4 regression: add/move/remove events where not handled
  anymore on discussion items.

- Fixed reordering of actions / conditions.
  This occured when 'jq' was not defined as 'jQuery'.

- User that manage a rule can now allow actions executed by this rule
  to recursively trigger other rules.
  For example, if you have a rule that automatically publish added content,
  and an other rule that sends an email when a content is published,
  if autopublish rule is marked as 'cascading', then send mail rule will be triggered.

- Mail action: if string interpolation of recipient gives several times
  the same email address,
  the email is sent only once to this recipient.

- Workaround ``KeyError: context`` for unicode TALES expressions in content
  rules by providing the expression ``context``. This was triggered by a
  TALES expression such as ``u'string:${portal_url}``.
  [davidjb] 2.3.7 → 2.3.8
- Fix test email: msgid was sent, not translation.

- Fix syndication settings to not write on read.
  [vangheem] 2.0.9 → 2.0.11
- Fixed Add view URL of cloned content type.

- Add robot testing environment and first robot test.

- Better string normalization when setting type id from type title
  (change accented or special characters with corresponding letters).

- Show a warning when editing the default page of a folder.

- Fix determination of allowed types so it checks permission in
  the context of the original folder when inheriting allowed
  [davisagli] 2.2.8 → 2.2.12
- Show author email to Moderator when it is available in anonymous comment.
  [gotcha, smoussiaux]

- Put defaultUser.png instead of old defaultUser.gif

- Update basque translation [Mikel Larreateg]

- Fix ownership of comments. [toutpt]

- Revert "Refactor tests to use the PLONE_APP_CONTENTTYPES_FIXTURE instead of the PLONE_FIXTURE." that has been accidentially introduced into the 2.2.9 release.

- Portuguese translation added.
  [Rui Silva]

- Rename CHANGES.txt to CHANGES.rst.

- Fix ajax form submit for delete comment action: add 'data' to the request.
  [toutpt] 1.0.5 → 1.0.6
- Fix test for Plone 4, so we really only apply the reindexOnReorder
  patch when we are on Plone 3.
  [maurits] 2.2.3 → 2.2.4
- Fixed ValueError in DateComponents.result() with a date before 1900.
  [bsuttor] 1.0.9 → 1.0.10
- Generate Progressive JPEG.
  [kroman0] 2.1.10 → 2.1.12
- Information messages can be hidden from user who checked out content when
  using a placeful workflow, see:

- Replaced the "Locked" label with "Warning"

- Nothing changed yet. 1.5.6 → 1.5.7
- Fix a test isolation issue.

- Install after plone_javasscript_variables.js
  in new instances.
  [bloodbare] 2.3.7 → 2.3.11
- Update package dependencies and clearly specify this branch is for
  Plone 4.3 only.

- Fix 'plone.belowcontentbody.relateditems' viewlet to avoid trying to display
  items if the user has no permission to view them (like content in Private

- modified for adding link target.
  Fixed that portal_actions: 'Link Target' on
  portal_actions/portal_tabs doesn't work.

- Add to test dependencies,
  needed to test dexterity support. [jpgimenez]

- Removed hard dependency on [pabo, marcosfromero]

- Fix 'table of contents' for Dexterity types.
  [pabo, pbauer, timo]

- Use safe_unicode to decode the title of the object when retrieving the
  rss links from the RSSViewlet
  [ichim-david] 1.5.3 → 1.5.4
- Added support for sub path after uid of resolveuid
  [hoka] 4.3.2 → 4.3.3
- All danish translations are now in UTF-8

- Updated Romanian translation.

- Update Traditional Chinese translation.

- Added messages for mimetypes.
  French translation.

- Updated Chinese Simplified translation
  [Jian Aijun]

- Updated Spanish translation for addon

- Added Spanish translation for addon

- Slovak translation updates

- Added Spanish translation for addon
  [Talueses] 2.4.5 → 2.4.8
- Fixed navigation portlet when navigation root was None.

- Fix navigation root of portlets when root field is unicode.
  This is the case when portlet is imported with generic setup.

- Don't show the ``New user?`` link in the Login portlet if there isn't
  a register URL available from portal_actions.

- Use relative links for calender next and prev buttons since caching can
  cause these things to change the current page the user is viewing

- Fix the removing of Group- and Typeportlets
  [pbauer] 1.0.8 → 1.1.1
- fixed broken handling of limit and batch size.

- pep8 fixes

- be able to include a depth value onto path query string

- Use plone.batching.
  [khink] 1.1.5 → 1.1.7
- (back port) URL bar is not correctly updated after clicking
  pagination or updating search. Fixing regression introduced in 1.1.5

- When the request has no valid form keys but the query does, it is
  still valid.
  [maurits] 4.2.2 → 4.2.4
- Add 'ROBOT_TEST_LEVEL' to interfaces, so other packages can import it. This
  makes things easier if we decide to change the value.

- Sync bbb PloneTestCase class with original one but don't install
  ATContentTypes profile

- Fire an event notification to ensure setup of browser and skin layers
  [do3cc] 1.2.2 → 1.2.3
- Do not give an error when the raw value is None. Give an empty
  unicode string as output in that case.
  [maurits] 1.3.4 → 1.3.6
- Migrate theme settings, install Barceloneta.

- Migrate Members folder default view

- Be sure the improved syndication settings introduced in the 4.3 series
  are applied on upgrade.

- Avoid failure at lexicon upgrade (4.3rc1)
  when we have an integrity error into the ZCTextIndex.

- Install and remove portal_calendar when upgarding to Plone 5.

- Remove portal_interface when upgrading to Plone 5.

- Remove portal_actionicons, portal_discussion, and portal_undo when
  upgrading to Plone 5.

- Add condition to the upgrade step to add scaling-quality 4.3-final. no longer has the imaging_properties (moved to CMFPlone)
  so they are not there in plone5-tests.

- Add conditional install of plonetheme.classic in upgrade step 4.0a1. Since
  plonetheme.classic will be removed in Plone 5, we can not be sure that it
  is always installed.

- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Add undeclared Products.TinyMCE dependency.

- Add use_uuid_as_userid site property in Plone 5.
  Part of PLIP 13419.

- Use lowercase for email login in Plone 5.
  Part of PLIP 13419.

- Remove persistent kss_mimetype import step.

- Fix name of Plone 5 zcml conditional feature to plone-5.

- Don't fail on out of date catalog when upgrading syndication for 4.3

- Add Default Plone Password Policy to Plone's acl_users.
  [gbastien] 1.2a2 → 1.2
- Fixed i18n of new_password field in change-password view.

- Fix email as login validation in the personalize form (UserDataPanel).
  This is for the case when email is used as login. It checked that a
  changed email address was valid as user id. But the user id is
  never changed here, only the login name. We only need to check if
  this address is not used by another user.

- Fix to not break if passwords contain non-ASCII characters.
  This closes

- Be consistent in using INavigationRoot. (Backport from 1.1.4)
  [do3cc] 1.0 → 1.1
- Make the test setup independent from basic content types in the
  [timo] 2.0.4 → 2.0.5
- Do not catch conflict errors and keywordinterrupt in viewlet manager.
  We can programmatically setup the exceptions that are not caught.

- If render fails, be more verbose about the exception to know where and how it
  happens in the stack. [kiorky]
- refactor JS in template [petschki] 2.1.11 → 2.1.14
- Add actions vocabulary.

- provide proper contains method for catalog results

- fallback to getSite for grabbing portal_catalog

- catalog vocabulary query could be None

- getTerm and getTermByToken were not really checking if item is in the
  vocabulary list

- use sort_on and sort_order in catalog vocabulary
  [vangheem] 2.1.6 → 2.1.7
- Show user's login name instead of the user id, which is an internal
  [davisagli] 0.7.4 → 0.7.6
- Translate fieldset labels correctly.

- We can add enable_unload_protection = False on a Form to disable unload protection.

- Add '.empty' css class to fields that have no value.

- Indicate 'error' status when reporting errors from group forms.

- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Solve #13567: InlineValidation broken for MultiWidget.

- Fix an issue with the inline validator, KSS was giving values for
  fieldset attr than can't be converted to an integer.
- Inline validation supports fieldset names instead of integer-indexed naming.
- Use group __name__, not label value to have stable fieldset_name used in
  DOM id, and for inline validation.
- Inline validation robustness if no field name is passed by client request.
- Support for IDict in the MultiWidget. Makes it compatible with z3c.form 3.0 (released 2013-06-24)
- Give fieldset legends ids based on their name, for compatibility with
- Fixed chechbox inline validation.

plone.autoform: 1.5 → 1.6
- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Support anonymous schema (dynamic interfaces with and empty
  __name__ attribute) in autoGroups, opting to use prefix as
  group name for such cases. This allows subclasses of
  AutoExtensibleForm to implement getPrefix() method as
  a sufficient condition to support an unnamed schema.

plone.batching: 1.0 → 1.0.1
- Fix issue with sequences when the reported length was different
  than len() iteration would return the full unbatched sequence.

plone.browserlayer: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3
- Fix tests with diazo.

plone.cachepurging: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5
- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

plone.contentrules: 2.0.3 → 2.0.4
- If a rule is 'cascading', actions executed by this rule
  can recursively trigger other rules.

plone.dexterity: 2.1.3 → 2.2.1
- Also check behavior-fields for IPrimaryField since
  uses fields provided by behaviors as primary fields

- utils.createContent honors behaviors [toutpt]

- Date index method works even if source field is a dexterity field
  wich provides a datetime python value.
  Now you can manually add a field with the name of a common Plone metadata field
  (as effective_date, publication_date, etc.)

- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Put a marker interface on the default edit view so viewlets
  can be registered for it.

- Ensure FTI's isConstructionAllowed method returns a boolean.

- Hide the Dublin Core tab and show the Properties tab for
  items when viewed in the ZMI.

- Avoid storing dublin core metadata on new instances unless it
  differs from the default values.

- Implement CMF's dublin core interfaces inline rather than
  depending on CMFDefault.

- Support GenericSetup structure import/export of Dexterity content.
  Content is serialized the same way as for WebDAV,
  using plone.rfc822. Not all field types are supported yet,
  but this at least gets the basics in place.

  GS import used to work by accident in a basic way for Dexterity
  containers. If you were using this, you'll need to recreate your
  exported files with the rfc822 serialization.

- Creator accessor should return encoded strings
  If your catalog was broken, try to clear & reindex Creator::



- Use the same message string for the default fieldset as Archetypes does.

plone.folder: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5
- Allow reversing the current order, without specifying a key for

- Allow ordering by a method instead of an attribute.

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 1.0.7 → 1.0.9
- Fix fr translation for "Remove image".

- The _mimetype property in NamedFileWidget would fail on attempting
  to render after a validation failure when it tried to lookup a
  mimetype with the wrong method. Result was a malformed mimetype
  exception. Fixes #13798.

- Display icon and content type name on widget.

- Internationalized size on file and image widget.

plone.namedfile: 2.0.2 → 2.0.5

plone.openid: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Use system random when available. This is part of the fix for

- Fixed extractCredentials to strip whitespaces around __ac_identity_url.
  This fixes

plone.outputfilters: 1.11.1 → 1.12
- Nothing changed yet.

plone.scale: 1.3.2 → 1.3.3

plone.schemaeditor: 1.3.3 → 1.3.7
- Fix packaging error.

- Use a different id for field edit form and listing form, to ease
  reuse of overlay behaviours.

- Fix French translation.

- Don't depend on popupform.js

- Add an "editable" method to IFieldFactory that may be used to determine
  if a particular field is editable. Rationale: fields customized via XML
  editing are sometimes not going to be editable via schemaeditor due to
  an inability to handle custom vocabularies or sources. The field factory
  utility is a very convenient place to test this since it's already
  used to determine available fields and their addability.

  editable(fieldInstance) returns True in the base class. Override it for
  custom behavior in a subclass.

- Add an "available" method to IFieldFactory that may be used to determine
  if a field factory is actually available in the current context. This always
  returns True in the base class. Override it if a field factory isn't useful
  unless conditions are met. Example: we can't use a field factory for
  RelationChoice unless the relationfield is activated in the Plone

- Fixed: on a multi selection field with a vocabulary name,
  when the field had been generated from a model,
  the vocabulary name was not selected on edit form.

- Fixed drag and drop fields in fieldsets when form tabbing is disabled:
  we can drop a field into the fieldset legend (for example, when the fieldset is empty),
  or directly positioning it beside fields of the new fieldset.

- i18n fixes.

- Better string normalization when setting field id from field title
  (change accented or special characters with corresponding letters).

- Added robot tests.
  [davisp, cedricmessiant, thomasdesvenain at toulouse-sprint]

- We can select a vocabulary factory on a choice field,
  among all registered vocabularies.
  We don't have an error anymore
  when we edit a choice field with a vocabulary factory.

- Fixed deleting field from fieldset.

plone.stringinterp: 1.0.10 → 1.0.11
- Add portal_url and portal_title.

- Add parent_id.

plone.subrequest: 1.6.7 → 1.6.8
- Handle sub-requests which contain a doubled // in the path.

plone.supermodel: 1.2.3 → 1.2.4
- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

plone.testing: 4.0.8 → 4.0.11
- Fix z2.txt doctest for FTP_SERVER.

- Read 'FTPSERVER_HOST' and 'FTPSERVER_PORT' from the environment variables if
  possible. This allows us to run tests in parallel on CI servers.

- Replace deprecated Zope2VocabularyRegistry import.

plone.theme: 2.1 → 2.1.1
- Remove hard dependency on CMFDefault.

plonetheme.classic: 1.3.2 → 1.3.3
- Fixed comment that broke columns.css.
  [maurits, djowett]

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.4.5 → 1.4.6
- Update README.rst to point to correct file for updating portal_css.

- Use nocall when referencing site_properties for a mini optimization.

- Clarify documentation about registration of the skins layer.

z3c.autoinclude: 0.3.4 → 0.3.5
- If a module cannot be resolved, but raises ``ImportError``, log a
  warn and continue. This fixes an issue where the determining the
  includable packages would fail due to a problem with the importation
  of one or potentially more modules. An example is the ``gobject``
  module which provides a Python binding to ``GObject``. In a recent
  API deprecation, one is no longer allowed to both import ``gi`` and

z3c.form: 3.0.2 → 3.1.1
- Feature: Added a consistent id on single checkbox and multi checkbox

- Feature: Added a consistent id on ordered selection widget.

- Feature: Added a hidden template for the textlines widget.

- Feature: added an API to render each radio button separately.

- Bug: Remove errors for cases where the key field of a dict field uses a
  sequence widget (most notably choices). The sequence widget always returns
  lists as widget values, which are not hashable. We convert those lists to
  tuples now within the dict support.

- Feature: Moved registration of translation directories to a separate ZCML

- Bug: Fixed a typo in German translations.

- Feature: Version 2.9 introduced a solution for missing terms in
  vocabularies. Adapted sources to this solution, too.

z3c.formwidget.query: 0.9 → 0.10

plone.formwidget.autocomplete: 1.2.5 → 1.2.6
- Fix url in css for indicator.gif

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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