Plone 4.3rc1

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Eric Steele
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download icon Plone-4.3rc1-64.dmg (md5, sig) Plone 4.3rc1 OS X Binary Installer for Lion and Mountain Lion 116
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download icon Plone-4.3rc1-UnifiedInstaller-r2.tgz (md5, sig) Unified Installer for Plone. Source kit installer for Linux, BSD, OS X. Installer release 2. 579
last downloaded 22 weeks ago
download icon Plone-4.3rc1-UnifiedInstaller.tgz (md5, sig) Unified Installer for Plone. Source kit installer for Linux, BSD, OS X. 660
last downloaded 22 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,355

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plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.8 → 4.2.9

- Add trove classifiers to note Python version compatibility.

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.1.11 → 2.1.12

- Fix missing references on copy of (old-style) Collection path
  criterion and relatedItems on stock content using the schema
  flag keepReferencesOnCopy. Refs:

Products.CMFDiffTool: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2

- Merge Rafael Oliveira's (@rafaelbco) Dexterity support from

Products.CMFEditions: 2.2.7 → 2.2.8

- Fix modifier check that made AT assumptions about Dexterity
- Remove hard dependency on Archetypes.

Products.contentmigration: 2.1.2 → 2.1.3

- Modify UIDMigrator so that it also works for items which
  provides IMutableUUID.

Products.PasswordResetTool: 2.0.11 → 2.0.12

- Fixed typo in capitalization of sentence start.

Products.PlonePAS: 4.1 → 4.1.1

Products.PluggableAuthService: 1.9 → 1.10

- Allow specifying a policy for transforming / normalizing login names
  for all plugins in a PAS:

  Added login_transform string property to PAS.

  Added applyTransform method to PAS, which looks for a method on PAS
  with the name specified in the login_transform property.

  Added two possible transforms to PAS: lower and upper.

  Changed the methods of PAS to call applyTransform wherever needed.

  Added the existing updateUser method of ZODBUserManager to the
  IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.

  Added a new updateEveryLoginName method to ZODBUserManager and the
  IUserEnumerationPlugin interface.

  Added three methods to PAS and IPluggableAuthService:
  updateLoginName, updateOwnLoginName, updateAllLoginNames.
  These methods call updateUser or updateEveryLoginName on every
  IUserEnumerationPlugin. Since these are later additions to the plugin
  interface, we log a warning when a plugin does not have these methods
  (for example the mutable_properties plugin of PlonePAS) but will
  not fail. When no plugin is able to update a user, this will raise an
  exception: we do not want to quietly let this pass when for example a
  login name is already taken by another user.

  Changing the login_transform property in the ZMI will call
  PAS.updateAllLoginNames, unless login_transform is the same or
  has become an empty string.

  The new login_transform property is empty by default. In that case,
  the behavior of PAS is the same as previously. The various
  applyTransform calls will have a (presumably very small)
  performance impact.
- Launchpad #1079204: Added CSRF protection for the ZODBUserManager,
  ZODBGroupManager, ZODBRoleManger, and DynamicGroupsPlugin plugins.

Products.ResourceRegistries: 2.2.6 → 2.2.7

- Fixed some spurious test failures for Expires being off by
  minus one second.

Products.TinyMCE: 1.3b9 → 1.3

archetypes.querywidget: 1.0.6 → 1.0.8

- Hide the test_fixture profile from @@plone-addsite view.
- Bugfix: Handle vocabularies with integers as values,
  see [frapell]

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.4.16 → 2.4.17

- 2.4.15 broke non-multi reference selection. Added code to discriminate
  between multi and single widget id. Fixes

collective.z3cform.datetimewidget: 1.2.2 → 1.2.3
------------------------------------------------ 1.5.6 → 1.5.7

- Only set the instance id from the name of an uploaded file
  if the file field is primary.
  [davisagli] 1.1.2 → 1.1.3

- Provide message for newbies to suggest importing
  pre-defined caching rule set.
  [vangheem] 1.0.7 → 1.0.8
----------------------------------- 2.1a2 → 2.1

- show a warning message on the folder contents view when
  the default page is also a folder, that in order to add items
  to the default page's folder, they'll need to visit it's
  folder_contents view. also addresses
- on the folder_contents view, show the add menu for the
  context object always. This fixes the issue when the
  default view of a folder is also a folder and you
  can not add items to it. fixes
  [vangheem] 2.0.7 → 2.0.8
------------------------------------ 2.2.1 → 3.0

- Improve management pages user interface :
  - Improve and ajaxify rules table. Avoids scrolling and page reloads.
  - Improve rules table filter (multiple selection, more readable).
  - Improve content rules forms usability.
  - We are redirected to edit form after a rule has been added.
  - Add form and Edit form are now consistent.
  - Notify user by many ways when a rule is not assigned anywhere yet.
  - We can assign a rule on whole site by a simple button.
  - Ajaxify conditions and actions reordering and removing.
  - Focus on elements after adding an action or a condition.
  - Improve rule edit pages breadcrumbs.
  - Added tests.
  [vsomogyi, thomasdesvenain, vangheem
  contribution wimbou,
  made @ploneconf2012 sprint] 2.0.3 → 2.0.4

- Add zh_TW translation [TsungWei Hu]
- Add support for constraining container allowed content types using
  the "Restrictions" form in the add menu. Merged from Patrick
  Gerken's (@do3cc) work in
- When a new type is added, redirect to the fields tab as the next view.
- Don't show the short name as a field on the type overview page.
- Remove the 'Container' checkbox when adding a new type, and default
  to creating a container.
- Tweaks to type control panel based on user testing.
- Set default language for a new content item based on the language of
  its container.
- Fixed i18n of "Contents" in folder default view.
- Added Ukrainian translations
  [kroman0] 2.2.3 → 2.2.4

- Check for 'checked' attribute in a way that work also for jQuery 1.7
- Better fix for #13037 by removing submit event trigger altogether
- Added Romanian translation
- Updated Ukrainian translation
  [kroman0] 2.2.1 → 2.2.2

- Fixed TypeError in DateComponents.resault()
  [yangh] 1.0.6 → 1.0.7

- Avoid hard dependency on ATContentTypes.
  [davisagli] 2.1.9 → 2.1.10

- Fixed error on checking in the working copy of an object linked in it's
  parent rich text field, see:
  [radekj] 1.5.3 → 1.5.4

- Now execute inline scripts in ajax overlay.
- Give the pbo object as second parameter for noform callback. You can access
  everything from it, for example the overlay trigger pbo.source.
- Give the disconnected "el" jQuery object (the div created with the html
  response) instead of "this" (the request object) to the noform and redirect
  callbacks. This fixes the noformerrorshow callback from popupforms.js in the
  Products.CMFPlone package.
- Adapt to use Plone popup calendar icon and
  compatible styles.
- Change jqt_checkout_build to not pick up dateinput.css from jQuery.
  This should be Plone-specific.
  [smcmahon] 2.3.3 → 2.3.4

- handle missing feed type so it doesn't throw an error
- handle absense of ACTUAL_URL on request.
- Also show history on the folder contents view
  [vangheem] 1.5 → 1.5.1

- unicode links should not raise errors. Fixes
- Dexterity: use zope.lifecycleevent instead of
  interfaces for Plone 4.3 support.
- Avoid a bug during link integrity check when a source or target of the
  reference has been already removed during the deletion process.
  This can happen during large delete processes.
- Monkey patch the Zope HTTPResponse status_code to include a mapping for
  linkintegritynotificationexception, to return a 200 code.
  [thepjot] 2.4.1 → 2.4.2

- Make it possible to delete broken portlet assignment.
- Make sure a portlet name is not a unicode string. This prevents problems when
  trying to use a portlet name in joined strings.
  [wichert] 1.1.1 → 1.1.3

- Readded fix made by eleddy in 1.0.4 wrongfully removed from 1.1.x
- Restored compatibility with IE <= 8 for search.js broke in previous egg
- Fixed incompatibilities of search.js up to and including jQuery 1.9 while
  maintaining compatibility with jQuery all the way to 1.4.4
- Optimized search.js logic by caching jQuery selectors and removing some
  uncessesary dom manipulations
- Fix to make search.js work with jQuery >=1.8.
  [garbas] 4.2.1 → 4.2.2

- Add [robot] extras for requiring dependnecies for Robot Framework
  tests with Selenium2Library
- Install PythonScripts as zope product
  [mikejmets] 2.1.9 → 2.1.10

- UsersVocabulary should search on fullname .
  [garbas] 0.7.1 → 0.7.2

- Add a macro and slot to the @@ploneform-render-widget templates
  so it's possible to override the widget rendering without
  changing the markup surrounding it.
- Restored support for contents without acquisition chain

plone.dexterity: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2

- Merged Rafael Oliveira's (@rafaelbco) @content-core views from

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 1.0.4 → 1.0.5

- Nothing changed yet.

plone.schemaeditor: 1.3 → 1.3.1

- Quote attribute value in xtags attribute style jquery selector used
  in prepOverlay for field settings. Absence of quote was causing a js error
  on clicking "Settings in schema editor.

plone.session: 3.5.2 → 3.5.3

- Revert accidental change to default encoding for validateTicket.

plone.testing: 4.0.7 → 4.0.8

- Factor test request creation out of addRequestContainer into makeTestRequest.

plonetheme.classic: 1.3 → 1.3.1

- Nothing changed yet.

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.4 → 1.4.1

- fix navigation items having more height than bar in chrome
- fix green line showing under current select for green bar items in chrome
- change line height of listing table class to only apply to folder contents
  listing where it's affected instead of it applying to styles globally.
  fixes #13420
- More cleanup. Move following remaining portlet styles out of public.css:
  - Dashboard styles to member.css,
  - Portlet management styles to controlpanel.css,
  - Other portlet styles to portlet.css.

z3c.form: 2.8.2 → 3.0a2

- The 3.0.0a1 release was missing some files (e.g. locales) due to an
- Removed several parts to be installed by default, since some packages are
  not ported yet.
- Added support for Python 3.3.
- Replaced deprecated zope.interface.implements usage with equivalent
  zope.interface.implementer decorator.
- Dropped support for Python 2.4 and 2.5.
- Make sure the call to the method that returns the default value
  is made with a field which has its context bound.
- The updateWidgets method has learned an argument
  prefix which allows setting the prefix of the field widgets

  This allows updating the common widgets prefix before the individual
  widgets are updated, useful for situations where neither a form, nor
  a widgets prefix is desired.
- Capitalize the messages 'no value' and 'select a value'. This change
  has been applied also to the existing translations (where applicable).
- TextLinesConverter: do not ignore newlines at the end of the inputted
  string, thus do not eat blank items
- TextLinesConverter: toFieldValue, convert conversion exceptions to
  FormatterValidationError, for cases like got a string instead of int
- Missing terms in vocabularies: this was a pain until now.
  Now it's possible to have the same (missing) value unchanged on the object
  with an EditForm after save as it was before editing.
  That brings some changes with it:

  MAJOR: unchanged values/fields do not get validated anymore
  (unless they are empty or are FileUploads)

  A temporary SimpleTerm gets created for the missing value
  Title is by default "Missing: ${value}". See MissingTermsMixin.
- Split configure.zcml
- SequenceWidget DISPLAY_MODE: silently ignore missing tokens,
  because INPUT_MODE and HIDDEN_MODE does that too 1.2 → 1.2.1

docutils: 0.9 → 0.9.1

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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