Plone 5.0.8

Milestone information

Eric Steele
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download icon Plone-5.0.8-UnifiedInstaller.tgz (md5, sig) Unified Installer; full-source kit; builds Plone on Linux/BSD/OSX 11,996
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
Total downloads: 17,435

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####Products.CMFPlone: 5.0.7 → 5.0.8

######Bug fixes:

- Fix default value for ``robots.txt`` to avoid issues with content containing "search" in the id.

- Show version of products in Add-ons control panel configlet.
  This fixes

- Removed "change portal events" permission

####plone.recipe.zeoserver: 1.3 → 1.3.1

######Bug fixes:

- Fix tests to run with current Twisted version.

####zest.releaser: 6.8 → 6.9

- Add tag formatter in the config. This is a formatter that changes the name of the tag.
  Default is the same as the version.
  Put ``tag-format = a string`` in your ``~/.pypirc`` or ``setup.cfg``.
  It needs to contain ``%(version)s``.

- Catch error when uploading first package file in new PyPI project.
  This fixes `issue 206

####collective.xmltestreport: 1.3.3 → 1.3.4

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed UnicodeDecodeError when error message contains non-ascii.
  [maurits] 1.0.1 → 1.1

#####New features:

- Add new variable ${SELENIUM2LIBRARY_RUN_ON_FAILURE} with default value
  'No operation' (Robot Framework built-in keyword with no action) to define
  operation immediately after failed Selenium keyword

- Manage datetime and date field types in "set field value" keyword

- Manage RelationList field using "references" field type in "set field value" keyword

######Bug fixes:

- Fix issue where an error "No keyword with name 'No keyword' found." after
  a failing test was reported

- Fix issue where custom pybot-entrypoint failed to parse Sphinx-document with :ref:

####Plone: 5.0.7 → 5.0.8

#####New features:

- Release Plone 5.0.8

####Products.Archetypes: 1.10.16 → 1.10.18

######Bug fixes:

- Don't instantiate browser view to check for existence.

- Fix bug in BaseObject SearchableText when vocabulary key is uft8 encoded string

####Products.CMFDiffTool: 3.1.3 → 3.1.4

#####New features:

- When field is a Relation List, get the referenced objects instead of diffing
  on the actual reference objects.

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed AttributeError: 'NoneType' if the object doesn't have the expected attribute [rristow]

####Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1.6.6 → 1.6.7

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed reinstall. Deactivating and then activating the add-on
  led to a missing tool and control panel icon. Another deactivation
  would then fail. Solution is to mark our base profile as uninstalled
  in the uninstall method.
  This requires ``Products.GenericSetup`` 1.8.1 or higher.
  Fixes `issue 1959 <>`_.

####Products.CMFUid: 2.2.1 → 2.2.2

####Products.contentmigration: 2.1.15 → 2.1.16

######Bug fixes:

- Fix import location for Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces.

####Products.GenericSetup: 1.8.6 → 1.8.8

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed ``upgradeStep`` discriminator so that similar steps
  for different profiles will not conflict.

- Fixed ``upgradeDepends`` discriminator so that steps inside
  ``upgradeSteps`` will conflict with steps outside if they
  have the same ``checker``.

- Allow registering the same profile twice if it really is the same.
  This is mostly for tests where the registry may not be cleaned up
  correctly in case of problems in test teardown.
  If you register the same profile twice in zcml, you still get a
  conflict from ``zope.configuration`` during Zope startup.

####Products.PlonePAS: 5.0.13 → 5.0.14

######Bug fixes:

- Remove WarningInterceptor (CMFCore) - it is gone in newer versions.

####archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.5.8 → 2.5.9

######Bug fixes:

- Fix import location for Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces.

####archetypes.schemaextender: 2.1.6 → 2.1.7

######Bug fixes:

- Update docs about ``Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces`` import location.

- Fix imports from Globals that was removed in Zope4

####five.localsitemanager: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6

- Don't complain if the site root has no Acquisition parent.

- Removed dependency. Using Zope 2.12 it is an indirect dependency
  and using Zope 2.13 or later it is no longer required.

- Ensure that the PersistentComponents has no aquisition wrapper before passing
  to the superclass, to allow the caching of component roots in zope.interface
  to make a weakref to this root.

####icalendar: 3.11.3 → 3.11.4

######Bug fixes:

- Don't break on parameter values which contain equal signs, e.g. base64 encoded
  binary data [geier]

- Fix handling of VTIMEZONEs with subcomponents with the same DTSTARTs.
  [geier] 1.6.7 → 1.7.2

#####New features:

- Adapt tests to the new indexing operations queueing.
  Part of PLIP 1343:

######Bug fixes:

- Handle ``ValueError`` exceptions when doing a range request.
  This fixes `issue #39 <>`_.

- Do not use imports from ``Products.ATContentTypes.interface`` deprecated since 2009.
  [jensens] 1.2.15 → 1.2.18

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed blank edit forms of the per ruleset parameters.
  `Issue 1993 <>`_.

- Fixed title and description of max age in strong caching rule for resources.
  They wrongly were the same as for shared max age.
  Fixes `issue 1989 <>`_.

- Fix: Do not break Plone if there is no Archetypes available.
  [jensens] 3.3.5 → 3.4.1

#####New features:

- Folder Contents: Construct the list of sortable indexes from the available catalog indexes, using a blacklist and a default set - likewise as it's done with metadata columns.

- Allow for easier overriding of some BaseVocabularyView settings

######Bug fixes:

- Allow operation on inactive content for all folder content actions.
  This allows deleting, renaming, rearranging and changing workflow of content which expiration date has already been met or which effective date hasn't met yet.

- Fix issue where some actions (copy, delete, paste) on contents view did not
  work if there were any private (innaccessible for the current user) levels the
  current path

- removed unittest2 dependency.

- Adapt tests to the new indexing operations queueing.
  Part of PLIP 1343:
  [gforcada] 1.2.8 → 1.2.9

######Bug fixes:

- Remove hasattr.
  [ivanteoh] 4.0.13 → 4.0.16

######Bug fixes:

- Fix action edit form. Previously, changes would not be persisted due
  to a bug.

- Ensure error message is an unicode object

- Cleanup: isort, autopep8, manual formatting.

- Cleanup: update code to follow Plone styleguide.

- Fix issue where content rules edit forms were broken because of move of
  getIcon from @@plone to @@plone_layout
  [datakurre] 1.2.22 → 1.2.23

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed Mimetype icon path. Version 1.2.19 introduced a change to fit
  Products.MimetypesRegistry 2.1, but Plone 5.0 should remain on 2.0.x.
  Fixes `issue 1997 <>`_.

- Avoid failure during migration if relation is broken.

- Fix import location for Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces.
  [thet] 2.0.12 → 2.0.13

######Bug fixes:

- Merge dutch translation updates from master to 2.0.x branch
  [jpladage] 1.2.2 → 1.2.3

######Bug fixes:

- Fix import location for Products.ATContentTypes.interfaces.
  [thet] 1.3.5 → 1.3.6

######Bug fixes:

- Reduce log level of ThemingPolicy cache to 'debug'.
  [jensens] 2.0.1 → 2.0.4

#####New features:

- Add Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade profile.

- new metadata catalog column mime_type

- Add image scaling options to image handling controlpanel
  when migrating to 5.1b3.

######Bug fixes:

- Register ``ISiteSyndicationSettings`` again.
  This interface was updated in 5.0rc3.
  On older sites, this would cause an error on the ``syndication-controlpanel``:
  KeyError: 'Interface `Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.syndication.ISiteSyndicationSettings` defines a field `render_body`, for which there is no record.

- Catch warning the pythonic way.
  Makes it work with latest CMFCore.

- Fix and ``AttributeError`` for the Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade.

- Do not convert/fail on None while update_social_media_fields

- Fixed ImportError when ``Products.ATContentTypes`` is not available.
  This happens when you only have the ``Products.CMFPlone`` egg
  and not the ``Plone`` egg. [maurits]

- Fixed title and description of plone.resource.maxage.
  This had the title and description from shared maxage,
  due to a wrong reference.

- Removed "change portal events"

- Update ``twitter_username``, ``facebook_app_id`` and ``facebook_username`` field values as they are now declared as ``ASCIILine`` instead of ``TextLine``.

- TinyMCE 4.5.6 update.

- Update registry for Plone 5.1 to integrate ``mockup-patterns-structureupdater``.
  [thet] 4.0.1 → 4.0.3

######Bug fixes:

- return empty vocabulary when no imagescales defined

- plone/Products.CMFPlone#1794: use permissive vocabulary type
  for numeric-indexed weekday and month vocabularies
  to avoid breaking GenericSetup import.

- plone/Products.CMFPlone#1268: use permissive vocabulary type
  for ReallyUserFriendlyTypes, to avoid insertion of new types
  in plone.displayed_types (registry) from breaking GenericSetup
  profiles in add-ons.
  [seanupton] 2.2.7 → 2.2.8

######Bug fixes:

- Remove usage of 'Change portal events' permission.

####plone.api: 1.6 → 1.7

#####New features:

- Add disable_roles_acquisition and enable_roles_acquisition to api.content

######Bug fixes:

- Simplify the ``plone.api.content.delete`` method.

- content.copy with safe_id=False should raise it's own exeception. Fixes #340

- Simplify delete and transition functions.

- Do not reassign dynamic roles as local roles when using user.grant_roles().
  Fixes same issue as #351 for groups.

- Include local roles granted from being in a group when using "inherit=False"
  in user.get_roles. Fixes #346

- Ignore local roles granted on parents when using "inherit=False" in either
  user.get_roles or group.get_roles. Fixes #354

- Fix title wrongly set by ``api.content.create`` when called from GS setup
  [gotcha, pgrunewald]

####plone.behavior: 1.1.4 → 1.2.0

#####New features:

- For zcml registration:
  If both, no ``for`` and no ``@adapter`` is given,
  fall first back to ``marker`` if given (new),
  else to ``Interface`` (as it was already before).

######Bug fixes:

- Cleanup: Make Jenkins CI code analysis silent by fixing the issues.

####plone.formwidget.querystring: 1.1.8 → 1.1.9

######Bug fixes:

- Make "Remove line" from translatable

####plone.i18n: 3.0.6 → 3.0.7

######Bug fixes:

- Add missing entries to requirements in

####plone.namedfile: 3.0.10 → 3.0.11

######Bug fixes:

- Fix contentType attribute should be str type, what leads to validation errors (fixes `#38`_).

####plone.schemaeditor: 2.0.15 → 2.0.17

#####New features:

- Allow specifying a vocabulary in the form of key|label in (multi)choice fields as seen at PFG.

- Add fields in field editing UI to the current selected fieldset.

- Allow specifying a vocabulary in the form of *key|label* in (multi)choice fields

- Removed very old import conditions

######Bug fixes:

- Fix Schemaeditor fields editing UI to be able to move fields into another fieldset.
  Fixes: #30.

- JavaScript formating according to style guides.

- Cleanup:
  - Remove Plone 4 related form tabbing CSS selectors from fields editing UI JavaScript.
  - Better code reuse.

####plone.supermodel: 1.3.2 → 1.3.3

######Bug fixes:

- Fixed typecasting of IChoice based on its vocabulary. #16

####plone.testing: 4.1.1 → 4.1.2

- Replace `ZServer.PubCore` handler with a threadless version, which fixes
  `coverage` reporting. See

####z3c.autoinclude: 0.3.6 → 0.3.7

- Add support for Python 3.4, Python 3.5 and PyPy.

- When choosing between multiple (equivalent) packages that offer the
  same namespace and there are no namespace-only packages, choose
  either the one whose project name matches the namespace (if there
  are no dots in the namespace), or the first when sorted by project
  name. Previously, the first in the list generated from the
  combination of iterating ``sys.path`` and asking ``pkg_resources``
  for distributions was picked. This should increase test
  repeatability but is not expected to be otherwise noticeable. See
  `PR 3 <>`_
  for discussion.

####z3c.formwidget.query: 0.12 → 0.13

- Compatible with z3c.form > 3.2.10, where radio and checkbox `items` property is a generator.
  [thomasdesvenain] 1.1.1 → 1.1.2

######Bug fixes:

- Fix imports from Globals that was removed in Zope4

- Add coding headers on python files.

####plone.directives.form: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3

######Bug fixes:

- Remove unused import and added a missing import on example.

- Update to point to github repository.
  [esteele] 5.0.3 → 5.0.7

#####New features:

- Add a new view ``@@tg`` for translatable content. It will return the
  current translation group of the content, matching the bahavior of ``@@uuid``
  of ```` returning UUID of the content. [datakurre]

######Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency

- Update import of UnauthorizedUser. [davisagli]

- Remove travis integration because is part of plonecore and should be tested there.

- Fix bug where formcontrols were overlaped by fields.

- Fix robot tests to work with improved related items widget.

####archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.4 → 3.0.5

######Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency.

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