Plone 5.1.7

Milestone information

Maurits van Rees
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Release notes 

Note: this is the last release in the 5.1 series.

Some highlights are:

* Integrate Plone20200121 hotfix.

* Security: depend on Products.isurlinportal. Version 1.1.0 has hardening against white space.

* plone.recipe.zeoserver: Windows fixes

* mockup and plonetheme.barceloneta: various frontend fixes, including translations

* Lots of translation updates

* Lots of bug fixes in many packages.

* plone.namedfile: Range support

* plone.scale:
  The ``mode`` argument replaces the old, now deprecated, ``direction`` argument.
  The new names are ``contain`` or ``scale-crop-to-fit`` instead of ``down``,
  ``cover`` or ``scale-crop-to-fill`` instead of ``up``
  and ``scale`` instead of ``thumbnail``.

* plone.supermodel: added support for choices of integers for improved registry.xml export.

* Products.PluggableAuthService: Added new events to be able to notify when a principal is added to or removed from a group.


View the full changelog

Zope: 2.13.27 → 2.13.30

Acquisition: 4.4.2 → 4.4.4

coverage: 4.4.2 → 4.5.4

zc.lockfile: 1.2.1 → 1.4

ZEO: 5.1.1 → 5.1.2

futures: 3.1.1 → 3.3.0

setuptools: 40.8.0 → 42.0.2

zc.buildout: 2.13.1 → 2.13.3

CacheControl: 0.12.3 → 0.12.6

collective.recipe.sphinxbuilder: 1.0 → 1.1

collective.recipe.template: 2.0 → 2.1

plone.recipe.alltests: 1.5.1 → 1.5.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.recipe.zeoserver: 2.0.1 → 2.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Removing ZODB3_HOME variable from runzeo.bat and files, Fix for windows machine (#41)

- fix for "ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package" - In windows build (#42)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.releaser: 1.7.3 → 1.8.2
New features:

- Support env var PLONE_RELEASER_MULTI_PACKAGES to signal doing multiple releases.
  We still change `checkouts.cfg` and `versions.cfg` in the relevant coredev branches then,
  but we do not offer to push them.
  [maurits] (#37)

- Handle coredev branch 6.0 when releasing packages.
  [maurits] (#27)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed detecting changes in packages that are missing from checkouts.
  [maurits] (#35)

- Fixed adding a package to checkouts.cfg. [maurits] (#30)

- Ask before pushing an updated version when running 'report'. [maurits] (#32)

- Fixed adding some package versions twice when releasing.
  [maurits] (#24)

toml: 0.9.4 → 0.9.6

twine: 1.11.0 → 1.15.0

zc.recipe.egg: 2.0.5 → 2.0.7

zest.releaser: 6.17.2 → 6.21.1

wcwidth: 0.1.7 → 0.2.5

Pygments: 2.2.0 → 2.5.2

typing: 3.6.2 →

certifi: 2017.11.5 → 2020.4.5.1

cssselect: 1.0.1 → 1.0.3

enum34: 1.1.6 → 1.1.10

future: 0.16.0 → 0.18.2

Jinja2: 2.10 → 2.11.2

lxml: 4.2.1 → 4.2.6

Markdown: 2.6.9 → 2.6.11

olefile: 0.44 → 0.46

piexif: 1.0.13 → 1.1.3

Pillow: 5.2.0 → 5.4.1

pyScss: 1.3.5 → 1.3.7

python-dateutil: 2.7.3 → 2.7.5

requests: 2.22.0 → 2.24.0

simplejson: 3.12.0 → 3.17.2

tqdm: 4.19.4 → 4.19.9

urllib3: 1.22 → 1.25.10

WebOb: 1.7.3 → 1.7.4

borg.localrole: 3.1.6 → 3.1.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

collective.monkeypatcher: 1.2 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

diazo: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
New features:

- Drop support for Python 3.4. No code changes.
  [maurits] (#78)

icalendar: 4.0.3 → 4.0.7
Bug fixes:

- fixed rrule handling, re-enabled test_create_america_new_york()

- Use ``vText`` as default type, when convert recurrence definition to ical string. [kam193]

- Fixed a docs issue related to building on Read the Docs [davidfischer]

- Reduce Hypothesis iterations to speed up testing, allowing PRs to pass

mockup: 2.7.8 → 2.7.9
Bug fixes:

- tinymce pattern: Add missing translations by...

      - copying generateModalHtml function from master branch,
      - adding some backported xml changes from 71ddf6f387
      - adding 2 further translations (not yet in master)

  [djowett-ftw] (#910)

- copying generateModalHtml function from master branch,

- adding some backported xml changes from 71ddf6f387

- adding 2 further translations (not yet in master)

- Fix CSS issue on "Pattern options" tab in Resource Registries (padding-top of the tab content).
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#990)

- Fix some internationalization issues in structure pattern (folder_contents view): "Open", "Edit" and "Actions" tooltips are translated; all actions under "Actions" are translated; In filter menu the "No sorting" option of the sorting dropdown is translated.
  [erral] (#991)

- Fix regression for the disabled state of action buttons in folder contents
  and the Tools/Build CSS button in thememapper.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#996)

- Fix internationalization of "Filter" placeholder in selected items dialog.
  [vincentfretin] (#997)

- Fix filename overlapping the remove button in the Upload dialog.
  This fixes and
  [vincentfretin] (#1000)

- Respect default_page_types in actionmenu if folder_contents. Fixes (backport to 5.1.x)
  [pbauer] (#1008)

- Fix external description text in tinymce link popup
  [parruc] (#1010)

Plone: 5.1.6 → 5.1.7
New features:

- Release Plone 5.1.7.

plone.alterego: 1.1.3 → 1.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

plone.api: 1.10.0 → 1.10.3
Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Remove deprecation warnings [ale-rt] (#432)

- In tests, use stronger password.
  [maurits] (#436)

- Removed duplicate and failing inline doctest for content.find.
  [maurits] (#437) 3.5.6 → 3.5.10
Bug fixes:

- Pass default_page_types to allow respecting default_pages_types. (backport #208 to Plone 5.1.x)
  [pbauer] (#209)

- Integrate Plone20200121 hotfix: prevent XSS in title.
  Part of
  [maurits] (#3021)

- Fix error when having non-ASCII characters in workflow state titles. [busykoala] (#191)

- Follow default_page_types setting when showing the items that can be selected as default page [erral] (#182) 1.3.3 → 1.3.4
New features:

- Backport to Plone 4.3
  [gotcha] 2.3.0 → 2.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Fix review state icon position in toolbar when the user doesn't have the permission to change the review state.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#29)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1) 1.4.16 → 1.4.18
Bug fixes:

- Avoid doing the search twice in listings by reusing the batch variable.
  [vincentfretin] (#560)

- Integrate PloneHotFix20200121: add more permission checks.
  [maurits] (#3021) 1.3.10 → 1.3.11
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.6.3 → 2.6.6
Bug fixes:

- Do not require nextPreviousEnabled (#312)

- Make sure getNextItem function returns None if position can not be looked up. [timo] (#308)

- Use https links to documentation. [vincentfretin] (#299)

- Update documentation introduction w/r/t archetypes (#301) (#302)

- Fix mr.bob command in documentation (#305) 3.2.4 → 3.2.9
Bug fixes:

- Replaced deprecated ``plone.testing.z2`` imports with ``plone.testing.zope``, where possible.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``setDefaultRoles``.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Change markup for structured data schemas from ```` to ````.
  Because google supports only - based definitions
  [1letter] (#312)

- Fix Python2 vs. Python3 text and bytes handling in the calendar portlet. (#308)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952) 3.0.5 → 3.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.1.3 → 1.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548) 3.3.12 → 3.3.15
Bug fixes:

- Remove relationship between baseline and working copy, when wc is removed.
  [frapell] (#77)

- Fixed deprecation warning for ObjectEvent and IObjectEvent.
  Moved all code from ```` to ```` to avoid confusion with ``profiles`` directory.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``.
  [maurits] (#2952) 2.8.4 → 2.8.5
Bug fixes:

- Fix Unicode Error in folders with special chars. See #215 3.3.11 → 3.3.14
Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ComponentLookupError.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Explicitly load zcml of dependencies, instead of using ``includeDependencies``.
  [maurits] (#2952) 5.1.18 → 5.1.24
- For French and Catalan, fix mailtemplate_username_info translation that
  triggered an error when sending the mail.
  This fixes

- Update Spanish and Basque translations.

- Remove use of html tag in info_empty_dashboard.
  This fixes

- Update Norwegian translations.

- Fix French date and hours format for the pickadate widget.

- Update german wording and be polite.

- Update French, German, Spanish, Basque translations.

- Update Italian translations
  [ale-rt, arsenico13, cekk, pnicolli]

- Complete Spanish translation for widgets.po

- Basque translations for widgets.po

- Fix typos in French translations.

- Fixed possible package install error with Python 3.6 when no system locale is set.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.

- German translations for widgets.po.

- Synchronize with latest mockup.

- Structure pattern: Change message from misleading "Cannot order items while querying" to "Drag and drop reordering is disabled while filters are applied.".

- Megaupdate plone.po RU locale.

- Fix French translation.

- Update Japanese translations.

- Update Portuguese-BR translations.

- Update French translations.

- Update Slovenian translations, sync from POT files.

- Update German: Inhalte werden "Erstellt" nicht "Erzeugt".

- Minor fixes in Basque

- Update Spanish translation.

- Update basque translation

- Update Slovenian translations.
  [balavec] 1.0.6 → 1.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 5.2.3 → 5.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Marked robot test for adding translation as unstable.
  On Jenkins it has not succeeded on Plone 5.1 for long, and is unstable on 5.2.
  Locally the test passes fine on Chrome and Firefox.
  [maurits] (#365) 1.4.11 → 1.4.14
Bug fixes:

- Fixing issue #97: Multiple path support for Translation Groups, using PATH_INDICES as suggested by jensens (#97)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Integer criterions: try to convert all input to integers.
  Most notably this did not happen for unicode on Python 2.
  So a ``u"42"`` was passed as value to the catalog query, and this matched either all or nothing.
  [maurits] (#93) 1.7.5 → 1.7.7
Bug fixes:

- Make interface list on configuration export page visible. [jensens] (#41)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.0.28 → 2.0.35
New features:

- Add upgrade step for Plone 5.2.2.

  Image caption support
  Allow ``figcaption`` in rich text editor as a valid tag.
  Add registry setting for plone.image_caption outputfilter transform.
  [thet] (#209)

- Add upgrade step to migrate markdown tranform settings to markup control panel.
  [thomasmassmann] (#228)

- Add upgrade profiles for v60, including a upgrade step for #3086 (custom.css view)
  [MrTango] (#3086)

Bug fixes:

- Replaced import of plone.api, which should not be used by core.
  [maurits] (#241)

- Fixes a rare case in v52/betas while migration of relations: Missing attributes on cataloged relations are safely ignored.
  [jensens] (#244)

- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
  [maurits] (#1006)

- Catch deprecation warnings for ``webdav.LockItem.LockItem`` and ``CMFPlone.interfaces.ILanguageSchema``.
  The first has been moved to ``OFS.LockItem``, the second to ``plone.i18n.interfaces``.
  In older upgrade code, we should still try the old import first.
  Fixed deprecation warning for
  Fixed invalid escape sequence.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Migrate the ``plone.site_logo`` field from ASCII (native string) to Bytes.
  Otherwise saving the site-controlpanel can fail with a WrongType error
  Fixes `issue 3172 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3172)

- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
  [vincentfretin] (#236)

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in move_dotted_to_named_behaviors when migrating behaviors for content_types where the fti has a special character.
  [pbauer] (#235)

- Fix problem in step to 5.2 beta 1 `remove_interface_indexes_from_relations_catalog`.
  While upgrading the relation-catalog in some real world databases some of the iterated tokens are orphaned.
  Remove them to have a clean relation-catalog afterwards and log a warning.
  [jensens] (#225)

- add upgrade steps for HTMLFilter defaults.
  [petschki] (#233)

- Make sure plone.staticresources is installed to fix issues with site migrated from 5.0 or 5.1 to 5.2.1.
  [pbauer] (#223)

- Fixed error when upgrading relations.
  [maurits] (#220)

- Add Collection to the default_page_types setting
  [erral] (#216)

plone.autoform: 1.8.1 → 1.9.0
New features:

- Support for zope.interface 5.
  [jensens] (#39)

Bug fixes:

- Decrease the loglevel of "Field move to non-existing: ..." (#21)

plone.batching: 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.behavior: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
New features:

- Drop Plone 4.3 support.
  [maurits] (#3130)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ComponentLookupError.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Improved documentation. [jensens] (#0)

plone.browserlayer: 2.2.2 → 2.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``zope.component.interfaces.IComponentRegistry``.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.caching: 1.2.1 → 1.2.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.contentrules: 2.0.9 → 2.1.0
New features:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``IObjectEvent/ObjectEvent`` from ``zope.component``.
  Drops compatibility with Plone 5.0 and earlier.
  [maurits] (#3130)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.dexterity: 2.6.2 → 2.6.3
Bug fixes:

- - Fix thread safe recursion detection. This fixes an issue in plone.restapi: (Backport of [jensens] (#120)

- Fix thread safe recursion detection. This fixes an issue in plone.restapi: (Backport of [jensens] (#120)

plone.event: 1.4.0 → 1.4.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.formwidget.datetime: 1.3.2 → 1.3.5

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 2.0.9 → 2.0.11
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- set widget value to z3c.form.interfaces.NOT_CHANGED when the user selects 'Keep Existing File' in the widget, so z3c.form understands the field has not changed [flipmcf] (#41)

plone.formwidget.recurrence: 2.1.3 → 2.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.indexer: 1.0.6 → 1.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.intelligenttext: 3.0.0 → 3.1.0
New features:

- Drop Python 2.6 support from tests.
  Start testing on 3.7 and 3.8.
  [maurits] (#9)

plone.keyring: 3.1.1 → 3.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``zope.component.interfaces.IComponentRegistry``.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.locking: 2.2.3 → 2.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.memoize: 2.0.1 → 2.1.0
New features:

- Drop 3.4 support, add 3.7, 3.8, PyPy, PyPy3 support.
  [maurits] (#16)

- Use the zope global request if available as a fallback if the context does not have it [ale-rt] (#17)

Bug fixes:

- Make code black [ale-rt] (#17)

- Improve speed when getting resources from the cache [ale-rt] (#19)

- Remove ````. If you use buildout, use virtualenv and pip install zc.buildout instead.
  Add [isort] and [flake8] config sections into setup.cfg.
  Sort all imports in Python files.
  [thet] (#21)

plone.namedfile: 4.2.7 → 4.3.0
New features:

- Range support (
  (backported from #86 for Plone 5.2 by [fredvd])
  [mamico] (#86)

plone.portlet.collection: 3.3.2 → 3.3.5
Bug fixes:

- Removed fallback import of is_default_page.
  Fixed various DeprecationWarnings.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Fixed deprecation warning for ``setDefaultRoles``.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.portlet.static: 3.1.3 → 3.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Removed Plone 4 compatibility code.
  [maurits] (#19)

- Fixed invalid escape sequence.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Fixed startup warning for setDefaultRoles.
  [maurits] (#17)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.portlets: 2.3.1 → 2.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.protect: 3.1.4 → 3.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Documentation: fixed ``safeWrite`` location. [maurits] (#0)

plone.registry: 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.reload: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates.

plone.scale: 3.0.3 → 3.1.2
New features:

- The ``mode`` argument replaces the old, now deprecated, ``direction`` argument.
  The new names are ``contain`` or ``scale-crop-to-fit`` instead of ``down``,
  ``cover`` or ``scale-crop-to-fill`` instead of ``up``
  and ``scale`` instead of ``thumbnail``.
  [fschulze] (#29)

- Added ``calculate_scaled_dimensions`` function to calculate sizes from bare values without actually scaling an image.

  Added ``MAX_PIXELS`` constant set to ``8192*8192`` to prevent memory overflow while scaling.
  [fschulze] (#37)

Bug fixes:

- Resolve deprecation warning [gforcada] (#42)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix documentation of scaling modes to match it's behavior.
  [thet] (#39)

plone.schema: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix JSONField with default values saved to `model_source` XML
  [avoinea] (#7)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548)

plone.schemaeditor: 2.1.0 → 2.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix ``Fields`` vocabulary via RestAPI. [avoinea] (#76)

plone.session: 3.7.3 → 3.7.5
Bug fixes:

- Fix hard dependency indirection with Products.CMFPlone (plone.session must not import from it).
  [jensens] (#20)

- Only setup a session when the current user is the requested user.
  [maurits] (#57)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.stringinterp: 1.3.1 → 1.3.3
Bug fixes:

- Resolve deprecation warning [gforcada] (#14)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.subrequest: 1.8.6 → 1.8.7
Bug fixes:

- Restored to 1.8.4 version. Kept only the optional Archetypes test dependency.
  Plone 4.3, 5,0 and 5.1 do not need the Python 3 and Zope 4 fixes, and may give errors.
  Plone 5.2 does not use this branch.
  Fixes `issue 2995 <>`_. [maurits]

plone.supermodel: 1.4.0 → 1.5.0
New features:

- Add support for choices of integers for improved registry.xml export.
  [jone] (#32)

Bug fixes:

- tests to ensure schema.Set is serialized consistently (#30)

plone.synchronize: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4
New features:

- Drop Python 2.6 support.
  Support 2.7, 3.5-3.8, PyPy2/3.
  Added tox for local testing.
  [maurits] (#2)

plone.theme: 3.0.6 → 3.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.transformchain: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.uuid: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plonetheme.barceloneta: 2.1.4 → 2.1.9
Bug fixes:

- The active autotab is clearly visually distinguishable again. (#210)

- Show horizontal scrollbar in Users and Groups controlpanel only if needed.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#154)

- Fix checkbox and label alignment on the searchbox.
  [vincentfretin] (#202)

- Fix File icon missing on folder_factories view (from toolbar: Add new... -> More...).
  [vincentfretin] (#203)

- Fix generation of source map links when using grunt.
  Make input color darker to better distinguish from placeholder text.
  [thet] (#207)

- Commented out ``<after css:theme-children="head" css:content="head script" />`` in ``backend.xml`` that caused the scripts being pulled twice,
  in case that you are using it to style backend views.
  You should only use this rule once in your ruleset.
  Using it twice cause leads to JS errors and patterns initialition failures.
  This fixes `issue 158 <>`_.
  [sneridagh] (#159)

- Revert "Fix the different width of Hide and Show button in action control panel" [vincentfretin] (#187)

- Load zcml of ``plone.resource`` for our use of the ``plone:static`` directive.
  [maurits] (#2952)

Products.CMFDiffTool: 3.3.0 → 3.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Fixed invalid escape sequences.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.CMFPlone: 5.1.6 → 5.1.7
Bug fixes:

- New resource registry bundles for Plone 5.1.7.
  [maurits] (#1006)

- Fix default HTLMFilter values to enable TinyMCE styling features
  [petschki] (#2428)

- Fix the TinyMCE pattern loading HTML as CSS.
  [rpatterson] (#2914)

- Add Collection to the default_page_types list
  [erral] (#2956)

- Merge Hotfix20200121 Check of the strength of password could be skipped. (#3021)

- Merge Hotfix20200121: isURLInPortal could be tricked into accepting malicious links. (#3021)

- Improve tests for the workflow tool method listWFStatesByTitle (#3032)

- Fix mail_password_form throwing error when submitted without entering a user name.
  [achimwilde] (#3042)

- Fixed deprecation warning for wrap_form from
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Depend on new package ``Products.isurlinportal``.
  This contains the ``isURLInPortal`` method that was split off from our ``URLTool``.
  See `issue 3150 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3150)

- Backport toolbar fixes from mockup master (Plone 5.2):

  - Fix the scrollbar always present in the toolbar (fixes mockup#897) [ale-rt]
  - Move toolbar to be above structure pattern, by increasing its z-index from 3 to 20 (fixes Products.CMFPlone#2490) [fulv]
  - Set display none instead of width 0 to the plone-toolbar-left children ul for a correct keyboard tabbing (fixes mockup#950) [erral & ionlizarazu]
  - Fix toolbar menus missing checkmark on some browsers (fixes Products.CMFPlone#1972) [vincentfretin] (#3159)

- Fix the scrollbar always present in the toolbar (fixes mockup#897) [ale-rt]

- Move toolbar to be above structure pattern, by increasing its z-index from 3 to 20 (fixes Products.CMFPlone#2490) [fulv]

- Set display none instead of width 0 to the plone-toolbar-left children ul for a correct keyboard tabbing (fixes mockup#950) [erral & ionlizarazu]

- Fix toolbar menus missing checkmark on some browsers (fixes Products.CMFPlone#1972) [vincentfretin] (#3159)

- Recompiled plone, plone-logged-in and resourceregistry bundles.
  [vincentfretin] (#3161)

- Fix content type icons not showing in the toolbar Add menu on Safari.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#3164)

Products.GenericSetup: 1.8.10 → 1.8.11
Bug fixes:

- Force saving unpersisted changes in toolset registry.
  Fixes `issue 86 <>`_.

- No longer test on Python 2.6.

Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.1.5 → 2.1.8
Bug fixes:

- Fixed invalid escape sequences.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Fixed SyntaxWarning ("is" vs. "=="). [ajung] (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.PloneLanguageTool: 3.2.9 → 3.2.10
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.PluggableAuthService: 1.11.2 → 1.11.3
- Add new events to be able to notify when a principal is added to
  or removed from a group. Notify these events when principals are
  added or removed to a group in ZODBGroupManager
  (`#17 <>`_)

Products.PortalTransforms: 3.1.7 → 3.1.10
Bug fixes:

- Fixed invalid escape sequences.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Fixed deprecation warning for DocumentTemplate.DT_Util.html_quote.
  [maurits] (#41)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Use markdown extension settings from markup control panel.
  [pabo3000, thomasmassmann] (#30)

Products.ResourceRegistries: 3.0.7 → 3.0.8
Bug fixes:

- Fixed imports on Plone 5.
  [1letter] (#27)

Products.statusmessages: 5.0.4 → 5.0.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.ZSQLMethods: 2.13.5 → 2.13.6

z3c.autoinclude: 0.3.9 → 0.4.0
Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.4.

New features:

- When environment variable ``Z3C_AUTOINCLUDE_DEBUG`` is set,
  log which packages are being automatically included.
  Do this in a form that you can copy to a ``configure.zcml`` file.

- Add support for Python 3.8. 3.0.0a1 → 3.3.0

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.5.10 → 2.5.11
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1) 1.7.4 → 1.7.5
Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for MimeTypeException from MimetypesRegistry.common.
  [maurits] (#3130) 1.2.7 → 1.2.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1) 2.0.7 → 2.0.8
Bug fixes:

- Fix IOError: cannot write mode RGBA as JPEG on ImageField scale

Products.validation: 2.1.1 → 2.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Fixes #6 long deprecated InitializeClass import which did not work in Zope 5.
  [jensens] (#6)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.5.4 → 1.5.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

collective.js.jqueryui: 2.0.1 → 2.1.6

collective.z3cform.datagridfield: 1.2 → 1.4.0

collective.z3cform.datetimewidget: 1.2.8 → 1.2.9
------------------------------------------------ 1.2.1 → 1.2.2
------------------------------------- 1.3.8 → 1.4.1
New features:

- Change to use Python's built-in `filecmp.cmp(shallow=False)` to compare blobs for differences instead of the old method of comparing them line by line. [datakurre] (#50)

Bug fixes:

- Avoid traceback when transforming links on content type with no primary field
  [laulaz] (#51)

- Update the documentation that was pointing to the obsolete @@types-controlpanel (it is @@content-controlpanel instead) (#33)

z3c.jbot: 0.7.2 → 0.8

archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.7 → 3.0.8
Bug fixes:

- Fix export of components by adding a ``__name__`` property to the handler.
  [maurits] (#27) 0.7.7 → 0.7.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.4.3 → 1.4.4
Bug fixes:

- Added uninstall profile.
  This requires Products.GenericSetup 1.8.2+,
  (available by default in Plone 4.3.8+ and 5.0.3+).

- Added dependencies so Plone 5 can start.
  Removed the Plone 5 classifiers, because there is a test failure,
  and it can't have worked before. [maurits] 4.1.1 → 4.1.2.post5
------------------------------------- 2.3.0 → 2.3.2

plone.tiles: 2.2.1 → 2.3.0
New features:

- Drop Plone 4.3 support.
  [maurits] (#3130)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed deprecation warning for ComponentLookupError.
  [maurits] (#3130)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fixed tests on Travis.
  [maurits] (#33)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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