Plone 5.1a2

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Eric Steele
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View the full changelog

Sphinx: 1.3.4 → 1.3.6

setuptools: 20.2.2 → 21.0.0

zc.buildout: 2.5.0 → 2.5.2

plone.recipe.zeoserver: 1.2.8 → 1.2.9
Bug fixes:

- Updated documentation. [mamico, gforcada]

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.20 → 4.2.21
Bug fixes:

- Fix #23: "TypeError: <lambda>() takes no arguments (1 given)" on ./bin/instance start

plone.releaser: 1.5.0 → 1.5.3
New features:

- Ask before pushing to coredev, after updating the checkouts and versions. [maurits]

- Changed new headings to ''Breaking changes'', ''New features'', ''Bug
  fixes''. Old headers are still accepted, but in the postrelease we
  generate the new ones. In the unified changelog, we combine the old
  and new names.

Bug fixes:

- Change pypi-url from http to https.

- Fix new versions if they had dev/post release suffix.

- When compiling changelog, treat Incompatibilities header as special
  too. [maurits]

plone.versioncheck: 1.2.1 → 1.3
------------------------------- 0.9.15 → 1.0
Breaking changes:

- Do not use ``run_on_failure`` from ``Selenium2Library``. This
  interferes with ``Wait until keyword succeeds``: an initial failure
  is seen as total failure instead of checking the retries of this
  keyword. See

New features:

- Test with robotframework version 3.0. [maurits]

- Added ``Plone Test Setup`` and ``Plone Test Teardown`` keywords. In
  that last one, in case of a failure do what is done by
  ``run_on_failure``, which will be removed in version 1.0. This
  means a screen shot by default, but you can override this on the
  command line with for example ``ROBOT_SELENIUM_RUN_ON_FAILURE=Debug``.

- Add ``Running tests with the Google Chrome browser`` section.
  Briefly: ``ROBOT_BROWSER=chrome ./bin/test --all``

Bug fixes:

- Replaced deprecated ``Fail Unless Equal`` with ``Should Be Equal``
  in test. [maurits]

- Removed bad format parameter on ObjectModifiedEvent: must be an Attributes instance.
  See zope.lifecycleevent.ObjectModifiedEvent class.
  Removed because we can''t get the interface and the correct fieldname.

robotframework: 2.8.7 → 3.0

robotframework-debuglibrary: 0.3 → 0.5

robotframework-ride: 1.3 →

robotframework-selenium2screenshots: 0.4.0 → 0.7.0

selenium: 2.46.0 → 2.53.5

sphinxcontrib-robotframework: 0.4.3 → 0.5.1

Markdown: 2.6.5 → 2.6.6

Pillow: 3.1.1 → 3.3.0

WebOb: 1.4.1 → 1.4.2

cssselect: 0.9.1 → 0.9.2

decorator: 4.0.9 → 4.0.10

requests: 2.9.1 → 2.9.2

simplejson: 3.8.1 → 3.8.2

Plone: 5.1a1 → 5.1a2
New features:

- Release Plone 5.1a2

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.2.11 → 2.2.13
Breaking changes:

- *add item here*

New features:

- Make tests work with old and new safe HTML cleaner (PLIP 1441)

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

- Fixed AttributeError ``unmarkCreationFlag`` during installation.
  This could happen when there was already a Members folder from
  ````. Fixes issue [maurits]

Products.Archetypes: 1.10.13 → 1.11.1
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. Most importantly this removes the
  ``archetype_tool``, ``reference_catalog``, and ``uid_catalog``.
  Needs Products.GenericSetup 1.8.3.

- Removed ``error_log`` from ``toolset.xml``, because this is already
  in the toolset of ``Products.CMFPlone``. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- DateWidget, DatetimeWidget now able to clear previous values.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- No longer try to mock in tests. [maurits]

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

Products.CMFDiffTool: 3.0.4 → 3.1.2
New features:

- Add generic `inline_diff` implementation for FieldDiff.

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Rerelease, as 3.1.0 was broken on one of our test servers. Should
  be fine elsewhere. [maurits]

Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI: 4.1.3 → 4.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

Products.CMFEditions: 2.2.19 → 2.2.21
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fixed CloneBlobs modifier to only react on Archetypes.
  This fix allows Dexterity Blob-Types (e.g. File, Image) to be versioned.

Products.CMFFormController: 3.0.5 → 3.1.1
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. Needs Products.GenericSetup 1.8.3. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Minor package cleanup. [maurits]

Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 1.6.5 → 1.7.1
New features:

- Added ``uninstall`` profile instead of old external method. [maurits]

- Removed ``actionicons.xml`` because this is handled in ``controlpanel.xml``. [maurits]

- Replaced ``placeful_marker`` import step with a ``post_handler``. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.CMFPlone: 5.1a1 → 5.1a2
Breaking changes:

- Move toolbar resources to plone-logged-in bundle and recompile bundles.

- Don''t fail, if ``timestamp.txt`` was deleted from the resource registries production folder.

- Add ``review_state`` to ``CatalogNavigationTabs.topLevelTabs`` results.
  This allows for exposing the items workflow state in portal navigation tabs.

- Remove discontinued module ``grunt-debug-task`` from ``plone-compile-resources``.

- Remove deprecated resource registrations for ``mockup-parser`` and ``mockup-registry`` from mockup-core.
  Use those from patternslib instead.

- ``plone-compile-resources``: Install ``grunt-cli`` instead of depending on an installed ``grunt`` executable.
  If you already have a auto-generated ``package.json`` file in buildout directory, remove it.

- Moved code around and deprecated old locations in ``Products/CMFPlone/patterns/__init__``.
  This goes together with same pattern settings changes in ````.
  Also moved general usable ``./patterns/utils/get_portal`` to ``./utils/.get_portal``.
  Deprecated ``./patterns/utils/get_portal`` and ``./patterns/utils/get_portal``.

New features:

- Updated components directory, recompiled bundles.

- Align bower components with newest mockup + documentation updates on mockup update process.

- Ignore a bit more in ``.gitignores`` for CMPlones bower components.

- Added setting to editing controlpanel to enable limit of keywords to the current navigation root.

- Make login modal dialog follow any redirects set while processing the login request.

- Add link to

- Allow to define multiple ``tinymce-content-css`` in theme ``manifest.cfg`` files, seperated by a comma.

- Update npm package depencies.

- Supported ``remove`` keyword for configlets in controlpanel.xml. [maurits]

- Deprecated Gruntfile generation script ``plone-generate-gruntfile``.
  Modified the ``plone-compile-resources`` script to support more parameters in order to take over that single task too.
  Also clean up of parameters, better help and refactored parts of the code.

- Allow to hide/show actions directly from the Actions control panel list

Bug fixes:

- Have more patience in the thememapper robot test. [maurits]

- Upgrade ``less-plugin-inline-urls`` to ``1.2.0`` to properly handle VML url node values in CSS.

- Fixed missing keyword in robot tests due to wrong documentation lines.

- TinyMCE default table styles were broken after install due to a wrong default value.

- Rewording of some Site control panel text [tkimnguyen]

- Fixed syntaxerror for duplicate tag in robot tests. [maurits]

- Marked two robot tests as unstable, non-critical.
  Refs [maurits]

- Use ``Plone Test Setup`` and ``Plone Test Teardown`` from ```` master. [maurits]

- Let npm install work on windows for plone-compile-resources.

- Don''t fail, when combining bundles and the target resource files (``BUNLDE-compiled.[min.js|css]``) do not yet exist on the filesystem.
  Fixes GenericSetup failing silently on import with when a to-be-compiled bundle which exists only as registry entry is processed in the ``combine-bundle`` step.

- Workaround a test problem with outdated Firefox 34 used at
  This Workaround can be removed once was solved.

- Fix select2 related robot test failures and give the test_tinymce.robot scenario a more unique name.

- Add missing ``jquery.browser`` dependency which is needed by patternslib.

- Toolbar fixes:
  - Autoformat with cssbrush and js-beautify,
  - Remove ``git diff`` in line 105, which broke compilation.
  - Use patternslib ``pat-base`` instead of ``mockup-patterns-base``.
  - Remove dependency on deprecated ``mockup-core``.

- Removed docstrings from PropertyManager methods to avoid publishing them. [maurits]

- Added publishing patch from Products.PloneHotfix20160419.
  This avoids publishing some methods inherited from Zope or CMF. [maurits]

- Remove whitespaces in ``Products/CMFPlone/browser/templates/``.

- Fixed versioning for File and Image.

- Do not hide document byline viewlet by default;
  it is controled by the `Allow anyone to view ''about'' information` option in the `Security Settings` of `Site Setup` (closes `#1556`_).

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

- Fix issue where incorrectly configured formats would cause TinyMCE to error

- Closes #1513 ''Wrong portal_url used for TinyMCE in multilingual site'',
  also refactors the patterns settings and cleans it up.

- Removed inconsistency in the display of `Site Setup` links under ''Users and Groups''
  control panel.

- Only encode JS body if unicode in gruntfile generation script to avoid
  unicode error.

- Only encode CSS body if unicode in gruntfile generation script to avoid
  unicode error.

- Gruntfile failed if only css or only javascripts were registered.

- Bundle aggregation must use ++plone++static overrided versions if any.

- Fix bundle aggregation when bundle has no CSS (or no JS)

- Fix relative url in CSS in bundle aggregation

- Do not hard-code baseUrl in bundle to avoid bad URL when switching domains.

- fix typo and comma splice error in HTML filtering control panel [tkimnguyen]

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Remove advanced_search input which is in double.

Products.contentmigration: 2.1.12 → 2.1.13
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.ExtendedPathIndex: 3.1 → 3.1.1
- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.GenericSetup: 1.8.2 → 1.8.3
- Allowed overriding required and forbidden tools in ``toolset.xml``.
  If a tool is currently required and you import a ``toolset.xml``
  where it is forbidden, we remove the tool from the required list and
  add it to the forbidden list. And the other way around. The
  previous behavior was to raise an exception, which left no way in
  xml to remove a tool. Fail with a ValueError when the ``remove``
  keyword is used. The expected behavior is unclear. [maurits]

Products.Marshall: 2.2.0 → 2.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.0.8 → 2.0.10
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- In ``guess_encoding`` fall back to ``utf-8`` instead of trying to
  read a portal property or the registry. [esteele]

Products.PasswordResetTool: 2.2.1 → 2.2.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Remove unused attribute access of ``fullname`` (whereas it should have been access via ``getProperty``) on a PlonePAS MemberData object in ````, which lead to attribute access errors.

Products.PlacelessTranslationService: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.PloneLanguageTool: 3.2.7 → 3.2.8
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.PlonePAS: 5.0.9 → 5.0.11
Bug fixes:

- Use the _marker from CMFCore for MemberDataTool.getProperty,
  this makes sure that we never return the _marker from PlonePAS
  but an error.

- Don''t raise an ValueError if a property doesn''t exists for a ZOPE

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in searchForMembers by using safe_unicode.

Products.PortalTransforms: 2.2.0 → 2.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix regression in rest transform vs. old Zope2 reStructuredText wrapper:
  headings now proper level in settings for body, which was necessary to
  preserve levels assumed in downstream use of this transform
  (e.g. Archetypes). Behavior now matches that of previous wrapper.

Products.ResourceRegistries: 3.0.3 → 3.0.4
Bug fixes:

- ``_setId`` was incorrectly rising ``ValueError`` making it impossible to rename an external resource.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.statusmessages: 4.0 → 4.1.1
New features:

- Convert tests to

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

Products.validation: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.5.7 → 2.5.8
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

archetypes.schemaextender: 2.1.5 → 2.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

borg.localrole: 3.1.1 → 3.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

collective.monkeypatcher: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

diazo: 1.2.2 → 1.2.3
New features:

- Add absolute url prefix to xlink:href attributes
  [krissik] 2.2.3 → 2.2.4
- Skip processing instruction code blocks in templates that use
  the restricted evaluation engine.

icalendar: 3.9.2 → 3.10
New features:

- Updated components description to better comply with RFC 5545.
  Refs #183.

- Added PERIOD value type to date types.
  Also fixes incompatibilities described in #184.
  Refs #189.

Bug fixes:

- Fix testsuite for use with ``dateutil>=2.5``.
  Refs #195.

- Reintroduce cal.Component.is_broken that was removed with 3.9.2.
  Refs #185.

mockup: 2.2.0 → 2.3.0
Breaking changes:

- Remove support for node version < ``0.11`` and update travis dependencies.

New features:

- Related items pattern: result button style allow for more room
  for scrollbar, and have subltle color change on hover to deliniate
  user-expected behavior of browsing vs. selecting item.

- Fix urls in modals not opening in new window

- Update safe bower.json dependencies except backbone which tests would fail.
  Keep jQuery at ``1.11.3`` as long as this might be used in Plone 4.x together with, which uses the deprecated internal ``$.buildFragments`` method.

- Update package.json dependencies, except less which has incompatible changes since 2.0 (less.parse).

- add body class for active popover

- Be able to set structure status from server with object of { text: '''', label: '''', type: ''warning''}
  so you can customize the status message from ajax handlers.

- Add ``test-dev-ff`` as Makefile target and the related grunt/karma setup to run tests in Firefox.

- Structure pattern:
  - Allow definition of action menu items not only as dropdowns but also as buttons.
  - Add ``openItem`` and ``editItem`` actions as buttons and remove the open icon from the title column.
  - Open ``openItem`` links according to ``typeToViewAction`` instead of default with the ``/view`` postfix.
  - Open ``editItem`` under ``/@@edit`` instead ``/edit``.
  - Remove JS event handlers for externally opening simple URLs and use the href attribute instead.
  - Add ``iconCSS`` option for action menus items to add icons.
  - Add ``modal`` option for action menus items to allow links open in a modal.
  - Add ``iconSize`` option to set the icon size if a item has an image.
  - Use icons for all actionmenu entries.
  - Use the tooltip pattern for all actionmenu buttons.
  - Use pat-moment also for ``start``, ``end`` and ``last_comment_date`` columns.
  - For columns with date fields, show an empty column if the date value is ''None''.
  - Remove the checkbox and the actionmenu from the breadcrumbs bar for the current active folder to simplify the structure pattern.
    The actionmenu contained redundant actions (cut, copy, paste) and selecting the current folder is possible one level up.
  - Don''t show empty alerts with ``alert-warning`` CSS class.
    Show them transparent but in the same height as if they were not empty.
    Align HTML structue with bootstrap ones and use ``<strong>`` for alert labels.
  - Fix rearrange button


- Don''t show empty alerts with ``alert-warning`` CSS class.
  Show them transparent but in the same height as if they were not empty.
  Align HTML structue with bootstrap ones and use ``<strong>`` for alert labels.

- Fix rearrange button

Bug fixes:

- Related Items pattern: content icon cross-compatibility with Plone
  5.x and 4.x (via 1.x); in Plone 5 getIcon returned
  from brain is a boolean, in Plone 4, it is a string -- use this to
  show content icons in Plone 5 as previous, but also show image scale
  in Plone 4, but only for images. This is the most reasonable
  solution to avoid requesting many broken image scales (404) in Plone 4.

- Upload pattern LESS: included omitted styles for progress bar
  in upload patttern by importing seletected styles from Bootstrap LESS.
  Fixes incorrect/omitted display of progress bar in 1.x.
  Built widgets.min.css is only 64 bytes larger, when gzipped.

- Updated the documentation in

- Fix issues where querystring widget was broke due to issues with
  checks for undefined

- Escape input into select2 widget

- Fix issue where using filter when paging would not work in the structure pattern

- Fix positioning of popovers in structure

- Fix structure to always default to page 1 of results when moving between breadcrumbs

- Fix possible grid markup in modal

- Fix paste button not working

- Re-add missing ``mockup-patterns-autotoc`` and ``mockup-patterns-modal`` dependencies to TinyMCE link modal.

- Fix tests and mocks on real browsers for structure pattern test, which threw CSRF errors.

- Moment pattern: Don''t try to parse obvious invalid dates ("None", "").
  Avoids Moment.js deprecation warnings.
  [thet] 1.6.1 → 1.6.4
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Add a note to for when it is possible to remove it.

- Blob images now reset EXIF data on save [martior] 1.2.10 → 1.2.11
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 1.1.6 → 1.2.1
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. The Collection type is removed when you
  uninstall this package. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 3.0.20 → 3.2
New features:

- Add ``@@allow_upload`` view, which returns a JSON string to indicate if File or Image uploads are allowed in the current container.
  When the view is called with a ``path`` request parameter, then content at this path is used instead the content where the view is called.

- Factor out the available columns ignored list which can be used to narrow down the available columns list to a user friendly set.

- Show attributes from ``_unsafe_metadata`` if user has "Modify Portal Content" permissions.

- Add ``Creator``, ``Description``, ``end``, ``start`` and ``location`` to the available columns and context attributes for folder_contents.

Bug fixes:

- Explicitly set ``application/json`` content type for JSON responses and declare an ``utf-8`` charset.

- Properly deprecated ``_permissions`` in favor of ``PERMISSIONS``.
  Since 3.1, the ``_permissions`` variable was ``None`` instead of a
  backwards compatibility alias for ``PERMISSIONS`` due to a wrong
  deprecation. [maurits]

- Fix recursive workflow actions. The ``isDefaultPage`` check acquired
  the wrong parent context. Also bypass the recurse flag for default page
  workflow state change. [petschki]

- Bind view ``plonejsi18n`` to INavigationRoot in order to enable non-portal-root published sites to deliver the translations for javascript.

- Lookup of Content Type for passing in Content Type Factory improved,
  so that all Images (especially Tiff) are stored as Images not Files.

- Folder contents: When pasting, handle "Disallowed subobject type" ValueError and present a helpful error message.
  Fixes: plone/mockup#657

- Folder contents: Acquire the top most visible portal object to operate on.
  Fixes some issues in INavigationRoot or ISite based subsites and virtual hosting environments pointing to subsites.
  Fixes include: show correct breadcrumb paths, paste to correct location.
  Fixes: #86

- Added most notably `portal_type`, `review_state` and `Subject` but also `exclude_from_nav`, `is_folderish`, `last_comment_date`, `meta_type` and `total_comments` to ``BaseVocabularyView`` ``translate_ignored`` list.
  Some of them are necessary for frontend logic and others cannot be translated.

- Remove ``portal_type`` from available columns and use ``Type`` instead, which is meant to be read by humans.
  ``portal_type`` is now available on the attributes object.

- Vocabulary permissions are considered View permission by default, if not
  stated different in PERMISSIONS global. Renamed _permissions to PERMISSIONS,
  Deprecated BBB name in place. Also minor code-style changes
  [jensens, thet]

- Fix test isolation problem and remove an unnecessary test dependency on ````.

- Restore acquisition context in orderings, which had been dropped by accident in 3.0.15
  [pysailor] 1.2.4 → 1.2.7
Bug fixes:

- Make ``getSize`` work on RealContentListingObject on types w/o any Primaryfield.

- Added missing implementation for getSize on RealContentListingObject.
  Interface was not fullfilled here.

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits] 2.1.7 → 2.1.8
Bug fixes:

- Optimized display menu''s check for `index_html`.
  [davisagli] 4.0.10 → 4.0.11
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Replace docstring mentions of Formlib with z3c.form
  [staeff] 1.2.11 → 1.2.17
New features:

- Configure edit urls for locking support, where locking support is enabled.

- Add ``i18n:attribute`` properies to all action nodes for FTI types.

- added few pypi links in ''Migration'' section

- assign shortnames to behaviors as supported by plone.behavior

Bug fixes:

- Marked relative location criterion robot test as unstable.
  This needs further investigation, but must not block Plone development.
  See issue

- Remove ``path`` index injection in "plone.collection" behaviors ``results`` method.
  It is a duplicate.
  Exactly the same is done already in the ````,
  which is called by above ``results`` method.

- Select all migratable types in migration-form by default. Fixes #193.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Mark robot test `` Test Absolute Location Criterion`` as unstable.
  This needs further investigation, but must not block Plone development.

- corrected typos in the documentation

- Correct the SearchableText base indexer: use mime type of RichText output
  (rather than raw) value in plaintext conversion. Fixes #357.

- Wait longer to fix unstable robot tests. [maurits]

- Fixed possible cross site scripting (XSS) attack in lead image caption. [maurits]

- Encode the linked url for the Link type to allow for non ascii characters in the url.

- Deferred adapter lookup in collection view.
  This was looked up for contentmenu/toolbar at every authenticated request.
  It also had side effects if custom collection behaviors are used.

- Fixed unstable robot test for location criterion. [maurits]

- Don''t fail for ``utils.replace_link_variables_by_paths``, if value is ``None``.
  The value can be ``None`` when creating a ``Link`` type with ``invokeFactory`` without ``remoteUrl`` set and calling the indexer before setting the URL.
  [thet] 1.3.4 → 1.3.5
New features:

- Add developer warning to portal_view_customizations

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 2.1.20 → 2.3.2
New features:

- The defaults of exclude from navigation is now obtained from a contextaware default factory, which value is obtained from an adapter.
  The default adapter returns False.
  An alternative adapter which defaults to True is provided but not registered.
  This change makes it possible to provide a custom context specific implementation.

- Documentation: Shortnames added and some missing behaviors added.

- Assign short names for all behaviors as supported by plone.behavior.

Bug fixes:

- Revised tutorial sections to use mr.bob and bobtemplates.plone rather than ZopeSkel.

- Removed ``dexterity-types`` from portal_actions. This is set
  correctly in ``controlpanel.xml``.

- Linebreaks in description are replaced with a space instead of vanishing it.
  Thus an editor can use them w/o having word glued together afterwards.

- Remove dups from TTW behavior FTI editor.

- Fix problem in ConstrainTypesBehavior:
  when mode was ENABLED but only setLocallyAllowedTypes were set,
  then getImmediatelyAddableTypes returned None,
  but all consuming code expect it to return a list

- Lookup of Content Type from MIME-Type for using right Plone Content Type to store Images (especially Tiff) correct as Images not Files.
  [loechel] 2.4.11 → 2.4.17
New features:

- Make tests work with lxml safe html cleaner

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Cleaned code from flake8 errors. [maurits]

- Removed ``comment-migration`` view. This did not work anymore on
  Plone 5. If you still need to migrate from old-style comments, so
  from Plone 4.0 or earlier, please upgrade to Plone 4.3 first.

- Reset the required setting of the author_email widget each time.
  Otherwise, the email field might get set to required when an
  anonymous user visits, and then remain required when an
  authenticated user visits, making it impossible for an authenticated
  user to fill in the form without validation error. Or when in the
  control panel the field is set as not required anymore, that change
  would have no effect until the instance was restarted. [maurits]

- Fixed possible cross site scripting (XSS) attack on moderate comments page. [maurits]

- Removed docstrings from some methods to avoid publishing them. From
  Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

- Mark ''Edit'' button for translation.
  [gforcada] 2.0.7 → 3.0
Breaking changes:

New features:

- Use ``schema.URI`` instead of ``schema.TextLine`` for ``event_url`` field.

- Make JavaScript date/time update work with optional start/end dates.

- Make use of more generic selectors in JavaScript, so that JavaScript works also for derived classes.

- Configure custom css classes for all event behavior fields.
  This makes it easier to use same selectors also for derived behaviors.
  Needs `` >= 2.0.1``.

- Use ``plone.autoform.directives`` for manipulating field widgets instead of overriding the default Fieldwidget adapters.

- Changed the color of the navigation in the calendar widget to grey(from blue) using inherit.

- Added short-names for behaviors.

Bug fixes:

- Fixed possible cross site scripting (XSS) attack in location field. [maurits]

- Remove Archetypes based JavaScript code.

- Don''t validate the ``validate_start_end`` invariant, if start or end are ``None``.
  This can happen on non-required, default empty start or end fields during editing.

- Don''t break ``base.dates_for_display`` and the ``formatted_date`` content provider, if event object has no start or end dates.
  It might come from a potential event.
  [thet] 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 2.0.3 → 2.0.5
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fix tests to not scale ``gif`` images, which were converted to ``jpeg`` imaged until ``plone.scale`` version < 2.
  Use ``png`` images for testing instead, which works for all versions of plone.scale.
  [thet] 3.1.5 → 3.2.1
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Removed deprecated ``actionicons.xml``. [maurits]

- no special case that enables checkout via GET

- Minimal code cleanup. [gforcada] 2.5.19 → 2.6.1
Breaking changes:

- Deprecated ````.
  Moved view to ``Products.CMFPlone.patterns.view``.
  Deprecated also pointless interface for this view.
  Addresses and goes together with

Bug fixes:

- Document byline viewlet is now displayed only to anonymous users if permited by the `Allow anyone to view ''about'' information` option in the `Security Settings` of `Site Setup` (closes `CMFPlone#1556`_).
  Code used to show the lock status and history view was removed from the document byline as this information was not available to anonymous users anyway.

- Fix body class ``pat-markspeciallinks`` not set.
  Fixes #84.
  [thet] 3.0.4 → 3.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix object url in delete confirmation

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fix test isolation problems: if a test calls transaction.commit() directly or
  indirectly it can not be an integration test, either avoid the commit or
  change the layer into a functional one.
  [gforcada] 5.0.9 → 5.0.11
- German: Change the querystring criteria group from "Daten" to "Datum".
  It''s right, that "Daten" is the plural of "Datum".
  But the naming is misleading and means the same like the english "data".

- German: Change "Ort" to "Path" for translations indicating the hierarchical location of some content.
  Fixes: #117

- Minor German updates.

- Updated Tranditional Chinese translations.

- Updated italian translation.

- Updated French translation.

- Updated Traditional Chinese translations.

- Updated basque translations [erral]

- Updated Dutch translations. [maurits, fredvd]

- Updated Language-Codes in po file headers. These headers are not
  used in Plone to determine the language: that is done by inspecting
  the directory name. But the i18ndude script uses the Language-Code
  header when printing statistics. Several were set to ``en`` or to
  for example ``zh_CN`` (as the directory name should be) instead of
  ``zh-cn`` (as the language code should be). [maurits]

- Update German translations.

- Fix typo in portuguese.

- Update German translations.

- Update Traditional Chinese translations.

- Fix typos in it translation

- Update Japanese translations for plone.po.

- Add russian translate Date and Time Settings, Language Settings and much more in control panel.
  Full Russian translation frontpafe.po
  Translation mocap and widgets

- add label_schema_default and translate in Japanese
  [terapyon] 2.1.0 → 2.2.1
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. [maurits]

- Replaced import step with post_handler. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Added correct addview to our portlets.xml, so you can add it.
  Added upgrade step to replace current portlet type definition.
  The automatically added portlet works, but you cannot add another one.

- Code quality package cleanup. [maurits] 4.0.0 → 4.2
New features:

- Add category as CSS class to actions portlet for easier styling

- Upgrade news portlet to use the new select widget;
  Add dependency on

- Tracebak info on importing ``portlets.xml`` to show better error location in the xml

- Add jumplist to provide quick access across portlet managers

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Change ``plone-manage-portlets`` to use Patternslib base pattern ``pat-base``.

- Use absolute source URL in navigation portlet''s thumbnails

- Fixed missing pat-livesearch on search portlet

- Remove Plone 3 compatibility code

- Improved documentation about ``portlets.xml``. This is
  automatically included in
  [maurits] 1.3.14 → 1.4
New features:

- Refactor addition of criteria to stick inside ``INavigationRoot`` in querybuilder.
  Added a simple ``IQueryModifier`` interfaces expecting a query and returning a query.
  Iterates over all sorted utilities providing such an interfaces and calls it right before the query is parsed.
  Code to add the ``INavigationRoot`` stickyness was moved to such a query modifier.

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Add missing _referenceIs query parser
  [vangheem] 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 1.3.11 → 1.3.12
New features:

- Add traceback info with record name to importer in order to ease debugging.
  [jensens] 5.0.1 → 5.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Do not use install Products.SecureMailHost in the PloneFixture if it isn''t available
  [vangheem] 1.2.6 → 1.2.7
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 1.2.19 → 1.3.0
New features:

- Control theme compilation in development mode
  through the environment variable ``DIAZO_ALWAYS_CACHE_RULES``

Bug fixes:

- Small fixes to documentaion
  [ale-rt] 1.3.24 → 1.3.27
New features:

- Adds controlpanel setting to enable navigation root bound keyword vocabularies.

- Update to 5.1a2 upgrade step to allow upgrades from Plone 5.1a1.

Bug fixes:

- Add empty upgrade step for 4.3.11.

- Add empty upgrade step for 5.0.6.

- Remove deprecated ``mockup-registry`` and ``mockup-parser`` resources.

- Update ``last_compilation`` to deliver new bundles.

- Add missing ``jquery.browser`` dependency which is needed by patternslib.

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 2.3.5 → 2.3.7
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fixed KeyError email on personal preferences form. This could
  happen when email is used as login name. Fixes and

- Ensured partial searching utility for users in ''Search for users'' page

- Use ProtectedEmail for Email field factory
  [ebrehault] 1.1 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 2.0.9 → 2.0.10
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Correctly log exception if viewlet rendering failed.
  [jensens] 2.2.3 → 3.0
Breaking changes:

- CatalogVocabulary now takes a query for it''s constructor instead of a LazyMap of brains
  and lazy loads terms. Also, in __contains__, do a UID query instead of checking the
  entire contents of the result. This prevents potential DOS with custom code where the
  whole contents of the catalog would get loaded with terms created for it on every
  validation attempt.

New features:

- Optional allow to filter keyword vocabulary to a current *section* based on the current context.
  The class was build for easy subclassing - and still is.
  It allows to override the section fetching logic in a subclass.
  The default logic is first to look in the controlpanel if there is a ``IEditingSchema.subjects_of_navigation_root`` boolean.
  If its ``True`` the ``getNavigationRootObject`` is used as the section and only keywords used in this section are part of the vocabulary.
  Otherwise all keywords in the index are displayed.

- Refactor ``KeywordsVocabulary`` logic of term construction from *dirty* values out into own functions.
  Document functions in README.

- Add ImagesScales vocabulary.

Bug fixes:

- Fix bug where queries would not be parsed correctly for date queries on the catalog

- increase readability of code in CatalogSource.
  [jensens] 2.0.4 → 2.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fix related items to search for the whole site rather than from the navigation root only.
  [Gagaro] 2.2.4 → 2.2.6
New features:

- Add a direct link from a group name on Sharing ab to that group''s
  member list for users with sufficient permissions [PLIP #1310]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 1.2.0 → 2.1
Breaking changes:

- Deprecated "" and moved to
  "" in order to avoid built in names
  as module names, which may result in difficult to debug errors.

- Made existing soft deprecation (by comment) of
  explicit by deprecating using zope.deferredimport.

- removed since this was deprecated already
  and removal planned (!) already for Plone 4.1

New features:

- Related items data converter supports explicit value_type specified in
  field when using collections of UUID values. This is backward-compatible
  with previous conversion to field values, supports str/unicode value(s),
  whichever is specified by field.

- Support functions as values in the ``pattern_options`` dictionary, whch gets then serialized to JSON.
  Before that, walk recursively through ``pattern_options`` and call all functions with the widgets context.
  This allows for context-specific, runtime evaluated pattern option values.

- Don''t overwrite widget default css classes when rendering pattern widgets.
  This allows setting a css class via the ``klass`` keyword in plone.autoform widget directives.

- make widget available to wysiwyg_support template

Bug fixes:

- Reduce dependency on in tests.

- Enhance test in order to show problem in RelatedItemsWidget with

- Cleanup: pep8, uth8-headers, zca-decorators, ...

plone.alterego: 1.0 → 1.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.autoform: 1.6.2 → 1.7.0
Breaking changes:

- Because of the ordering fix the field order in forms may be different.
  Before this fix the order was a gamble dependent on schema order.
  Schema form hints ``order_after`` and ``order_before`` may need minor adjustments.
  ``plone.autoform.utils.processFieldMoves`` was deprecated,
  but still works as before.
  The new functionality is now part of ``plone.autoform.base.AutoFields``.

New features:

- Fieldset labels/descriptions we''re taken from first occurence.
  It was not possible to override them in a subsequent directive.
  Also it was not possible to set them in a subsequent directive, if it was not set before.
  Now subsequent directives w/o a label/description are just adding the field to the fieldset.
  If a different label and/or description is given, it replaces the existing prior loaded one.

- The order of the fieldsets can be defined now explictly with the ``plone.supermodel.directives.fieldset`` directive.
  ``plone.autoform`` now does the sorting while fieldset processing.

Bug fixes:

- Implementation on how field ordering happens was unreproducible if same schemas are coming in in different orders.
  New implementation build a well defined rule tree and processes then the field moves,
  almost independent from the schema order.

- Update url

plone.batching: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.behavior: 1.1.1 → 1.1.2
New features:

- New option to register a behavior only by it''s short name and not by it''s dotted name.
  This enables more advanced behavior subclassing capabilities.

plone.cachepurging: 1.0.11 → 1.0.12
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.caching: 1.0.1 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Use plone i18n domain. [klinger]

plone.contentrules: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.dexterity: 2.4.1 → 2.4.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Added security declarations from Products.PloneHotfix20160419. [maurits]

plone.event: 1.3 → 1.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.folder: 1.0.7 → 1.0.9
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Update testing layers to use best practices and remove ZopeTestCase dependency,
  which should fix its test isolation problems.

plone.formwidget.datetime: 1.3 → 1.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Marked in as also compatible with Plone 4.3, next to 5.0. [maurits]

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 1.0.15 → 2.0.2
Breaking changes:

- Removed no longer needed ``thumb_width`` and ``thumb_height`` from
  the image widget. ``width`` and ``height`` are still there.
  [jladage, maurits]

New features:

- On the edit form, show a thumbnail instead of rendering the image in
  full size. To make this prettier on retina screens, we actually
  load the larger preview scale and let it use the width and height of
  the thumbnail.
  [jladage, maurits]

- Use ```` in tests. [maurits]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Make the download URL independent of the request URL. The format of the
  URL will always be:

plone.formwidget.querystring: 1.1.5 → 1.1.7
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fix way to decode utf-8 into template.

plone.formwidget.recurrence: 2.0.2 → 2.1.1
New features:

- Use plone i18n domain. [klinger]

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Restructure tests: Move example type into own submodule.

plone.i18n: 3.0.4 → 3.0.5
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.locking: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.namedfile: 3.0.8 → 4.0
Breaking changes:

- Targets Plone 5.1 only, coredev 5.0 and 4.3 are on 3.0.x branch [jensens]:

  - ``plone.supermodel``, ``plone.scale`` and ``plone.schemaeditor`` are now hard depedencies.
    The extras in are kept for bbb reasons, but are empty.
    Conditional code is now no longer conditional.
    This simplifies the code a lot.

  - ```` is no longer hard dependency.
    If it is there, its FileChunk implementation is still checked for, otherwise not.

- ``plone.supermodel``, ``plone.scale`` and ``plone.schemaeditor`` are now hard depedencies.
  The extras in are kept for bbb reasons, but are empty.
  Conditional code is now no longer conditional.
  This simplifies the code a lot.

- ```` is no longer hard dependency.
  If it is there, its FileChunk implementation is still checked for, otherwise not.

New features:

- uses adapter as factory for scales as in plone.scale>=1.5

Bug fixes:

- Several tests were failing on Windows 10 due to binary files being opened in text mode. Fixed.

- Prevent attempt to create a filestream_iterator from a temporary file associated with an
  uncommited blob.
  Fixes an error on Windows 10 "WindowsError 32" by attempting to delete or access a file in use
  by another process.

- Fix tests to work with latest plone.scale changes, where gif images are no longer converted to jpeg.

- Fixed test setup to use layers properly.

- Fixed test isolation problem in ````.

- Fix warning on testing.zcml missing an i18n:domain.

- Fix some code analysis warnings.

plone.outputfilters: 2.1.3 → 3.0.0
Breaking changes:

- Give up support of PortalTransforms 1.x with old style interfaces.

Bug fixes:

- Handle unicode errors in img attributes

- Cleanup: utf8-headers, isort, pep8

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Make tests work with old and new safe HTML transform

- Explicitly exclude ``mailto:`` links from being UID-resolved.

- Fix test isolation problem.

plone.portlet.collection: 3.0.6 → 3.1
New features:

- If collection is default page in parent, link to parent.

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.portlets: 2.2.2 → 2.2.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.protect: 3.0.18 → 3.0.19
New features:

- Added protect.js from plone4.csrffixes. This adds an ``X-CSRF-TOKEN``
  header to ajax requests.

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.registry: 1.0.3 → 1.1.0
New features:

- Give ``RecordsProxy`` a ``__parent__`` (the registry) in order to make it a good Zope citizen.
  This helps in context of z3cform binders and other similar situations,
  where a records proxy is used as context.

Bug fixes:

- More cleanup: PEP8, isort, readability.

plone.reload: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.resource: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Do not leave an ``.svn`` file behind when running the tests. [maurits]

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.rfc822: 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- code cleanup: pep8, isort, utf8 headers et al.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.scale: 1.4.1 → 2.0
New features:

- Assume a width or height of zero is semantically the same as None already was:
  Use the other dimension to scale, calculate the missing one.
  [jensens, thet]

- Scaled GIFs are converted to RGBA PNG images instead of converting them to JPEG.
  [thet, jensens]

- Use an adapter to lookup the actual factory for scaling.
  Deprecated passing the factory as named parameter along,
  because this had not enough flexibility:
  If addons want to provide alterative methods to scale (i.e. cropping),
  now a specific adapter can perform the work.

Bug fixes:

- Don''t scale images up for direction "down".

- Major housekeeping, code refactored in order to reduce complexicty.

- Minor housekeeping.

plone.schemaeditor: 2.0.9 → 2.0.11
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fix tests for fieldset ordering changes in plone.supermodel.

- Update url in to point to github.

plone.session: 3.5.6 → 3.6.0
New features:

- Added uninstall profile. [maurits]

plone.stringinterp: 1.1.2 → 1.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Adapt to changes in SimpleViewClass in zope4.

- Fix typo

plone.subrequest: 1.6.11 → 1.7.0
New features:

- Allow to pass a custom exception handler for the response.

Bug fixes:

- When a subrequest modified the DB (or prior to the subrequest the main request),
  the oids annotated to the requests were doubled with each subsequent subrequest.
  This resulted in out-of-memory errors when using lots of subrequests,
  such as it happens on Mosaic based sites with a certain amount of tiles.
  Fixed by only adding new oids, not already known by parent request.

- Housekeeping: isort imports, autopep8, minor manual cleanup (no imports).

plone.supermodel: 1.2.7 → 1.3.0
New features:

- Python 2.6 and Plone 4.3 no longer officially supported. It might
  still work, but no special effort is made to keep this compatible.

- Support to define the order of fieldsets.

Bug fixes:

- Update url to point to github location.

- Unset _init_field flag on init completion.

plone.transformchain: 1.1.0 → 1.2.0
New features:

- Added events to notifiy before/after all/single transform(s) are executed.

plone.uuid: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Update url to point to github.

- Fixed issues preventing tests passing on Python 3

plone.z3cform: 0.8.1 → 0.9.0
New features:

- Enable groups aka fieldsets to be orderable.

Bug fixes:

- Fix batching navigation in CRUD form.

- Added two missing German translations.
  One of those fixes

- QA: pep8. [maurits, thet]

plonetheme.barceloneta: 1.6.18 → 1.6.21
New features:

- Add styles for manage portlets jumplist

Bug fixes:

- Remove references to discarded offcanvas feature

- Set news lead image background for transparent images

- Use ``.alert.status`` selector as an alternative to ``.portalMessage``.
  This class is used by the structure pattern.

- Make search button grow with the search buttons text.
  Fixes an issue where translated button texts were not fitting into the button.
  [kkhan, thet]

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.5.2 → 1.5.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

z3c.autoinclude: 0.3.5 → 0.3.6
- Standardize namespace __init__.

- Fix broken tests.

z3c.batching: 1.1.0 → 2.0.1
- Standardize namespace __init__

- New feature: Subset batch.
  Sometimes (for performance reasons), even though the user needs
  a batched UI, we want to limit the computation to the
  subset of values actually shown to the user.

- Register `batch.Batch` as named (``"z3c.batching.batch"``) factory.

zope.globalrequest: 1.1 → 1.2
- Lighten test dependencies by using neither `` nor
  `` any longer.

five.intid: 1.1.0 → 1.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Acquisition-unwrap each item in the aq_iter chain, as ``getSite().__parent__`` might return an object aquired from the original context which breaks the parent loop detection.

- Prevent errors on ``moveIntIdSubscriber`` when the ``IKeyReference`` adapter
  raises a ``NotYet``, e.g. because the object does not have a proper path.

grokcore.component: 2.5 → 2.5.1
------------------------------- 1.6.2 → 1.6.3
-------------------------------- 1.1.0 → 1.1.2
Bug fixes:

- setuphandler now can deal with could-not-adapt exception (TypeError).

- This may happen and must not stop the handler from working

- Fix code analysis errors reported by
  [gforcada] 1.0.3 → 1.0.4
New features:

- Add behavior short name.
  [jensens] 0.7.4 → 0.7.5
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.
  [gforcada] 1.3.2 → 1.3.3
Bug fixes:

- cleanup: pep8, utf8 header, sorted imports, zca decorators, ...
  [jensens] 1.2.7 → 1.2.9
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fixes #25: URLs like `${absolute_url}/@@images/${uuid}.png` are not converted
  on `@@version-view`. [rafaelbco]

plone.formwidget.autocomplete: 1.2.9 → 1.2.10
Bug fixes:

- Update url to point to github.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.formwidget.contenttree: 1.0.13 → 1.0.15
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Slice search results in `PathSource` object to limit the search results correctly.
  [elioschmutz] 3.0.16 → 4.0.3
Breaking changes:

- No more compatible with GenericSetup below 1.8.2.

New features:

- Creating language folder(s) on installation.

Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

- Fixed unstable robot test by waiting until the expected text is on the page. [maurits]

- Correct event subscribers so that content cut from one LRF & pasted into the
  Media folder is shown there when I switch to a second language.

- Wait for visibility of select2 result, instead of time.

- Workaroud in robot test for TinyMCE overlap bug see
  for details

archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Use zope.interface decorator.

plone.tiles: 1.4.0 → 1.6
- Let TileType instances (tile registration utility) know about the view
  permission too.

- Fix issue where ESI href was not properly replaced.

- Add section "ZCML Reference" to README.rst.

- PEP8, code-analysis, documentation and packaging fixes.
  [jensens, mauritsvanrees]

- Fix decoding List type of Choice value types

- Add support for overriding transient data manager with persistent data
  manager by adding X-Tile-Persistent=1 into tile URL

- Fix persistent data manager to read its default from query string

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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