Plone 5.1b4

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Eric Steele
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DateTime: 4.1.1 → 4.2

Missing: 3.1 → 3.2

MultiMapping: 3.0 → 3.1

ZopeUndo: 4.1 → 4.2

transaction: 1.7.0 → 2.1.2

Sphinx: 1.5.2 → 1.5.5

zope.i18n: 4.1.0 → 4.2.0

zope.i18nmessageid: 4.0.3 → 4.1.0

zope.pagetemplate: 3.6.3 → 4.2.1

mr.developer: 1.36 → 1.38

plone.recipe.zeoserver: 1.3 → 1.4.0
New features:

- Requires zope.mkzeoistance > 4.0 in order to work cleanly with latest ZODB.

Bug fixes:

- Cleanup: utf8 headers, isort, pep8.

- Fix tests to run with current Twisted version.

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 4.2.22 → 4.3
New features:

- Added ``storage-wrapper`` option to wrap storage configuration.

plone.versioncheck: 1.5.1 → 1.6.5
Bug fixes:

- Relative Paths should work now, tested with subdirectories.

- Fix: Default versions section name ``versions`` was not respected.

- Fixes #17: Requirements were missing.

- Optimization: Reduce load on PyPI when fetching release dates.

- Feature: Change package and version fields in html output to links so that you could open pypi page for each package.

- Fix: Regressions with version-annotations and stdout messages from buildout parser.

- Add more Tests

- Fix: #36 New buildout parser does not work with buildout.coredev

- Fix: ``IndexError: string index out of range`` error with empty states in the formatter.

- Development: Added basic tests to package.

- Fix: Changed to use functions from zc.buildout to get versions and versionannotations section names.

- Feature: Add function to extract date information from PyPI to analyze package age.

- Feature: Add new CLI options for an output file and show release dates.

zest.releaser: 6.9 → 6.12
------------------------- 1.0.3 → 1.1.1
New features:

- Add new variable ${SELENIUM2LIBRARY_RUN_ON_FAILURE} with default value
  'No operation' (Robot Framework built-in keyword with no action) to define
  operation immediately after failed Selenium keyword

Bug fixes:

- Update links to external documentation. [jensens]

- Fix issue where an error "No keyword with name 'No keyword' found." after
  a failing test was reported

i18ndude: 4.1 → 4.2
New features:

- In ``find-untranslated``, do not report items that get replaced by Chameleon syntax.
  So ``<span>${view/test}</span>`` will no longer get flagged as missing a translation.
  (Note that you still *can* add ``i18n:translate`` if it makes sense,
  like Plone does for translating the dynamically calculated review state.)
  [Netroxen, maurits]

- Find untranslated attributes now also checks for 'placeholder' attributes on
  input tags.

Jinja2: 2.9.5 → 2.9.6

Markdown: 2.6.7 → 2.6.8

Pillow: 3.4.2 → 4.1.1

five.localsitemanager: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6
- Don't complain if the site root has no Acquisition parent.

- Removed dependency. Using Zope 2.12 it is an indirect dependency
  and using Zope 2.13 or later it is no longer required.

- Ensure that the PersistentComponents has no aquisition wrapper before passing
  to the superclass, to allow the caching of component roots in zope.interface
  to make a weakref to this root.

icalendar: 3.11.3 → 3.11.5
Bug fixes:

- added an assertion that VTIMEZONE sub-components' DTSTART must be of type
  DATETIME [geier]

- Fix handling of VTIMEZONEs with subcomponents with the same DTSTARTs and
  OFFSETs but which are of different types [geier]

- Don't break on parameter values which contain equal signs, e.g. base64 encoded
  binary data [geier]

- Fix handling of VTIMEZONEs with subcomponents with the same DTSTARTs.

mockup: 2.4.1 → 2.5.0

Plone: 5.1b3 → 5.1b4
New features:

- Release Plone 5.1b4

Bug fixes:

- Add link to and tweak intro

plone.api: 1.6.1 → 1.7
New features:

- Add disable_roles_acquisition and enable_roles_acquisition to api.content

Bug fixes:

- Simplify the ``plone.api.content.delete`` method.

- content.copy with safe_id=False should raise it's own exeception. Fixes #340
  [jaroel] 1.2.17 → 1.2.18
Bug fixes:

- Fixed blank edit forms of the per ruleset parameters.
  `Issue 1993 <>`_.
  [maurits] 3.4 → 3.4.3
New features:

- Folder contents properties: Add settings to change the content language.

- Folder contents properties: Add a recursion feature to apply all changes recursively.

- Make thumb_scale in folder contents listing adjustable/supressable (uses site control panel settings: thumb_scale_tables ...).
  Clean up deprecated icon related code.
  Replace paperclip icon with mime type icons.

- Folder Contents: Construct the list of sortable indexes from the available catalog indexes, using a blacklist and a default set - likewise as it's done with metadata columns.

Bug fixes:

- Use simplejson because it's ahead of stdlib and supports more types

- Allow operation on inactive content for all folder content actions.
  This allows deleting, renaming, rearranging and changing workflow of content which expiration date has already been met or which effective date hasn't met yet.

- Fix issue where some actions (copy, delete, paste) on contents view did not
  work if there were any private (innaccessible for the current user) levels the
  current path

- removed unittest2 dependency.
  [kakshay21] 1.2.8 → 1.3.0
New features:

- provide Mimetype icon path for file types in contentlisting object

Bug fixes:

- Remove hasattr.
  [ivanteoh] 4.0.14 → 4.0.16
Bug fixes:

- Fix action edit form. Previously, changes would not be persisted due
  to a bug.

- Ensure error message is an unicode object

- Cleanup: isort, autopep8, manual formatting.

- Cleanup: update code to follow Plone styleguide.
  [gforcada] 1.3.0 → 1.4.1
New features:

- Integrate new link widget from

- New metadata catalog column MimeType

- new behavior: IThumbIconHandling, supress thumbs /icons, adjust thumb size, templates adapted (PLIP)

Bug fixes:

- Made sure the text field of Collections is searchable.
  `Issue 406 <>`_.

- Fix issue preventing disabling icons and/or thumbs globally.

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...

- Fix test for checking if TinyMCE is loaded which broke after

- Fix flaky test in test_indexes.

- removed unittest2 dependency

- Fix issue where contentFilter could not be read from request
  [datakurre] 2.4.1 → 2.4.4
New features:

Bug fixes:

- The ``ICategorization`` behavior should only expose those content languages which
  are configured instead of all available languages.

- The ``ICategorization`` behavior should only expose those content languages which are configured instead of all available languages.

- fix typo in deprecation message

- Remove the transaction.begin call before creating a dx object,
  remove the transaction.commit call after creating a dx object.
  Fixes #243.

- Cleanup code of ```` (ZCA-decorator, reduce complexity)

- Fix issue with field permissions check on add forms when the parent has no "Modify portal content" permission.
  New: For add forms use the "Add portal content" permission as default field permission.
  As great side effect vocabularies for i.e. AjaxSelectWidget from ````,
  which are using the check, are working on add forms in a context w/o "Modify portal content".

- removed deprecated getIcon() from documentation

- JavaScript formating according to style guides.
  [thet] 3.0.0 → 3.0.2
New features:

- Validate that author_email values are emails.

Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 3.0.4 → 3.0.5
New features:

- option to override thumb /icon behavior individually for portlet (suppress thumbs, thumb size)
  https://plone/Products.CMFPlone#1734 [fgrcon]

Bug fixes:

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...
  [fgrcon] 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency
   [kakshay21] 3.3.2 → 3.3.3
Bug fixes:

- removed "change portal events" permission

- Prevent using queryUtility with name=None
  [pbauer] 2.6.5 → 2.7.1
New features:

- Do not render social metadata if you are a logged user.

- Add method ``is_toolbar_visible`` to context state.
  It uses a whitelist and defaults to authenticated users.
  Use new method it in toolbar viewlet manager and layout body classes.

Bug fixes:

- Fix issue preventing disabling icons and/or thumbs globally.

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...

- Deprecating getIcon() in @@plone_layout

- Factor toolbar classes out to own method.
  Includes minor cleanup.
  [jensens] 3.2.2 → 3.3.1
New features:

- Support for any ``zc.relation`` refercences being checked by ``delete_confirmation_info`` dialog,
  not only references linked in text.

Bug fixes:

- Improved code quality. [gforcada]

- removed unittest2 dependency

- PEP8.

- Update code to follow Plone styleguide.
  [gforcada] 5.1.1 → 5.1.2
- Updated Tranditional Chinese translations.

- Fix typo in Italian translation.
  [arsenico13] 5.0.4 → 5.0.8
Bug fixes:

- Fixed language alternate viewlet #153 [erral]

- Notify ObjectTranslatedEvent if translating with babel view
  #277 [tomgross]

- removed unittest2 dependency

- Update import of UnauthorizedUser. [davisagli]

- Remove travis integration because is part of plonecore and should be tested there.

- Fix bug where formcontrols were overlaped by fields.

- Fix robot tests to work with improved related items widget.
  [thet] 1.4.3 → 1.4.5
Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency

- Do not fail on empty empty or not existing querystrings while upgrading.
  [agitator] 1.3.4 → 1.3.5
Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 1.5 → 1.6.1
New features:

- be able to split your registry.xml file into multiple files in a sub-directory `registry`

- Add ability to import/export records through control panel

- Add ability to add new record through control panel

- Add ability to delete record through control panel

- Document new features

Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 5.0.6 → 5.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Remove deprecated __of__ calls on BrowserViews

- Remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 1.3.6 → 2.0.1
Breaking changes:

- Let the pattern configuration of the thememapper be in JSON format.
  Fixes problems of thememapper working together with latest patternslib (2.1.0).

Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

- Fix thememapper pattern handling of buttons (via mockup update).
  Update thememapper bundle.
  [thet] 2.0.2 → 2.0.5
New features:

- Add Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade profile.

- new metadata catalog column mime_type

Bug fixes:

- Plone 5.1: Fixup timezone record fields, as old interface is gone since 3.0.2.

- Fix upgrade step for ISocialMediaSchema

- Register ``ISiteSyndicationSettings`` again.
  This interface was updated in 5.0rc3.
  On older sites, this would cause an error on the ``syndication-controlpanel``:
  KeyError: 'Interface `Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.syndication.ISiteSyndicationSettings` defines a field `render_body`, for which there is no record.

- Catch warning the pythonic way.
  Makes it work with latest CMFCore.

- Fix and ``AttributeError`` for the Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade.

- Do not convert/fail on None while update_social_media_fields

- Fixed ImportError when ``Products.ATContentTypes`` is not available.
  This happens when you only have the ``Products.CMFPlone`` egg
  and not the ``Plone`` egg. [maurits]

- Fixed title and description of plone.resource.maxage.
  This had the title and description from shared maxage,
  due to a wrong reference.

- Removed "change portal events"

- TinyMCE 4.5.6 update.

- Update registry for Plone 5.1 to integrate ``mockup-patterns-structureupdater``.
  [thet] 2.3.8 → 2.4
New features:

- Use ``get_portal`` from Products.CMFPlone.utils instead of ``getSite``.
  For we always want the Plone portal object until this package is fixed to support individual subsite settings.
  This requires ``Products.CMFPlone 5.1a2`` or higher.

Bug fixes:

- Remove dependency on ````.

- Code cleanup.
  [thet] 1.1.3 → 1.2
New features:

- Remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 4.0.2 → 4.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Let ```` return the language title in native language.

- Remove unittest2 dependency

- return empty vocabulary when no imagescales defined
  [fgrcon] 2.1 → 2.2
New features:

- Related items widget options changes:
  - Let the browsing/searching start path be the current context if its folderish or a level up.
  - Include the ``contextPath`` option to exclude the current context from selection.
  - Include the ``favorites`` option with the current context and the navigation root to quickly jump to these paths.
  - Clean up obsolete options.

Bug fixes:

- Change deprecated unittest method ``assertEquals`` to ``assertEqual``.
  [thet] 2.2.7 → 3.0
Breaking changes:

- Removed long time deprecated and unused permission "Change portal events".
  [kakshay21] 3.0 → 3.0.1
New features:

- Add new and enhanced link widget.
  [tomgross, thet]

Bug fixes:

- Fix broken ``get_tinymce_options`` when called with non-contentish contexts like form or field contexts.

- Related Items Widget: In search mode, when no basePath was set, search site-wide.

- Fixes #64: SingleCheckBoxFieldWidget does not render value in view mode.
  In order to fix this issue the hacky view was removed.
  It is replaced by a new widget to render a single checkbox with bool values.
  An appropiate data converter was added as well.

plone.autoform: 1.7.2 → 1.7.3
Bug fixes:

- Reduce field move failure logging from error to warning.
  Log more information like full rule.

- Fix traceback in updateFieldsFromSchemata for forms with no schema.

- Clean up code.

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.dexterity: 2.5.1 → 2.5.2
Bug fixes:

- Fix problem with new zope.interface not accepting None as value.

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix issue where display widget failed to render file fields located
  on form fieldsets, because of broken generated download url

plone.i18n: 3.0.6 → 3.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Add missing entries to requirements in

plone.locking: 2.1.3 → 2.2
New features:

- All LockingOperations method can optionally redirect to the context view

Bug fixes:

- Test fix: Use print in doctest (Python 3/ Zope 4 compat)

plone.memoize: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
New features:

- Keep docstrings intact in decorators.

Bug fixes:

- Update Travis setup (drop Python2.6, tolerate failing pypy3)

plone.namedfile: 4.2.0 → 4.2.2
Bug fixes:

- Dont't break DefaultImageScalingFactory, if for any reason the fieldname isn't available on the context.

- Different caching keys for different domains

- Fix #46, when ``process_png``, ``process_jpeg`` and ``process_tiff`` could fail with a ``width referenced before assignment`` error.

- Fix contentType attribute should be str type, what leads to validation errors (fixes `#38`_).

- Fix bug on Image rotation if ImageIFD.XResolution or ImageIFD.YResolution are not set.

- Fix: Do not log failing PIL image regognition as error, but as warning.

- Fix: compatibility for Plone 4 re-added.

plone.outputfilters: 3.0.1 → 3.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.portlet.collection: 3.1 → 3.2
New features:

- add options to supress icons,
  read thumb_scale from registry plus option to override thumb_scale individually
  or suppress thumbs.
  Replace paper clip (fontello icon) with mimetype icon
  from mimetype registry for files

Bug fixes:

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.portlet.static: 3.1 → 3.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.protect: 3.0.23 → 3.0.24
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.resourceeditor: 2.0.5 → 2.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.scale: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Remove unused dependency.

plone.schemaeditor: 2.0.15 → 2.0.17
New features:

- Allow specifying a vocabulary in the form of key|label in (multi)choice fields as seen at PFG.

- Add fields in field editing UI to the current selected fieldset.

- Allow specifying a vocabulary in the form of *key|label* in (multi)choice fields

- Removed very old import conditions

Bug fixes:

- Fix Schemaeditor fields editing UI to be able to move fields into another fieldset.
  Fixes: #30.

- JavaScript formating according to style guides.

- Cleanup:
  - Remove Plone 4 related form tabbing CSS selectors from fields editing UI JavaScript.
  - Better code reuse.

plone.subrequest: 1.8 → 1.8.1
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plone.supermodel: 1.3.2 → 1.3.3
Bug fixes:

- Fixed typecasting of IChoice based on its vocabulary. #16

plone.testing: 4.3.0 → 4.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix for ZODB 5: Abort transaction before DB close.
  [jensens, jimfulton, ale-rt]

plone.theme: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency

plone.transformchain: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Remove unittest2 dependency

plonetheme.barceloneta: 1.7.1 → 1.7.2
New features:

- remove paperclip fontello icon for file types (is being replaced by mimetype icons)
  remove superfluous bullets in portlets ...
  fix icons in select default page pop up

Bug fixes:

- Fix position of checkboxes with long fieldhelp

Products.CMFPlone: 5.1b3 → 5.1b4
New features:

- Integrate ``mockup-patterns-structureupdater`` for updating title and description depending on the current context on the folder contents page.

- Updated jqtree to 1.4.1 from 1.3.3

- Update mockup to latest version.

- add registry settings for thumb and icon handling in tables, lists and portlets (PLIP)
  recompiled bundle plone-logged-in
  requires upgrade step (reapply profile)

- Update mockup to latest version.

- new metadata catalog column mime_type

- Include TinyMCE 4.5.6

Bug fixes:

- Translate image scales in patterns.

- Gruntfile generation no longer fails on introspecting resourceDirectory
  configurations using a plone.browserlayer layer, by loading all layers
  configured for the site used during generation.
  Fixes Issue `#2080`_.

- fixed css-classes for thumb scales ...

- Fix current value in group details edit form.

- Fixed KeyError ``productname`` when there is a broken add-on in the add-ons control panel.
  Fixes `issue 2065 <>`_.

- Fix ``test_tinymce.robot`` test to work with latest related items changes.

- Fix expiration date when displaying in registered form.

- Remove TinyMCE pattern options from the body, as these are always set on the richtext fields mimetype selector or - if not there - on the textfield itself.

- Let TinyMCE options for the related items widget be generated by ````.
  This aligns the options to how the related items widget is used elsewhere.

- CMFCore ``WarningInterceptor`` test base class was gone and is not needed in Plone, so removed.

- Fix default value for ``robots.txt`` to avoid issues with content containing "search" in the id.

- Remove references to Products.CMFDefault on meta.zcml

- Adapt tests to render social metadata only if you are anonymous.

- Fix search term munging with queries that include and, or and not.

- Fix issue where catalog search with path failed when path had inaccessible
  (private) levels

- Add constraint to avoid filling ``twitter_username`` field with strings starting with a "@" character.

- Fixed addons/donations links, removed dead "add your site" link

- Fix isssue where collapsed toolbar was not initialized properly on page
  refresh, resulting wide blank space between collapsed toolbar and page

- Removed "change portal events" permission

- Updated dead link to the error reference docs

- Do not rely on order in test of generated body classes ``browser.txt``.

- Fix possible ``mechanize.AmbiguityError`` in controlpanel tests.

Products.GenericSetup: 1.8.7 → 1.8.8
Bug fixes:

- Fixed ``upgradeStep`` discriminator so that similar steps
  for different profiles will not conflict.

- Fixed ``upgradeDepends`` discriminator so that steps inside
  ``upgradeSteps`` will conflict with steps outside if they
  have the same ``checker``.

Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.1 → 2.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix MimeTypeException deprecation warnings

Products.PlonePAS: 5.0.13 → 5.0.14
Bug fixes:

- Remove WarningInterceptor (CMFCore) - it is gone in newer versions.
  [jensens] 1.7 → 1.7.2
Bug fixes:

- Handle ``ValueError`` exceptions when doing a range request.
  This fixes `issue #39 <>`_.

- Do not use imports from ``Products.ATContentTypes.interface`` deprecated since 2009.
  [jensens] 1.2.3 → 1.2.4
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency

Products.Archetypes: 1.14.0 → 1.14.1
Bug fixes:

- Fix related items widget tests to reflect latest changes.

- Fix bugs with Widget's postback attribute, that prevented fields from
  being populated with the submitted empty value in the case of an error.

Products.ATContentTypes: 2.3.4 → 2.3.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix MimeTypeException deprecation warnings

- Add a conditional import of ``processQueue`` as this package is still used on 5.0.

- removed "change portal events" permission
  [kakshay21] 1.1.2 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Fix problem with debugtoolbar panel opening on click but immediately closing again.
  [sunew] 1.3.4 → 1.3.5
Bug fixes:

- remove unittest2 dependency
  [kakshay21] 1.3 → 1.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Added a missing TTW edit form.

archetypes.multilingual: 3.0.4 → 3.0.5
Bug fixes:

- removed unittest2 dependency.

plone.directives.form: 2.0.2 → 2.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Remove unused import and added a missing import on example.

- Update to point to github repository.

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