Plone 2.5 series

This is an infrastructure oriented release with a focus on getting Plone ready for the future. This means integrating Zope 3 technologies where sensible, and utilizing new technology from CMF as much as possible. The long term goal is to make the distinction between Plone as end-user product and Plone as infrastructure more clear. This release will be numbered 2.5 to conform to the new version numbering policy detailed in PLIP 114

Series information

Project drivers:
Plone Developers
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is not the focus of development.
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No revision control details recorded for Plone 2.5 series.

Milestones and releases

13 of 3 results
Version Expected Released Summary
Plone 2.5.5 None A bugfix release for the Plone 2.5 series. This release includes a critical ...
Plone 2.5.4 None
Plone 2.5.3 None
13 of 3 results

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