Plone 5.2.2

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Maurits van Rees
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Release notes 

Release notes Plone 5.2.2

This release packs a lot of changes: the previous release was from January 2020.
Some highlights are:

- Zope was upgraded from 4.1 to 4.5.
  This means the support for WebDav is back.
  And the logic around template engines got updated.
  There should now be less differences in behavior between various kinds of templates (Zope/Acquisition-aware or not) or which template engine is used (zope.pagetemplate or chameleon).
  There were some problems due to this change, but all should have been fixed now.

- ZODB goes from 5.5.1 to 5.6.0.
  This needed updated packages for zodbupdate and ZEO.
  So if you are doing low-level transactional stuff, please take a look at its changes.

- plone.recipe.zope2instance: changes for relstorage, sqlite, webdav, Windows.

- Fixed problems running Plone on Windows.
  You may want to keep an eye out for newer releases of plone.recipe.zope2instance.
  See especially this issue:

- Mockup and plone.staticresources: lots and lots of improvements and bug fixes in styling and javascript.

- Big push in fixing various internationalization issues.

- Integrated PloneHotfix20200121 for increased security.

- Moved the security check if a url is in the portal to a small separate package: Products.isurlinportal.
  You can immediately use this on Plone 4.3 and higher.
  Keep an eye on updates for this package: newer versions will increase the security.
  Often the impact of fixes is too small to warrant a real security hotfix package,
  but we want to do more regular fixes here.

- Use Products.isurlinportal 1.1.0 with security hardening against whitespace:

- Extended existing review workflow by states rejected and spam.

- Add custom CSS settings to theming control panel.
  You now have a textarea where you can simply add css without needing to override things or play with less/scss.

- plone.namedfile and several other packages: support for Range requests.

- plone.outputfilters has a possibly breaking change:
  change the image caption template to use <figure> and <figcaption>.
  If you want to change this, there is a new ImageCaptioningEnabler utility.

- plone.restapi was upgraded from 6.1.0 to 6.13.7, with lots of new features.

- plone.scale: the method signature for scaling was made clearer.
  The mode argument replaces the old direction argument.
  Direction is still supported, but now deprecated.
  The new name for direction down is: mode contain or scale-crop-to-fit.
  The new name for direction up is: mode cover or scale-crop-to-fill.
  The new name for direction thumbnail is: mode scale.

- plone.testing 8.0.1 drops the z2 extra. If you need this, use the zope extra instead.

- Products.CMFPlone: Add markdown extension settings to markup control panel.

- z3c.autoinclude:
  When environment variable Z3C_AUTOINCLUDE_DEBUG is set,
  log which packages are being automatically included.

- zope.interface was upgraded from 4.6.0 to 5.0.2.
  This has performance fixes that may have backwards incompatible changes.
  This makes the inheritance and method resolution order for interfaces more logical and more in line with how it works for 'normal' classes.
  In corner cases there can be subtle differences when there are several utility or adapter registrations for similar interfaces.
  For example, when looking for browser view X and there are two such views, Zope looks for the most specific matching interface, and this may have changed.


View the full changelog

Zope: 4.1.3 → 4.5.1

zc.buildout: 2.13.2 → 2.13.3

cachecontrol: 0.12.5 → 0.12.6

click: 7.0 → 7.1.2

collective.recipe.omelette: 0.16 → 1.0.0

freezegun: 0.3.12 → 0.3.15

plone.recipe.alltests: 1.5.1 → 1.5.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.recipe.precompiler: 0.7.1 → 0.7.2
Bug fixes:

- Small packaging updates. [gforcada, jensens, maurits]

plone.recipe.zeoserver: 2.0.1 → 2.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Removing ZODB3_HOME variable from runzeo.bat and files, Fix for windows machine (#41)

- fix for "ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package" - In windows build (#42)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.recipe.zope2instance: 6.5.1 → 6.7.5
New features:

- added relstorage w/ sqlite support
  [mamico] (#132)

- Support for Zope options ``webdav-source-port`` and ``enable-ms-public-header``.
  [dataflake] (#134)

Bug fixes:

- Generate working ``wsgi.ini`` on windows.
  Do not generate instance script.
  Need to use ``.\bin\runwsgi.exe -dv .\parts\etc\wsgi.ini`` on windows to start.
  [jensens] (#151)

- Fix "SyntaxError" on windows: Generate raw strings in order to allow backslashes in log file paths.
  [jensens] (#145)

- Fixed an issue that prevented the instance to start
  when http-address has multiple entries and http-fast-listen is on
  [ale-rt] (#146)

- WSGI instances do not fail to start when http-address is equal to a list of ports [ale-rt] (#148)

- Set the default for the http-fast-listen to on to match the documentation [ale-rt] (#71)

- Fix flake8 and fix inserting ``CHAMELEON_CACHE`` in some cases. [ale-rt] (#139)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.releaser: 1.8.0 → 1.8.2
New features:

- Support env var PLONE_RELEASER_MULTI_PACKAGES to signal doing multiple releases.
  We still change `checkouts.cfg` and `versions.cfg` in the relevant coredev branches then,
  but we do not offer to push them.
  [maurits] (#37)

Bug fixes:

- Fixed detecting changes in packages that are missing from checkouts.
  [maurits] (#35)

- Fixed adding a package to checkouts.cfg. [maurits] (#30)

- Ask before pushing an updated version when running 'report'. [maurits] (#32)

zest.releaser: 6.19.1 → 6.21.1

collective.xmltestreport: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Add compatibility with `zope.testrunner` 5.1+.
  [maurits] (#103) 1.5.3 → 1.5.4
Bug fixes:

- Fixed package install error with Python 3.6 without locale.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#642)

robotframework-debuglibrary: 1.1.4 → 1.2.1

robotframework-ride: →

robotsuite: 2.0.0 → 2.2.1

i18ndude: 5.3.1 → 5.3.4
Bug fixes:

- The list command was wrongly showing 100% translated when the translations were at 99%.
  [vincentfretin] (#81)

- Drop 3.4 and 3.5 support, which we were not testing since a year.
  Test our 3.8 support.
  [maurits] (#79)

- Added hint in ``rebuild-pot`` help about unwanted domains in Python files.
  [maurits] (#49)

- Fixed filter command on Python 3.7, and possibly earlier.
  [maurits] (#75)

Products.ExternalMethod: 4.3 → 4.4
- Fix for Zope 4.4.3 ZMI by adding explicit acquisition of name ``ZopeVersion``
  (`#9 <>`_)

- Fix failing linter.

Products.MailHost: 4.7 → 4.9
- Fix DeprecationWarnings from ``DocumentTemplate`` with import changes

- Show a hint in the ZMI if the delivery queue is forced to queue-only mode
  (`#25 <>`_)

- Improve the asynchronous delivery information on the ZMI Edit tab
  (`#24 <>`_)

- Fix queued mail delivery with just a single string receiver email
  (`#26 <>`_)

- Fix Flake8 issues.
  (`#22 <>`_)

Products.PythonScripts: 4.9 → 4.12
- add a ``file`` parameter to factory function ``manage_addPythonScript``
  (`#45 <>`_)

- fix ``TypeError`` when updating an existing script from a file
  (`#43 <>`_)

- fix ``PUT`` issues with string encoding

- override ``manage_DAVget`` to get correct editable sources
  (`#40 <>`_)

calmjs.parse: 1.2.1 → 1.2.4

decorator: 4.4.1 → 4.4.2

enum34: 1.1.6 → 1.1.10

pillow: 6.2.1 → 6.2.2

pyrsistent: 0.15.6 → 0.15.7

pyscss: 1.3.5 → 1.3.7

borg.localrole: 3.1.6 → 3.1.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

collective.monkeypatcher: 1.2 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

diazo: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0
New features:

- Drop support for Python 3.4. No code changes.
  [maurits] (#78)

five.customerize: 2.0.0 → 2.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various]

five.intid: 1.2.4 → 1.2.6
Bug fixes:

- Fix depecration warnings.
  Update ```` to depend on ``Zope2`` or ``Zope``, dependening on Python version.
  [jensens] (#1)

- Fix test to work correctly with ``zope.interface >= 5.1``.
  [jensens] (#17)

- Fixed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'App.class_init' on Zope 5.
  [maurits] (#15)

icalendar: 4.0.4 → 4.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Use ``vText`` as default type, when convert recurrence definition to ical string. [kam193]

- Fixed a docs issue related to building on Read the Docs [davidfischer]

mockup: 3.1.1 → 3.2.2
New features:

- pat-plone-modal: We can set a string for onSuccess, onError and onFormError
  which is the name of a global function to call, on the model of sortable pattern.
  This fixes
  [thomasdesvenain] (#825)

- pat-select2: we can set actions on events: selecting, select, deselecting, deselect (#886)

- pat-plone-modal: Added an onRender option to set a callback that is called when modal is rendered.
  This fixes
  [thomasdesvenain] (#891)

- pat-tooltip: allow ajax content
    data-pat-tooltip can get two values:
    - "ajaxUrl": the url of tooltip ajax content
    - "contentSelector" a js selector of content to display from source content (#892)

- pat-tooltip: we can add classes and style into tooltip (#893)

- TinyMCE: Add support for image captions.
  If an image caption is given, the ``<img>`` tag is wrapped within a ``<figure>`` tag and a ``<figcaption>`` tag is added.
  The image has an additional class ``image-richtext`` for further reuse.
  [thet] (#911)

- Upgrade Sinon from version 1.17.1 to 7.5.0.
  [davilima6] (#914)

- Structure pattern:
  Filter now reads "Search" and is cleared when changing directories.
  Querystring popover button: filter instead of search icon, "Extra Filter" title.
  Show statusmessage with "Clear" button when filters are applied.
  Show visually if a filter is set.
  Allow multiple status messages.
  Change message from misleading "Cannot order items while querying" to "Drag and drop reordering is disabled while filters are applied.". Fixes:
  Display toolbar a bit compacter.
  [thet] (#937)

- Upgrade node version for testing on travis.
  [thet] (#938)

- Upgrade patternslib to 2.1.3.
  [thet] (#944)

- Do not use HTML lists where items are not lists [a11y]
  [erral] (#948)

- Barceloneta-LTS support for ``mockup-patterns-inlinevalidation`` and ``mockup-patterns-modal``
  [petschki] (#975)

Bug fixes:

- Respect default_page_types in actionmenu if folder_contents. Fixes
  [pbauer] (#1005)

- Put back content type icons in the Add new... menu. This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#1009)

- Fix CSS issue on "Pattern options" tab in Resource Registries (padding-top of the tab content).
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#990)

- Fix some internationalization issues in structure pattern (folder_contents view): "Open", "Edit" and "Actions" tooltips are translated; all actions under "Actions" are translated; In filter menu the "No sorting" option of the sorting dropdown is translated.
  [erral] (#991)

- Fix regression for the disabled state of action buttons in folder contents
  and the Tools/Build CSS button in thememapper.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#996)

- Fix internationalization of "Filter" placeholder in selected items dialog.
  [vincentfretin] (#997)

- Fix filename overlapping the remove button in the Upload dialog.
  This fixes and
  [vincentfretin] (#1000)

- In mockup 3.2.0, the fix for 'folder contents "Configure display columns" dialog going under toolbar'
  introduced regression for Plone toolbar submenu and portal tabs subtrees.
  Revert the previous fix and use a new popover placement mode "bottom-right" for the "Configure display columns" popover.
  [vincentfretin] (#1002)

- Fix toolbar menus missing checkmark on some browsers
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#1003)

- TinyMCE: fix the position of menu dropdowns when in a modal (#867)

- pat-plone-modal: If we click on a pat-plone-modal link into a mockup modal, the page is not reloaded.
  This fixes
  [thomasdesvenain] (#884)

- tinymce pattern: Add missing translations by...
      - copying generateModalHtml function from master branch,
      - adding some backported xml changes from 71ddf6f387
      - adding 2 further translations (not yet in master)
  [djowett-ftw] (#910)

- copying generateModalHtml function from master branch,

- adding some backported xml changes from 71ddf6f387

- adding 2 further translations (not yet in master)

- Upgrade handlebars from 4.1.2 to 4.5.3 to avoid its vulnerabilies


  - (#931)


- (#931)

- Structure pattern: Escape special characters when filtering
  [frapell] (#932)

- pat-querystring: Fix path widget for old dashed UIDs (plone.uuid < 1.0.2)
  [laulaz] (#939)

- For the ``i18n-dump`` Grunt task, do not read files in directories except ``mockup`` and ``js``.
  [thet] (#943)

- TinyMCE pattern: add a random id to the passed in container_id: there might be more than one TinyMCE active in the DOM. Improves #920 which was a fix for positioning of sub-menus in a modal.
  [fredvd] (#945)

- Tinymce pattern: add tests for the tabs in template link.xml
  [batlock666] (#946)

- Make toolbar tab-navigable effectively hiding submenus
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#950)

- Add a label to the structure pattern serchbox
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#952)

- Structure pattern: add a title to the root item in the breadcrumb
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#955)

- add a label to the select all checkbox and to each of the items in the table to make the table more accessible
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#957)

- toolbar pattern: improve accessibility of up and down arrows
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#959)

- Reorder items to show popover just after their corresponding button to be able to tab-navigate to them
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#963)

- add missing title and aria-label attributes
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#965)

- Remove text from the pagination listing and fix styling
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#967)

- Close popovers when ESC is pushed
  [erral & ionlizarazu] (#968)

- pat-inlinevalidation: Fix bug where drop downs would not get validated
  [frapell] (#971)

- Set value for RelativeDateWidget on edit
  [petschki] (#982)

- Fix Upload tab in TinyMCE Image showing [object Object].
  Fix folder contents "Configure display column" dialog going under toolbar.
  [vincentfretin] (#986)

- Fix regression with moment date not localized. This closes
  [vincentfretin] (#987)

Plone: 5.2.1 → 5.2.2
New features:

- Release Plone 5.2.2 final

plone.alterego: 1.1.3 → 1.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

plone.api: 1.10.0 → 1.10.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Remove deprecation warnings [ale-rt] (#432)

- In tests, use stronger password.
  [maurits] (#436)

- Removed duplicate and failing inline doctest for content.find.
  [maurits] (#437) 2.0.3 → 2.0.6
New features:

- Remove Range from request if the If-Range condition is not fulfilled
  [mamico] (#58)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Purging image scales of behavior fields, e.g. lead image
  [ksuess] (#55) 3.7.4 → 3.8.6
New features:

- Switch the default index used for filtering in folder_contents from
  SearchableText to Title
  [frapell] (#189)

Bug fixes:

- Pass default_page_types to allow respecting default_pages_types.
  [pbauer] (#147)

- Pass messages to the translate function to get them translated for folder_contents view
  [erral] (#204)

- Expose pickadate configuration in folder_contents properties dialog to properly localize the date. This fixes
  [erral] (#206)

- Fix i18n of Save and Cancel buttons and the constrain types select values in the folder_constraintypes_form view.
  This closes
  [vincentfretin] (#202)

- Use new MetadataFields vocabulary from to get the translated columns in folder contents.
  The mime_type column is now properly internationalized as "MIME Type".
  [vincentfretin] (#203)

- Do not break with unknown MIME types [ale-rt] (#197)

- Require mock only on Python 2.7 [ale-rt] (#198)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Integrate Plone20200121 hotfix: prevent XSS in title.
  Part of
  [maurits] (#3021)

- Fix error when having non-ASCII characters in workflow state titles. [busykoala] (#191) 2.0.0 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548) 2.3.0 → 2.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Fix review state icon position in toolbar when the user doesn't have the permission to change the review state.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#29)

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1) 4.1.3 → 4.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.1.5 → 2.1.10
Bug fixes:

- Handle cases where the __parent__ of a discussion was not set to the migrated DX object.
  [pbauer] (#566)

- In the edge case where the meta_type could not be resolved assume is_folderish being false.
  [pbauer] (#567)

- Fixed problems in ``getMimeTypeIcon``.
  The contentType of the file was ignored, and icon paths could have a duplicate ``++resource++mimetype.icons/``.
  [maurits] (#569)

- Display the image size rounded with 1 decimal digit [ale-rt] (#554)

- Avoid doing the search twice in listings by reusing the batch variable.
  [vincentfretin] (#560)

- Internationalize selectable columns in collection and tabular view.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#559)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Integrate PloneHotFix20200121: add more permission checks.
  [maurits] (#3021)

- Add a guard in the template to allow the Document type not to have the RichText
  enforce the behavior enabled.
  [sneridagh] (#3047) 1.3.10 → 1.3.11
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.6.4 → 2.6.5
Bug fixes:

- Make sure getNextItem function returns None if position can not be looked up. [timo] (#308) 3.3.2 → 3.4.2
New features:

- Extended existing review workflow by stati ``rejected`` and ``spam``
  Moderation view extended to handle four workflow states.
  [ksuess and precious input of agitator] (#164)

Bug fixes:

- Close input tags properly in to avoid an error with i18ndude find-untranslated
  [vincentfretin] (#171)

- Reuse existing translation for the "Save" button in the Edit comment form.
  [vincentfretin] (#170)

- Fix tests failing for Plone 6, deprecate Plone 4 and older.
  [tschorr] (#168) 3.2.6 → 3.2.7
Bug fixes:

- Change markup for structured data schemas from ```` to ````.
  Because google supports only - based definitions
  [1letter] (#312) 1.3.0 → 1.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 3.0.5 → 3.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.1.3 → 1.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548) 3.3.13 → 3.3.14
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 3.4.0 → 3.4.4
Bug fixes:

- Translate title modal like the "Log in" modal.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#241)

- Restore selectedTabs code that was removed in 3.4.1 to prevent breaking changes inside a minor Plone release. Plone doesn't use this code anymore, but third party addons may use it. (#239)

- Make navtree more robust against empty title or name, do not fail but fall back to id.
  [jensens] (#237)

- Analytics viewlet: make webstats_js a property, so that it does not rely on an a call to the update method to be correctly evaluated [ale-rt] (#227)

- Code formating according to Plone standards (black, isort).
  [thet] (#230)

- Remove selectedTabs and update method from GlobalSectionsViewlet as both are now unused.
  [thet] (#231)

- Remove deprecation warnings [ale-rt] (#233)

- Integrate Plone20200121 hotfix: prevent XSS in title.
  Part of
  [maurits] (#3021) 3.3.12 → 3.3.13
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 5.1.21 → 5.1.24
- For French and Catalan, fix mailtemplate_username_info translation that
  triggered an error when sending the mail.
  This fixes

- Update Spanish and Basque translations.

- Remove use of html tag in info_empty_dashboard.
  This fixes

- Update Norwegian translations.

- Fix French date and hours format for the pickadate widget.

- Update german wording and be polite.

- Update French, German, Spanish, Basque translations.

- Update Italian translations
  [ale-rt, arsenico13, cekk, pnicolli]

- Complete Spanish translation for widgets.po

- Basque translations for widgets.po

- Fix typos in French translations.

- Fixed possible package install error with Python 3.6 when no system locale is set.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.

- German translations for widgets.po.

- Synchronize with latest mockup.

- Structure pattern: Change message from misleading "Cannot order items while querying" to "Drag and drop reordering is disabled while filters are applied.".
  [thet] 1.0.6 → 1.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 5.5.0 → 5.6.1
New features:

- Inherit IPloneAppMultilingualInstalled layer from IPloneFormLayer for better
  LIF widget overriding.
  [petschki] (#371)

Bug fixes:

- Hide left and right portlet columns on babel add view. Fixes #373 [iham] (#373)

- Move metadata to setup.cfg in order to avoid encoding problems in CHANGES.rst running Plone 6.0 on Python 3.6, see #372.
  [jensens] (#372)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 4.4.4 → 4.4.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.4.12 → 1.4.14
Bug fixes:

- Fixing issue #97: Multiple path support for Translation Groups, using PATH_INDICES as suggested by jensens (#97)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.1.1 → 2.2.1
New features:

- The http status of the response is changed from 301 (Moved Permanently) to 302 (Found) for GET requests and to 307 (Temporary Redirect) for other request methods because nothing prevents the URL to be reused in the future. [ale-rt] (#8)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.7.5 → 1.7.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 6.1.3 → 6.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix a test isolation issue that was preventing the MOCK_MAILHOST_FIXTURE to be used in multiple testcases [ale-rt] (#61)

- MockMailHostLayer configures the mail sender setting the appropriate registry records (Fixes #62) (#62)

- Fix tests when using zope.testrunner internals since its version 5.1.
  [jensens] (#68)

- Do not load Products/ZCML of no longer existing Products.ResourceRegistries.
  [jensens] (#69) 1.3.2 → 1.3.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Black-en & isort code.
  [thet] (#39) 4.0.4 → 4.1.4
New features:

- Insert diazo bundle without rules.
  [santonelli] (#176)

- Add custom CSS settings and view to theming control panel.
  Depends on
  [MrTango] (#178)

Bug fixes:

- Fix a missing import [ale-rt] (#188)

- Fixes #187: Invalid dependency on
  [jensens] (#187)

- Cleanup: Remove meanwhile unused test fixture code refering to ````.
  Removed class and fixtures: ``ThemingWithCaching``, ``THEMINGWITHCACHING_FIXTURE``, ``THEMINGWITHCACHING_TESTING``.
  Those were nowhere used active in Plone nor outside in Github.
  [jensens] (#188)

- Internationalize the Custom CSS placeholder.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#186)

- Fix i18n of new messages related to new Custom CSS feature.
  [vincentfretin] (#185)

- Fix error on Python 3 with nonascii subrequest.
  The subrequest would succeed, but the non-ascii would be ugly.
  Fixes `issue 3069 <>`_ and `issue 162 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#162)

- Make it possible to preview themes TTW again.
  [petri] (#173)

- Fix hostnameBlacklist (Theming ControlPanel) in Py3. [MrTango] (#179)

- Fix various ``WrongType`` exceptions when saving the control panel.
  This was introduced by the ``processInputs`` change in version 4.0.5.
  See `issue 183 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#183)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Do not call ``processInputs``.
  It is not needed since Zope 4, and not existing in Zope 5.
  [maurits] (#171) 2.0.31 → 2.0.34
New features:

- Add upgrade step for Plone 5.2.2.

  Image caption support
  Allow ``figcaption`` in rich text editor as a valid tag.
  Add registry setting for plone.image_caption outputfilter transform.
  [thet] (#209)

- Add upgrade step to migrate markdown tranform settings to markup control panel.
  [thomasmassmann] (#228)

- Add upgrade profiles for v60, including a upgrade step for #3086 (custom.css view)
  [MrTango] (#3086)

Bug fixes:

- Plone 5.1.7: Update resource registry ``last_compilation`` date.
  [vincentfretin] (#236)

- Fix UnicodeDecodeError in move_dotted_to_named_behaviors when migrating behaviors for content_types where the fti has a special character.
  [pbauer] (#235)

- Fix problem in step to 5.2 beta 1 `remove_interface_indexes_from_relations_catalog`.
  While upgrading the relation-catalog in some real world databases some of the iterated tokens are orphaned.
  Remove them to have a clean relation-catalog afterwards and log a warning.
  [jensens] (#225)

- add upgrade steps for HTMLFilter defaults.
  [petschki] (#233) 2.6.2 → 2.6.5
New features:

- Doctest markup generalization
  [petschki] (#92)

Bug fixes:

- Remove unneeded arrow next to Site Setup button in "Edit Member Form Fields" controlpanel.
  [vincentfretin] (#93)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 2.0.0 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix use case where UID to object is failing.
  [rodfersou] (#8)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548) 3.1.0 → 3.1.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 4.1.1 → 4.2.0
New features:

- Add new vocabulary.
  [vincentfretin] (#62)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 3.0.3 → 3.0.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 4.0.1 → 4.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 3.1.3 → 3.2.1
New features:

- Add display template for RelatedItemsWidget. No longer only render uuids.
  [pbauer] (#111)

Bug fixes:

- Fix message type like Error not translated in add form.
  This closes
  [vincentfretin] (#115)

plone.autoform: 1.8.1 → 1.9.0
New features:

- Support for zope.interface 5.
  [jensens] (#39)

Bug fixes:

- Decrease the loglevel of "Field move to non-existing: ..." (#21)

plone.batching: 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.behavior: 1.3.0 → 1.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Improved documentation. [jensens] (#0)

plone.browserlayer: 2.2.2 → 2.2.3
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.cachepurging: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.caching: 1.2.1 → 1.2.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.contentrules: 2.0.9 → 2.0.10
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.dexterity: 2.9.5 → 2.9.7
Bug fixes:

- Update tests for Zope 4.2.1. [jensens] (#421)

- Fixed package install error with Python 3.6 without system locale.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#642)

plone.event: 1.4.0 → 1.4.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.folder: 3.0.1 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Micro-optimization of often called loop in moveObjectsByDelta.
  ``x in y`` is up to 1000 times faster if y is a set and not a list.
  [jensens] (#15)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.formwidget.namedfile: 2.0.10 → 2.1.0
New features:

- Range support (
  [mamico] (#44)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.formwidget.recurrence: 2.1.3 → 2.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.i18n: 4.0.5 → 4.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.indexer: 1.0.6 → 1.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.intelligenttext: 3.0.0 → 3.1.0
New features:

- Drop Python 2.6 support from tests.
  Start testing on 3.7 and 3.8.
  [maurits] (#9)

plone.keyring: 3.1.1 → 3.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.locking: 2.2.3 → 2.2.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.memoize: 2.0.1 → 2.1.0
New features:

- Drop 3.4 support, add 3.7, 3.8, PyPy, PyPy3 support.
  [maurits] (#16)

- Use the zope global request if available as a fallback if the context does not have it [ale-rt] (#17)

Bug fixes:

- Make code black [ale-rt] (#17)

- Improve speed when getting resources from the cache [ale-rt] (#19)

- Remove ````. If you use buildout, use virtualenv and pip install zc.buildout instead.
  Add [isort] and [flake8] config sections into setup.cfg.
  Sort all imports in Python files.
  [thet] (#21)

plone.namedfile: 5.2.1 → 5.4.0
New features:

- - Range support (
    [mamico] (#86)

- Range support (
  [mamico] (#86)

- Change to use field value _p_mtime instead of context object _p_mtime as image scale invalidation timestamp to fix issue where context object (e.g. a document with lead image) modification invalidated all its image field scales even the images itself were not modified. [datakurre] (#91)

Bug fixes:

- Fix image scaling to re-use the original image when scaling is not required to allow Plone REST API to use cacheable scale URL for the original image without performance penalty [datakurre] (#92)

- Close BlobFile in DefaultImageScalingFactory. [timo] (#89)

- Implement the handling of SVG files before passing it to Pillow, fixes #3063
  [sneridagh] (#3063)

plone.outputfilters: 3.1.2 → 4.0.1
Breaking changes:

- Change the image caption template to use ``<figure>`` and ``<figcaption>``.

New features:

- Add an ``ImageCaptioningEnabler`` utility which can be enabled via the portal registry setting ``plone.image_captioning``.

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fixed possible package install error with Python 3.6 when no system locale is set.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.

plone.portlet.collection: 3.3.2 → 3.3.3
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.portlet.static: 3.1.3 → 3.1.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.portlets: 2.3.1 → 2.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.protect: 4.1.3 → 4.1.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Remove deprecation warnings (#90)

plone.registry: 1.1.5 → 1.1.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.reload: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates.

plone.resource: 2.1.1 → 2.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.6.0 → 1.6.1
Bug fixes:

- CORS preflight should happen for all error codes, fixes #101
  [sneridagh] (#101)

plone.restapi: 6.1.0 → 6.13.7
New features:

- Expose author_image in comments endpoint [timo] (#948)

- Add database endpoint [timo] (#941)

- Add type-schema adapters for: Email, URI and Password
  [avoinea] (#926)

- Add system endpoint. [timo] (#736)

- Add endpoints for managing addons. [esteele] (#733)

- Managing Dexterity Type Creation (CRUD) via plone.restapi
  [avoinea] (#534)

- Make @querystring-search endpoint context aware
  [sneridagh] (#911)

- Add next_item and previous_item attributes to allow to navigate to the previous and next sibling in the container the document is located.
  [rodfersou] (#900)

- Link translation on content creation feature and new @translation-locator endpoint
  [sneridagh] (#887)

- Add targetUrl to the dxcontent serializer for primary file fields to be able to download a file directly.
  [csenger] (#886)

- Allow using object paths and UIDs to link translations
  [erral] (#645)

- Make ?fullobjects work in AT Collections to get the full JSON representation of the items
  [erral] (#698)

- Make ?fullobjects work in Dexterity Collections to get the full JSON representation of the items
  [erral] (#848)

Bug fixes:

- - Add a Decimal() converter
    [fulv] (#963)

- Add a Decimal() converter
  [fulv] (#963)

- Fix Plone 5.2.x deprecation message 'ILanguageSchema is deprecated'.
  [timo] (#975)

- Do not hardcode the port in tests because it may depend on environment variables [ale-rt] (#978)

- Remove the use of plone.api in upgrade code
  [erral] (#917)

- Re-add test folder to the release (ignore the tests/images folder though). [timo] (#968)

- Take the `include_items` parameter into account in `SerializeCollectionToJson`. [gbastien] (#957)

- Include permissions.zcml in database service to avoid ConfigurationExecutionError regarding '' permission while starting Plone 4.3.x [gbastien] (#956)

- PATCH (editing) in @user endpoint now is able to remove existing values using null
  [sneridagh] (#946)

- Fixed @translations endpoint to only retrieve the translations that the current user
  can really access using ``get_restricted_translations`` instead. This fixes the use
  case where an user with no permissions on a translation accessing the endpoint returned
  a 401.
  [sneridagh] (#937)

- Treat next/prev items for unordered folders.
  [rodfersou] (#928)

- Fix sphinxbuilder with Python 3.8
  [avoinea] (#905)

- call unescape method on received html for richtext before save it in Plone.
  [cekk] (#913)

- Small fix in IBlocks test, addedd a missing assert call
  [tiberiuichim] (#914)

- Fix for the use case while updating user properties in the @user endpoint, and the
  portrait is already previously set but the request includes the (previously) serialized
  value as a string because the user are not updating it
  [sneridagh] (#896)

- Fix deleting user portrait.
  [buchi] (#751)

- Make discussion endpoint return content that is deserialized via portal transforms (e.g. 'text/x-web-intelligent') [timo] (#889)

- Fixed package install error with Python 3.6 without locale.
  See `coredev issue 642 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#642)

- extends the review workflow for moderation of comments. This change takes the additional workflow states into account.
  [ksuess] (#842)

- Add a catalog serializer guard when returning fullobjects in case the object doesn't
  exist anymore because for some reason it failed to uncatalog itself.
  [sneridagh] (#877)

- Use longer password in tests. [maurits] (#3044)

- fullobjects qs is missing in response batch links in batching operations
  [sneridagh] (#868)

- Return proper None instead of string "None" on the choice schema serializer [sneridagh] (#863)

- Degrade gracefully when a term set in a content field does not exists in the assigned vocabulary [sneridagh] (#856)

- Sharing POST: Limit roles to ones the user is allowed to delegate.
  [lgraf] (#857)

- Fix WorkflowException for related items with no review_state.
  [arsenico13] (#376)

plone.resourceeditor: 3.0.0 → 3.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Do not call ``processInputs``.
  It is not needed since Zope 4, and not existing in Zope 5.
  [maurits] (#26)

plone.rfc822: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.scale: 3.0.3 → 3.1.1
New features:

- The ``mode`` argument replaces the old, now deprecated, ``direction`` argument.
  The new names are ``contain`` or ``scale-crop-to-fit`` instead of ``down``,
  ``cover`` or ``scale-crop-to-fill`` instead of ``up``
  and ``scale`` instead of ``thumbnail``.
  [fschulze] (#29)

- Added ``calculate_scaled_dimensions`` function to calculate sizes from bare values without actually scaling an image.

  Added ``MAX_PIXELS`` constant set to ``8192*8192`` to prevent memory overflow while scaling.
  [fschulze] (#37)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix documentation of scaling modes to match it's behavior.
  [thet] (#39)

plone.schema: 1.2.0 → 1.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix JSONField with default values saved to `model_source` XML
  [avoinea] (#7)

- Initialize towncrier.
  [gforcada] (#2548)

plone.schemaeditor: 2.1.0 → 3.0.1
Breaking changes:

- Remove backward compatibility with old collective.z3cform.datetimewidget from Plone 4.3 times. [jensens] (#74)

Bug fixes:

- Fix `Fields` vocabulary via RestAPI [avoinea] (#76)

- Use the shared 'Plone test setup' and 'Plone test teardown' keywords in Robot tests.
  [Rotonen] (#66)

- Fix broken import from ````.
  This make it work with ``zope.interface`` > 5 [jensens] (#74)

- Support zope.interface >= 5. [jensens] (#75)

plone.session: 3.7.3 → 3.7.5
Bug fixes:

- Fix hard dependency indirection with Products.CMFPlone (plone.session must not import from it).
  [jensens] (#20)

- Only setup a session when the current user is the requested user.
  [maurits] (#57)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.staticresources: 1.2.1 → 1.3.2
New features:

- Add figcaption support -
  [thet] (#30)

- Register icon resources & add bootstrap-icons
  [agitator] (#75)

- Adapt ``pat-plone-modal`` and ``pat-inlinevalidation`` to work with barceloneta LTS.
  Add missing ``plone.svg`` icon.
  [petschki, agitator] (#76)

- Update static resources.
  [thet] (#82)

Bug fixes:

- Update static resources.
  [pbauer] (#94)

- Fix content type icons not showing in the toolbar Add menu on Safari.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#95)

- Update static resources. Now in line with mockup 3.2.1.
  [vincentfretin] (#91)

- Fix buildout and use latest Plone 5.2.
  [thet] (#51)

- Fix missing styles in plone-datatables bundle.
  [agitator] (#62)

- Upgrade resources with latest mockup.
  [thet] (#64)

- Move ``metadata.xml`` from async/registry profile directory to correct location. (#65)

- Add jQuery workaround for XSS vulnerability -
  [frapell] (#69)

- Fix ``pat-querystring`` to set value of RelativeDateWidget correctly when editing
  [petschki] (#78)

- Hide upgrade profile
  [petschki] (#83)

- fix syntax in `upgrades/profiles/8/registry.xml`
  [petschki] (#85)

plone.stringinterp: 1.3.1 → 1.3.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.subrequest: 1.9.1 → 1.9.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.supermodel: 1.5.0 → 1.6.2
New features:

- zope.interface master, upcoming v5.0, initializes ``_v_attrs`` with ``None`` to save memory and creates the dict upon first usage.
  So we need to do so in order to support the new version. (#33)

- Support for zope.interface 4.7+ [jensens] (#34)

Bug fixes:

- Decimal field moved in zope.schema, do not depend on specific dotted name in test b/c it does not matter.
  [jensens] (#37)

- Fix a deprecation warning on a regular expression [ale-rt] (#38)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.synchronize: 1.0.3 → 1.0.4
New features:

- Drop Python 2.6 support.
  Support 2.7, 3.5-3.8, PyPy2/3.
  Added tox for local testing.
  [maurits] (#2)

plone.testing: 7.0.3 → 8.0.1
Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.4 and 3.5.
  Remove "z2" extra.
  [jensens] (#72)

New features:

- Update links for further information about `testing`.
  [jugmac00] (#71)

Bug fixes:

- fix broken Flake8 job (#74)

- Fix tests when using zope.testrunner internals since its version 5.1.
  [jensens] (#72)

plone.theme: 3.0.6 → 3.0.7
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.transformchain: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.uuid: 1.0.5 → 1.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plone.z3cform: 1.1.1 → 1.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Copy the HTTPRequest._decode from Zope4 because it is going away in Zope5 (#13)

- Buttons in crud-table should be list items.
  [erral] (#9)

plonetheme.barceloneta: 2.1.6 → 2.1.9
Bug fixes:

- The active autotab is clearly visually distinguishable again. (#210)

- Show horizontal scrollbar in Users and Groups controlpanel only if needed.
  This fixes
  [vincentfretin] (#154)

- Fix checkbox and label alignment on the searchbox.
  [vincentfretin] (#202)

- Fix File icon missing on folder_factories view (from toolbar: Add new... -> More...).
  [vincentfretin] (#203)

- Fix generation of source map links when using grunt.
  Make input color darker to better distinguish from placeholder text.
  [thet] (#207)

- Commented out ``<after css:theme-children="head" css:content="head script" />`` in ``backend.xml`` that caused the scripts being pulled twice,
  in case that you are using it to style backend views.
  You should only use this rule once in your ruleset.
  Using it twice cause leads to JS errors and patterns initialition failures.
  This fixes `issue 158 <>`_.
  [sneridagh] (#159)

Products.CMFCore: 2.4.2 → 2.4.8
- Fix an issue with the indexing queue where an UNINDEX followed by REINDEX was
  wrongly optimized to UNINDEX instead of REINDEX.
  (`#96 <>`_)

- Change the default value of uid to None on CMFCatalogAware's reindexObject method (`#87 <>`_)

- Redid most filesystem content type ZMI Customize views.

- Fix tests to be able to run on Zope 4.3.

- Fix not declared dependency on ``Products.DCWorkflow`` in `subscribers.zcml`.

- Remove Zope Help System fossils so this products is compatible with Zope 5

- Fix encoding detection for XML files.
  (`#85 <>`_)

Products.CMFDiffTool: 3.3.0 → 3.3.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI: 6.0.2 → 6.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.CMFEditions: 3.3.3 → 3.3.4
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.CMFFormController: 4.1.0 → 4.1.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fixed AttributeError: 'dict_keys' object has no attribute 'sort' on Python 3.
  [maurits] (#21)

- Fixed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'App.class_init' on Zope 5.
  [maurits] (#22)

Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow: 2.0.0 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fixed ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'App.class_init' in Zope 5.
  [maurits] (#31)

Products.CMFPlone: 5.2.1 → 5.2.2
New features:

- Image caption support
  Allow ``figcaption`` in rich text editor as a valid tag.
  Add registry setting for plone.image_caption outputfilter transform.
  [thet] (#2887)

- Add markdown extension settings to markup control panel.
  [thomasmassmann] (#3076)

- Insert virtual custom.css bundle into the header after diazo bundle.
  Only add this when custom css is set in the theming control panel.
  [MrTango] (#3086)

Bug fixes:

- Release Plone 5.2.2 final.
  No changes with last release candidate, except that the versions will contain Products.isurlinportal 1.1.0 with a minor security hardening fix.
  [maurits] (#3510)

- Return a Zope aware engine for page templates based on ``zope.pagetemplate`` instead of ``Products.PageTemplates``.
  Fixes possible problems with such templates, for example z3c.form ones, with Zope 4.4 and higher.
  See `issue 3141 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3141)

- Depend on new package ``Products.isurlinportal``.
  This contains the ``isURLInPortal`` method that was split off from our ``URLTool``.
  See `issue 3150 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3150)

- Redirection view: refactor our navigation root editing to a separate method ``edit_for_navigation_root``.
  Since Plone 5.2 the redirectiontool respects INavigationroot:
  with a manual redirect you cannot enter a path starting with ``/`` which 'escapes' the NavigationRoot to the SiteRoot to link to another part of the Plone instance.
  This refactor makes it possible to override this method to return the redirection unchanged, brining back the pre Plone 5.2 behavior of the ``Products.RedirectionTool`` add-on.
  [maurits] (#3153)

- Control panel configlets: first check visibility, then check condition.
  Visibility is cheaper to check.
  Also fixes `bug 3154 <>`_.
  [maurits] (#3154)

- Fix an issue in in the message showing the ip to really try the request.REMOTE_ADDR variable if request.HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR is empty (when you're not behind apache or nginx).
  [vincentfretin] (#2949)

- mail_password form: Do not crash if the userid is not provided or the user doesn't have an email configured
  [frapell] (#3008)

- Change control panel item sorting and sort them by title
  [erral] (#721)

- Update HTMLFilter settings to enable TinyMCE styling features. See #2329, #2482, #2535
  [petschki] (#2482)

- If 'tinymce-content-css' option is missing in themes manifest.cfg prevent unnecessary loading of a css at nav_root_url while editing a page. [krissik] (#2861)

- Redirect (when possible) also ajax requests and do not return an unuseful body
  [ale-rt] (#3014)

- Merge Hotfix20200121 Check of the strength of password could be skipped. (#3021)

- Merge Hotfix20200121: isURLInPortal could be tricked into accepting malicious links. (#3021)

- Improve tests for the workflow tool method listWFStatesByTitle (#3032)

- Fix index_html on PortalRoot: ReplaceableWrapper did not work.
  [jensens] (#3060)

- Allow accessing ``plone_view.patterns_settings``.
  This was no problem until now, but a newer ``Zope/zope.tales/Chameleon`` is rightly stricter.
  [maurits] (#3066)

- Fix Python 3.8 ``time.clock`` removal in CatalogTool [jensens] (#3082)

- Fixed TypeError when adding both a group and a user to a group.
  [maurits] (#3084)

- Make the resource registry scripts output more robust when a bundle resource is missing. This prevents
  breaking your whole Plone site and access to the resource registry control panel after inserting
  one missing resource.
  [fredvd] (#3096)

- Bugfix for #3103
  [petschki] (#3105)

- Fixed saving ignored exception types in Python 3. [maurits] (#3115)

Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool: 4.0.1 → 4.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fix failing test.
  [tschorr] (#23)

Products.CMFUid: 3.0.1 → 3.0.2
- Clean up and sanitize package and tests configurations

- Remove DeprecationWarning: "InitializeClass is deprecated.
  Please import from AccessControl.class_init."
  Works now with Zope 5

Products.contentmigration: 2.2.0 → 2.2.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.DCWorkflow: 2.4.0 → 2.4.1
- Added compatibility with Zope 5 by not registering for the help system.

Products.ExtendedPathIndex: 3.4.2 → 4.0.0
Breaking changes:

- Drop compatibility for ZCatalog < 4 [jensens] (#15)

Bug fixes:

- Fix IRO of EPI. [jensens] (#15)

Products.GenericSetup: 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
- Remove Zope 2.13 fossils to stay compatible with Zope 5

- Force saving unpersisted changes in toolset registry.
  Fixes `issue 86 <>`_.

Products.MimetypesRegistry: 2.1.5 → 2.1.7
Bug fixes:

- Fixed SyntaxWarning ("is" vs. "=="). [ajung] (#1)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.PloneLanguageTool: 3.2.9 → 3.2.10
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.PlonePAS: 6.0.5 → 6.0.6
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.PluggableAuthService: 2.2.1 → 2.4.0

Products.PortalTransforms: 3.1.7 → 3.1.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Use markdown extension settings from markup control panel.
  [pabo3000, thomasmassmann] (#30)

Products.SiteErrorLog: 5.3 → 5.4
- Log transient errors that can be re-tried as INFO only
  (`#21 <>`_)

Products.statusmessages: 5.0.4 → 5.0.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.validation: 2.1.1 → 2.1.3
Bug fixes:

- Fixes #6 long deprecated InitializeClass import which did not work in Zope 5.
  [jensens] (#6)

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

Products.ZopeVersionControl: 1.1.4 → 2.0.0
Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.4.

New features:

- Add support for Python 3.7 and 3.8.

Bug fixes:

- Added compatibility with Zope 5 by not registering for the help system.

- Fix for retaining order of ordered folders upon cloning.

- Fix for data error encountered when dealing with data imported by ZEXP import/export from another system.

- Fix for string formatting error in ````.

Products.ZSQLMethods: 3.0.9 → 3.9

z3c.autoinclude: 0.3.9 → 0.4.0
Breaking changes:

- Drop support for Python 3.4.

New features:

- When environment variable ``Z3C_AUTOINCLUDE_DEBUG`` is set,
  log which packages are being automatically included.
  Do this in a form that you can copy to a ``configure.zcml`` file.

- Add support for Python 3.8.

zodbverify: 1.0.2 → 1.1.0
New features:

- Show the affected oids for each error.
  Inspect a single oid.
  The idea is to run zodbverify on the whole database and from the output copy one oid and run it again to further inspect that object.
  [pbauer] (#6)

Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

plonetheme.sunburst: 1.5.4 → 1.5.5
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

collective.z3cform.datagridfield: 1.5.2 → 1.5.3

collective.z3cform.datetimewidget: 1.2.8 → 1.2.9
------------------------------------------------ 1.2.1 → 1.2.2
------------------------------------- 2.0.1 → 2.0.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 1.3.8 → 1.4.1
New features:

- Change to use Python's built-in `filecmp.cmp(shallow=False)` to compare blobs for differences instead of the old method of comparing them line by line. [datakurre] (#50)

Bug fixes:

- Avoid traceback when transforming links on content type with no primary field
  [laulaz] (#51)

- Update the documentation that was pointing to the obsolete @@types-controlpanel (it is @@content-controlpanel instead) (#33)

plone.formwidget.autocomplete: 1.3.0 → 1.4.0

Products.PrintingMailHost: 1.1.2 → 1.1.4
---------------------------------------- 2.2.1 → 2.2.3
------------------------------- 3.1.2 → 3.1.3

plone.tiles: 2.2.1 → 2.2.2
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

- Fixed tests on Travis.
  [maurits] (#33)

plone.jsonserializer: 0.9.7 → 0.9.10
------------------------------------ 4.0.0 → 4.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

archetypes.referencebrowserwidget: 2.5.10 → 2.5.11
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

archetypes.schemaextender: 3.0.0 → 3.0.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1) 1.8.0 → 1.8.1
Bug fixes:

- Support Zope 4.2.1 [jensens] (#53) 1.2.7 → 1.2.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. [various] (#1)

Products.Archetypes: 1.16.1 → 1.16.2
Bug fixes:

- Use manage_FTPget instead of manage_DAVget in marshall tests.
  Adds compatibility with Zope 4.3.
  [maurits] (#644)

Products.ATContentTypes: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3
Bug fixes:

- Updated tests to work on Zope 4.2.1/4.2. [maurits] (#644)

Products.Marshall: 2.4.0 → 2.4.1
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1) 0.7.7 → 0.7.8
Bug fixes:

- Minor packaging updates. (#1)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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Everyone can see this information.