0.2.0 Release

Written for ppa-dev-tools by Bryce Harrington on 2022-09-16

This release adds a new 'tests' command that lists any pending or
waiting test runs against the PPA at autopackage.canonical.com. This
functionality is integrated from Christian Ehrhardt's `lp-test-ppa`
tool[1], coupled with new test cases, code documentation, and
pylint/flake style improvements. The new command is run like this:

    $ ppa tests ppa:my-name/my-ppa

The second major focus for this release was to refine and solidify the
packaging and installation process. In addition to PyPI, this will be
packaged as a snap and as a debian package via PPA (of course!)

1: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+git/ubuntu-helpers/tree/cpaelzer/lp-test-ppa

Updated .

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