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0.2 release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

The 0.2 release is a marked improvement over the original, with numerous bug fixes, some performance enhancements, and a slightly modified design that now allows one to choose from interfacing to different threading systems: Pthreads, Converse, or "null".



        - renamed manager.c to X_manager.c, where X is the name of the

 - user now can choose from several interfaces for how the
          local thread data should be handled

 - added support for interfacing to the Pthreads library

 - added support for a "null" interface for testign purposes


        - modified build file to compile with the -O2 flag

 - Privateer now supports multi-threading

 - Privateer uses the stream fusion library now, which should
          hopefully improve the performance of list processing


        - It turns out that some software packages supply a "-g3" flag
          to the preprocessor, which causes it to leave behind
          #defines and #undefs rather than stripping them from the
          output. Privateer now handles this case correctly by
          stripping out all lines that begin with a # before parsing
          the input.

 - global arrays are now correctly handled; they are a special
          case where the accessor function returns the value of the
          variable itself rather than a pointer to it, as this value
          is already a pointer to the actual data that the user wants
          to access
   (NOTE: This need for a special case comes from the fact
          that C conflates arrays and pointers.)

 - finalizeType now correctly recursively descends into
          structured types

 - enumeration initializers are now converted to integers,
          rather than being left as references to named constants
          which don't exist in X_manager.c

File Description Downloads
download icon CHANGELOG (md5) Change log 9
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
download icon INSTALL (md5) Instructions for installing Privateer 9
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
download icon README (md5) Instructions for using Privateer 12
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
download icon privateer-0.2.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source files 13
last downloaded 53 weeks ago
download icon privateer-0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source files 17
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 60

0.1 release from the 0.1 series released

Release information
Release notes:

After extensive testing, Privateer has been released for experimental use.

File Description Downloads
download icon README (md5) README file 7
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
download icon INSTALL (md5) Installation instructions 8
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
download icon privateer-0.1.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) Source distribution 12
last downloaded 53 weeks ago
download icon privateer-0.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) Source distribution 16
last downloaded 49 weeks ago
Total downloads: 43