Blueprint dependency tree

This is the sequence in which blueprints related to this one must be implemented.

Blueprints that must be implemented first

None - this blueprint does not depend on any others.

This blueprint

Adding gnupg signatures to bzr revisions (Robert Collins)
Definition status: Approved, Priority: Low, Delivery: Implemented in Bazaar.
Needs guidance.
We wish to add the Arch feature of gpg-signed commits. These serve as protection against accidental or malicious corruption of an archive, by testifying that a revision was actually created by the person who claims to have created it. Web Page. there is a partial implementation in mainline
Sprints: ubz

Blueprints that can then be implemented

How to move canonical over to using bazaar-ng (Robert Collins)
Definition status: Approved, Priority: Essential, Delivery: Implemented in Bazaar.

Canonical is currently preparing to switch its internal development into bzr. This page is about this dogfooding process, our requirements and the current status of this project. We're making this public so that interested folk in the community can both contribute to, and gain from, the lessons and tools we use. Web Page. We should check that everything is copacetic with the launchpad team for committing to rocketfuel via bzr so that the code week does not hit roadblocks.
Sprints: ubz