pyax v0.9.5

* Target Apex API 12 endpoint
* Allow calling Apex code web services
* release files offered for the first time via Launchpad.

NOTE: Critical error in upsert call. Please use version v0.9.6 instead which is completely compatible

Milestone information

pyax Developers
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Release notes 

New Features:
* Target Apex API 12 endpoint
* Added search method
* Added undelete method
* Added queryAll method
* Added Apex class with ability to call Apex code web services (initial release - consider experimental)
* Explicit support for salesforce API security token

Bug Fixes
* #217958: create procedure fails if any new object fields specified have a value of "None"
* #148125: override odict.items() in pyax.sobject.batch to allow pprint to work


View the full changelog

v0.9.5 2008-05-02
* Upgraded release branch bzr format to allow tagging
* Added ReleaseNotes.txt - tried to include a little history as well
* switch to setuptools for egg creation (bug #224280)
* Use date14 as a serial in the version of
* removed TODO file as pertinent info has been moved into launchpad bugs
* pep8 cleanup of odict
* override odict.items() in pyax.sobject.batch to allow pprint (bug #148125)
  - add new test case to query_test to ensure that pprint works on batches
* Added search method to connection (bug #225344)
  - add necessary classes and methods to beatbox
  - create batchdict class with additional property that sums each batch for a total count
* removed tests/ - now included in
* Explicit support for salesforce API security token (bug #224405)
* Added initial support for calling Apex web services (bug #222186)
  - Rework beatbox to support this alternate kind of call on related endpoint
  - tests for basic Apex web service calls against provided apex class
* Added queryAll call (bug #224330)
  - expanded query_test to test queryAll
* Added undelete call (bug #224331)
  - added delete_test to explicitly test delete and undelete
* Fix for bug #217954 : update to API version 12.0
* fix for bug #217958: create procedure fails if any new object fields specified have a value of "None"

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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