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pygcstats 0.7.1 - official release

Written for pygcstats by Jochen Schnelle on 2014-02-16

The latest version of pygcstats is release, version count 0.7.1.
This is the first "official" release for pygcstats 0.7.x Although 0.7.0 is available for download since a few weeks - without the full documentation ready - 0.7.1 is considered the first "official" release with fully updated documentation as well as update webpage.

The main change pygcstats 0.7.x is the completely updated template system, which allows individual and language-agnostic templates easily.

Updated .

Second updated release of pygcstats 0.6

Written for pygcstats by Jochen Schnelle on 2013-05-28

The second update for pygcstats 0.6 was release, so version count is now at 0.6.2.
Main change is that the custom search functionality via the HTML UI is now available fully in German language, too.
There are no new functions on the statistics itself, nor any changes on the english custom search UI.

updated release of pygcstats 0.6

Written for pygcstats by Jochen Schnelle on 2013-05-04

An updated version of pygcstats was just released, thus version count is now at 0.6.1. The release was made for the Python3 port as well.
For version 0.6.1, there are not ground breaking changes, just a few minor news and fixes.

Change log is as follows:

new: added longest consecutive period with finds to date statistics (when in verbose mode)
fix: Badgegen Earthcache badge is now shown as well
fix: remove unnecessary white-space in the english type-container template
chg: save full date + time in data base (instead of date only)

There are no changes to the user-interface and the options on the command-line, thus you can use pygcstats like previously.

0.6.1 does not require any changes to the documentation, thus docs 0.6 are still the latest and up-to-date version.

new release: pygcstats 0.6

Written for pygcstats by Jochen Schnelle on 2013-03-26

A new version of pygcstats is released, version 0.6. Novelties are:
* pygcstats now supports more types of awards and badges
* HTML UI is now (partially) available in German language
* result table of the custom search is now sortable by any column
Documentation is up-to-date as well.
As usual, the Python 2.7 version as well as the Python 3 port are released in parallel.

Version 0.5 released

Written for pygcstats by Jochen Schnelle on 2013-02-28

Version 0.5 of pygcstats is out! There are two major novelties: First, the statistics have now an option to include states of countries to the output. This works on the command-line as well as on the HTML UI. Second, the custom search via the HTML UI was extended. It's now possible to search caches by their difficulty and terrain rating.

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