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Comfortable Support for Tags in Profiles

Written for PyLittleCMS by Guy K. Kloss on 2009-12-03

I have just finished some major overhaul of the handling of tags in my Python bindings. They've been equipped with a much more Pythonic API. It is now also easily possible to retrieve a dictionary on a profile containing all (most?) embedded tags, as far as they're accessible through the LCMS 1.x C API. The objects in the dictionary are indexed by the tag signature index, and the corresponding values adhere to an object inheriting from an abstract Tag class. When reading the "tags" attribute on a profile all tags are read and
dumped into this for maximum ease of usability. A sample on how to access tag information is also enclosed.

PyLittleCMS for LCMS 1.18

Written for PyLittleCMS by Guy K. Kloss on 2009-04-12

The previous 1.17 bindings have been tested for the new 1.18 release of LCMS, and they work without a change. Documentation for that has been updated for PyLittleCMS version 0.5.1.

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